Lost Planet DX 9 what frames are you getting???


Apr 6, 2006
set up in sig at 1600x1200 indoors 25-55 FPS out doors 15-35 FPS. Kinda hoping for more with the 8800gtx. What kind of frames does the 360 get in this game???
i have the demo, and i got everything maxed out and turn on and on 1024x768
Outside i get about: 7
inside i get about 15

pretty got for a 7600GT
Anyone know how to run the benchmark with the full version of the game?
I have a 8800GTX also, and I get above 30+fps usually with everything maxed on DX9, but the highest resolution my monitor goes is 1280x1024.
the 360 is absolutely solid at 30fps all the time. Its really the better version in this case.

At 1920*1200 i average about 20fps outdoors and 35 indoors. Maxed settings.
Everything maxed except for AA/AF (4x, Trilinear) at 1280x1024 was average 34fps for the snow scene with my sig rig..