Lost Planet Demo


Limp Gawd
Dec 11, 2004
Anyone else manage to pull this down and check it out? It hadn't really caught my eye, but I downloaded it and played it on a whim and I think it's pretty friggin' sweet! :eek:

It is a good time to be an X360 owner! I honestly think Microsoft is stealing the show at E3, as they have definately made me more enthusiastic, if that was possible. This syncronizing Xboxlive with the events of E3 is just amazing marketing strategy.
I haven't been following Lost Planet all that much, so I don't really know if there was much hype surrounding it or not, but I've got this to say about the demo:

frikkin sweet!!! :D

Grapically, the game looks great. Nice environments and character models, and amazing explosion effects. Speaking of which, if you have a nice surround sound system, you're really, really going to enjoy the explosions. I replayed the demo several times just to blow stuff up. :p

Can't wait for the full game. Nice job on Capcom's part.
I can play the demo for about 30-45 seconds before it freezes up and I have to restart. :mad:

At first I thought I was alone with this problem, but I was reading posts on xbox360news.com and it seems to be hit or miss on the random game freezes. But from what little I have played, this game looks good and seems to be fun. Hopefully they come out with a fix or an updated demo so I can play through both of the demo missions all the way through.
played it last night.. pretty cool. definately like the different environment. I'm not sure if it's going to be a big hit with all the other fps games that's coming out. Also, there's no sense of team (or AI control mates) in the game which I like a lot.
Played the Lost Planet demo yesterday. Awesome game! I love the explotion and smoke effects. Also their use of motion blur is great. Cant wait for this games release.
The wierd thing is my Test Drive demo was locking up a lot on Monday. I'm thinking that either these games are "online" in the background and the server is crashing, or maybe the downloads corrupt a little when the download server is getting hit so hard?

Anyway, Lost Planet = pretty amazing. for a game that detailed and animated, the framerate was locked at at least 40-50fps in HD mode. Controls were really good and the enemies moves amazingly well. I will *definitely* be picking this one up as soon as it's available.
I haven't been that sucked into a game, let alone a demo fo a game, in a long long time. The mecha-type thing or whatever it is called was a balst to pilot, the enemy AI was interesting, the enviroments were amazing. And the visuals, wow. When I walked through into the huge open cavern with all the flying trilodite looking enemies I about crapped myself. I was also suprised at how easy the controls were, specifically the switching of weapons and ammo.

Two thumbs up from me, I can't wait for the actual game to come out. The demo made this game a must have for me.
The demo is absolutely awesome - easily one of the most third-person immersive games I've played in a while. Trudging across this eerie snowy wasteland while your suit slowly but loses energy, getting into desperate firefights with hordes of mindless but deadly aliens as your ammo count drops precariously, and jumping into a VS while thinking "I'm going to be very lucky if even this keeps me alive" - it's just like being there.

And the explosions are just mind-blowing, forgive the pun. You learn to watch what you're shooting, because the concussion reaches a good ways further than the actual blast.

erwos said:
The demo is absolutely awesome - easily one of the most third-person immersive games I've played in a while. Trudging across this eerie snowy wasteland while your suit slowly but loses energy, getting into desperate firefights with hordes of mindless but deadly aliens as your ammo count drops precariously, and jumping into a VS while thinking "I'm going to be very lucky if even this keeps me alive" - it's just like being there.

And the explosions are just mind-blowing, forgive the pun. You learn to watch what you're shooting, because the concussion reaches a good ways further than the actual blast.



I've been keeping and eye on this title for a while now and the demo has just confirmed my initial thoughts. Its pretty damn good and it looks ace. I will definitely be picking this title up...
I love this demo. Very cool. Looks incredible but sound needs work. But plenty of time since it aint out till 2007 or so i hear. Cant wait for it. It runs so well for a work in progress. I love the way you can still use the mech weapons without a mech. Very cool. I DONT like the energy meter though. Seems a little unrealistic. Its like 'oh i just got hit by a giant spider thing and i'm almost dead, oh wait!, hang on a sec. yup. now i'm fine'

Could do with a tweak.

Even so. I will DEFINITELY be buying this when its out.

Shame i cant say the same about the Test Drive demo.
I was under the impression that the demo would offer online mulitplayer support? I guess not, that would have rocked. I just hope that offer co-op too!
Yeah this is definately a sick game. The grapple hook kinda brings me back to the days of Bionic Commando :D Being able to rip the gattling gun off the mech was one of the coolest thing i've ever accidentally done in a game.

If this comes out with co-op multiplayer, i'll get it on release. Its been a long time since i've had this much fun with a demo and wanted to get the game ASAP. Cudos to Capcom.
Skirrow said:
I love this demo. Very cool. Looks incredible but sound needs work. But plenty of time since it aint out till 2007 or so i hear. Cant wait for it. It runs so well for a work in progress. I love the way you can still use the mech weapons without a mech. Very cool. I DONT like the energy meter though. Seems a little unrealistic. Its like 'oh i just got hit by a giant spider thing and i'm almost dead, oh wait!, hang on a sec. yup. now i'm fine'

Could do with a tweak.

Even so. I will DEFINITELY be buying this when its out.

Shame i cant say the same about the Test Drive demo.

For a work in progress, i'm really impressed as well. What's amazing is how smooth the frame rates are, and how smooth gameplay is. This game will definately be on the list of games i'll consider buying. It used to be a must buy game for me, but there are so many good games coming out for the X360. So many games, and not enough money to buy them all......................
This game needs alot more PR - I didn't even know it existed until E3. Anyways, this game fucking rocks.
I've played through it 4 times so far. Just going for speed.
I was only slightly looing foreward to this game before, but since playing the demo, I am totally hooked! The graphics are just beautiful, all of the animations of the character/creatures are just stunning, and the action is intense! The controls are wonderul, I just picked it up and was able to play. I can't wait for this one to come out!
The energy meter seems to be controversial. I like it - I think it adds a level of additional intensity to the game. But I understand those who don't - it does seem to discourage exploration.

Spoiler ahead...

On the second mission. You make your way around some buildings, shoot a down a mech, dodge some missile launchers, and finally make it to a big red door. Once through that door, I get OWNED by a mech, a couple guys, and maybe more mechs. It happens within seconds of going through that door. Any advice? Is there a big mech right arodun the corner for me?


Jodiuh said:
Spoiler ahead...

On the second mission. You make your way around some buildings, shoot a down a mech, dodge some missile launchers, and finally make it to a big red door. Once through that door, I get OWNED by a mech, a couple guys, and maybe more mechs. It happens within seconds of going through that door. Any advice? Is there a big mech right arodun the corner for me?



I think there were two mechs you could pilot in that part. I might have gotten all mixed up, but I think one is directly right of where you enter.
Jodiuh said:
Spoiler ahead...

On the second mission. You make your way around some buildings, shoot a down a mech, dodge some missile launchers, and finally make it to a big red door. Once through that door, I get OWNED by a mech, a couple guys, and maybe more mechs. It happens within seconds of going through that door. Any advice? Is there a big mech right arodun the corner for me?



Wish I could help... my demo keeps crashing. : (
I used the rocket launcher on one of the mechs and then I bunny hopped to the right mech and jumped in. After that it was just mowin down all those sons of bitches.
Sweet, I'll have to look out for that. Sorry bout your game Json23. I had actually returned a 360 and got a new one due to random crashes. The first one lived vertically outside ON TOP of my home theatre shelf thingie...the new one lives behind a glass door and has never crashed. Go figure.
The demo suprised me, it was really fun. I dont' like how it doesn't save because i died a few mins into each level when i tried them and didn't want to redo the first part. But i probly will sometime, it was a cool game. I definately died at that part wehre you open the door and get assaulted by like 2 mechs and a bunch of guys.
Before you enter that part make sure you have a rocket launcher (found on the roof of one of the buildings) and a mech gatling gun which is found in the snowy area just before you get to the door itself.

Then as stated get into the mech on the right.
JonnyK said:
TI dont' like how it doesn't save because i died a few mins into each level when i tried them and didn't want to redo the first part.

Haha, we pc gamers are so lazy. Well, I finally got passed it and WOW! Mech combat was ShAWeeT! I didn't even fire the rocket launcher, just ran right for the mech on the right.
I can't believe how good this demo is.

I'd heard good things before, but this wasn't on my radar at all until I was going through the "All Demos" section. Downloaded it on a whim and was instantly blown away; this is going to sell big.

Capcom has been doing very good things for the 360. Dead Rising is simple, but ridiculously fun to play. Lost Planet is...everything. Great graphics, great gameplay, vehicles that are fun to drive, a wide variety of guns, the sound effects...and it isn't even done yet.

My only complaint is the AI. It doesn't seem very active yet, but it's shaping up nicely. They've got a good start on that aspect; it's respectable as it stands but it could definately be better.
K600 said:
I can't believe how good this demo is.

I'd heard good things before, but this wasn't on my radar at all until I was going through the "All Demos" section. Downloaded it on a whim and was instantly blown away; this is going to sell big.

Capcom has been doing very good things for the 360. Dead Rising is simple, but ridiculously fun to play. Lost Planet is...everything. Great graphics, great gameplay, vehicles that are fun to drive, a wide variety of guns, the sound effects...and it isn't even done yet.

My only complaint is the AI. It doesn't seem very active yet, but it's shaping up nicely. They've got a good start on that aspect; it's respectable as it stands but it could definately be better.

Yessir - Capcom is kicking ASS on the 360 thus far. Even Street Fighter is running better today than it was 2-3 days ago. I'm guessing the serve might've been getting hit hard or something, but even the goofy little priority issues due to netcode seem to be fixing themselves.

Lost Planet is EASILY one of the coolest games I've played in a loooong time. For a game that wasn't due out for 2 quarters past the demo release, it was amazingly polished. You're right about the AI being a little off, though. Seems like sometimes they assault you like Doom 2 on nightmare and other times they just stand around. Consistency on the AI's really the only flaw. Any time a 360 game runs slowly or has vsync off, just play this game for 30 seconds and realize that the 360's more than capble - people just aren't programming right.
Dead Rising seems great, but it's tough to really tell from the demo. You really can't do much other than find new weapons and whack zombies, but it was more than enough to sell me. the funniest thing is that the first time I played it, I ran backwards and then I hit a cinema 5 seconds later, which cues the end of the demo. Overall playtime - 5 seconds. Hell of a demo, huh ;)