Lots of pixels cheap


[H]F Junkie
Apr 4, 2004
What are my options greater than 1080p for lots of pixels cheap. I don't think I can justify much more than $300 on this purchase. Its a work computer so no gaming or any of that, don't worry too much about speed.
I guess that one of cheapest ways would be going multimonitor from few cheap small displays. Drawback - bezels in picture. For much more "pixels" in single screen cheapest option would be chinese 4K TV, eg. Seiki's 39" UHD SE39UY04. Drawback - slightly more then $300 and limited by HDMI 1.4 refresh rate of 30Hz. One probably can find some 1440p within $300 as some compromise.
Well I am interested in the 2560x1440 monitors but does anyone know if I can get one at that price from a US based seller. This is for work and if the thing comes DOA we aren't going to be able to send it back to Korea.
Well I am interested in the 2560x1440 monitors but does anyone know if I can get one at that price from a US based seller. This is for work and if the thing comes DOA we aren't going to be able to send it back to Korea.


They get loads of them from China, inspect them, overclock them if need be, then ship them to you from CA. They have a very detailed RMA section in their FAQ.
They have nothing in stock. Seems they never do.

Also basic question if I get a motherboard with intels integrated graphics will it support DVI out for these?
Also basic question if I get a motherboard with intels integrated graphics will it support DVI out for these?
No, integrated Intel doesn't support 2560x1440 over DVI; it will over DisplayPort. You can look for a motherboard with DP or miniDP (but then you'd also want a monitor with DP, which tacks a bit onto the price.) Or get a cheap video card for dual-link DVI.
uhg all the DP models are probably going to push out of my price range. What about AMD offerings will they support DL DVI with APUs?
As long as the motherboard has a dual-link DVI port yes, the APU supports 1440p.
And if the thing comes DOA we aren't going to be able to send it back to Korea.
I have seen post where people seem to stress themself into a hospital worrying about if there will be one bad pixel or if the monitor will be DOA or etc
They get into a Chicken Little Effect, where they just know something will happen

I have 2 of the Catleaps 2703's ,, They where at my door 8 days after,,I placed the order instead of 2. It was around holiday time.. I did not Panic like some people have done here

They came in perfect boxes,,With great screens,,I have never had a problem with them

I say place the order,,sit back and relax,,You should be happy when the box shows up
the seiki 39 inch 4k display (3840x2160) has been as cheap as $300 but its a bit over that right now.

Its only 30hz @ 4k but if you dont game its probably fine.
I have purchased 3 of the Korean 2560x1440 monitors so I am aware of their generally good track record, But good odds are not good enough. While most come in good shape and I wouldn't even make a big deal out of a couple dead pixels, if the monitor is bad they require you to pay to send it back to Korea and I have heard lots of bad stories about the process when it comes to that. And while I would personally take the risk its not one I will take for work.

I am considering the Seiki 39 inch, can anyone comment on how text looks on it? Sometimes TVs dont look good with text. Also some people complained the input lag is horrible so horrible its even bad when just doing 2D applications.
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rudy: with seikis (& also with many of other TVs) read how and what to do for good text display. For example - which "image enhancers" to switch off, which type of panel color pixel ordering to switch to in clear type configuration and so on. It's not that hard, especially if model is popular enough and has it's own thread, but homework that needs to be done. Just that i've seen users which didn't do any of above yet complained loud how everything sucks, is soaped up, unreadable, etc ..
I am considering the Seiki 39 inch, can anyone comment on how text looks on it? Sometimes TVs dont look good with text. Also some people complained the input lag is horrible so horrible its even bad when just doing 2D applications.

Text looks good on the Seiki 39" after you go through the ClearType Tuner. That's mandatory, because the display uses BGR subpixel ordering instead of RGB. Turn off the Seiki's sharpness, too. Some people have problems with red text on a black background being blurry, but not everyone. You can mess with color settings in the service menu to mitigate it a bit. Flashing the latest 39" firmware helps with input lag at 4K. 30 Hz is fine for 2D work, unless you're sensitive to refresh rate.
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If strictly for coding seiki imho is way better choice then that ultrawide LG. Cons of just 30Hz doesn't matter that much, and pros of screen estate due bigger size & resolution .. and half the price can certainly be appreciated.
I was in a computer store demo'ing a 4K monitor the other day. The instant I touched the mouse I was so shocked by how bad 30hz was I had to call a friend over to show them how awful it was. I didn't know beforehand that it was 30Hz or anything (The monitor is 60hz capable but was being run over HDMI I discovered), it just was so immediately obvious and painful.

I'll admit that I run solely 120hz monitors at home but at work I have a 60Hz crappy dell thing that doesn't bother me at all.
The ultra wide LG is out of the question it would eat almost the entire budget for the computer.

I really want to pull off one of the 2560x1440 panels. Best case scenario would be if it had display port. I am flexible but it would also be best if it was one of the matte finish ones as this will be in a florescent lit space. But beggars cant be choosers and I would take the pixels over lower resolution matte screen.
How about dual 24" 1080p for less than $270? Newegg has a pretty good ASUS IPS display on sale.
uhg all the DP models are probably going to push out of my price range. What about AMD offerings will they support DL DVI with APUs?

You can find active Displayport to DL-DVI adapters that are a LOT cheaper then they used to be:


Just 30 bucks, and you can connect to anything that supports Displayport. Hell, the first reviewer was using it on Intel onboard video.
Well I went to MC and they no longer carry the Auria 27 inch they used to for $400. I picked up a motherboard and CPU and the motherboard has DP out. So what I really need now is to nail a display port capable 27 inch 2560x1440 monitor for around $350. I might be able to push $400 depends on how cheap I can get windows 8.1 and the PSU. Anyone have any ideas? Also does this MNW global company that sells on newegg and amazon ship from Korea? If so anyone know if you would have to ship back to Korea if it failed or does amazon offer better terms?
Wait, does this mean that we can use bypassed korean with a Intel Integrated via DP? :eek:

So it would seem. You could already do this before with those hundred dollar converters, but at that price you were better off buying a gpu.