M-Audio Studiophile BX5a Deluxe 70-watt Bi-amplified Studio Reference Monitors $214.4


Limp Gawd
May 28, 2008
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They were about 230'ish a few days ago when I looked at them, seems they dropped in price again.
I haven't, but from a lot of reviews I've read people picked the A5's over these... Best thing to do if you can is go out and listen to them yourself.

I run these myself and have no complaints. I'm also running a sub with them.
I haven't, but from a lot of reviews I've read people picked the A5's over these... Best thing to do if you can is go out and listen to them yourself.

I run these myself and have no complaints. I'm also running a sub with them.

Well the obvious thing to do would be for me to audition them, but unfortunately that's not a possibility without me taking a road trip as there aren't any hi-fi shops in my small town.

Basically asking because these are roughly $100 less than I paid for my A5s. So it won't hurt my feelings if most people think the A5s sound a bit better. :) I think I'd be happier with the BX8a than with the BX5a but they appear to be more than twice as expensive...I must say I'm tempted to pick a set of these up as a gift, though.
Has anyone heard these alongside of the A5s?

Are THESE the A5's you're talking about? If so, I'm not getting how these are roughly $100 more. They cost almost 4x as much as the M-Audio speakers. $400 for a single A5 compared to $214 for a pair of M-Audio BX5a's. Big price difference. Not really a fair comparison IMO.
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That's very close to what the " business cost" of these units were (for stores to buy them, to resell them) 2-3 years ago. Still, if you don't want to buy them off eBay... and you're perhaps afraid of being outside (to a place like Guitar Center), this is still quite a fair price.

I own a pair, they're great speakers... for enjoyment purposes, or client reference purposes only.

They have a beefed up EQ and make some sounds and songs sound "better" then they should. I started out buying these for music production, but they "lied" to the ear too much to get absolutely proper mixes in average speakers. I ended up with a pair of KRK's and kept the BX5a's for use with a gaming and entertainment rig.
Are THESE the A5's you're talking about? If so, I'm not getting how these are roughly $100 more. They cost almost 4x as much as the M-Audio speakers. $400 for a single A5 compared to $214 for a pair of M-Audio BX5a's. Big price difference. Not really a fair comparison IMO.

I was referring to the Audioengine A5. I hadn't even heard of the speaker that you linked to, lol. Sorry for the confusion!
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Are THESE the A5's you're talking about? If so, I'm not getting how these are roughly $100 more. They cost almost 4x as much as the M-Audio speakers. $400 for a single A5 compared to $214 for a pair of M-Audio BX5a's. Big price difference. Not really a fair comparison IMO.

I wouldn't pay $50 for the speakers you linked to. The audioengine's are much higher quality. Besides ribbon tweeters are not really my thing.
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I wouldn't pay $50 for the speakers you linked to. The audioengine's are much higher quality. Besides ribbon tweeters are not really my thing.

Lol? Those are Adam A5. Adam is one of the more highly respected studio monitor companies. More respected than M-Audio or KRK. Up there with Dynaudio, but, of course, not quite.
I was referring to the Audioengine A5. I hadn't even heard of the speaker that you linked to, lol. Sorry for the confusion!

Well those were the only A5's I had heard of. When I recorded a demo with my band the studio we recorded at had a pair. Sounded real nice.

I wouldn't pay $50 for the speakers you linked to. The audioengine's are much higher quality. Besides ribbon tweeters are not really my thing.

You're right, you wouldn't pay $50 for the speaker I linked to because there's no way you would you ever find them for sale that cheap. :)
anyways, yea the Audioengine A5 is a different PURPOSE speaker to the Adam A5.

Audioengine A5 is meant for bookshelf / computer listening. Adam A5's are meant for monitoring audio in a professional / production environment.

As for the BX5a speakers (even the deluxe ones) I wouldn't touch with a 10 feet pole even for $100 since M-Audio's warranty really sucks and they have had nightmarish quality control over the past 5 years.
As for the BX5a speakers (even the deluxe ones) I wouldn't touch with a 10 feet pole even for $100 since M-Audio's warranty really sucks and they have had nightmarish quality control over the past 5 years.

That's a shame. I was looking at the BX8a until I noticed multiple reports of amplifier problems.
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If they were meant for computer listening, they wouldn't go into standby mode after 10 minutes of non-use.

Who cares? They sound better than pretty much any speaker that's "meant for computer listening."

I typically don't wait 10 minutes between playing songs so it's a non-issue. And since I forget to turn my ProMedias off over 50% of the time when leaving the computer, it's actually a very helpful/useful feature for me. I'm very pleased with the A5s overall.
Lol? Those are Adam A5. Adam is one of the more highly respected studio monitor companies. More respected than M-Audio or KRK. Up there with Dynaudio, but, of course, not quite.

Actually I think Adams run toe to toe with Dynaudio neither being less than the other. They are considered some of the best studio monitors around.


Of course I haven't heard either so my comments may be wrong. Actually, even if I heard them, I probably wouldn't be able to appreciate them for what they are.
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ADAM monitors are among the best in the world ! But you are looking at two different "classes" of speakers ! Apples to Oranges comes to mind.

I own a set of the old BX5a's and a set of EX-66 from M-Audio and they are both fine speaker sets. Naturally the EX-66s are closer to the "big boys" than BX5a, which are consumer grade, rather than pro.

If you are serious about the sound, look at the new DSM line, these sound great as well.