Major Nelson interviews Phil Specer (new head of Xbox)

Thanks for posting the link. I thought Microsoft made the right move when the put Phil in charge Xbox. After hearing what he said about E3 I'm looking forward to what have in store. I actually thought they did a pretty good job last year, as they focussed an overwhelming majority of their time on games. I suspect, with another year of development time under their belts, they'll have some pretty impressive stuff to show off (Halo, Quantum Break, Sunset Overdrive, etc)
They should have had him in charge 2 years ago. I will say though that he got done wrong at last years E3. Having to be the one on stage announcing the price would have pissed anyone off.
I knew who posted this before I even looked...

I do not understand, the post above your or the thread itself? Are you saying that only a PS4 positive thread should be posted and only Xbox bashing posts should be allowed? Honestly, I am not sure what you are getting at.

To the OP, thanks for the heads up. :) I saw this posted on another forum and watched the video, really nice.
That still puts him lower in the chain of command than Elop, correct?
Microsoft shill interviews Microsoft puppet. - There fixed the title for ya.

That's not totally an unfair observation but the lesser of two evils for sure. Now that Don moved on to Zynga (poor , poor choice) Phil clear to start cleaning up things and getting the system back on track.

We need strong competition or the whole industry suffers so even the haters should be happy with this appointment.
Haters going to hate no matter what. Just another day on the internet.
With two Microsoft employees interviewing each other, I'm sure it's full of hard-hitting questions.
Haters going to hate no matter what. Just another day on the internet.

You are right, I just have not been able to get used to it lately. Oh well, when the haters spend their money to buy me what they love, then maybe I will start listening to them. (Probably not though.) However, until then, I spent the money so I guess I will go ahead and enjoy what I bought despite the haters not liking that.

It was a 5 minute interview to let us know what we may be able to look forward too. Go ahead, post the Sony interviews, I am sure we will find them just as interesting. (Oh, except how many here can understand Japanese.)
You are right, I just have not been able to get used to it lately. Oh well, when the haters spend their money to buy me what they love, then maybe I will start listening to them. (Probably not though.) However, until then, I spent the money so I guess I will go ahead and enjoy what I bought despite the haters not liking that.

It was a 5 minute interview to let us know what we may be able to look forward too. Go ahead, post the Sony interviews, I am sure we will find them just as interesting. (Oh, except how many here can understand Japanese.)

Argument, meet Strawman.
I knew who posted this before I even looked...

Really? I just took a quick look through the last 2 months of threads and this is the only thread I see started by the OP. Basic logic, facts and all that. (Of course, logic is a strawman argument, eh?)
Really? I just took a quick look through the last 2 months of threads and this is the only thread I see started by the OP. Basic logic, facts and all that. (Of course, logic is a strawman argument, eh?)

theNoid was exceptional back in the 360 heyday (2006/7-2009/10). Basic logic and search functions and all that.

But on topic, the thread is thread worthy imo. Phil is the man to get them back on track, Don Mattrick almost killed the Xbox brand name. I realize folks will say his record speaks for itself but abandoning the 360 3/4 years before its successor, releasing Kinect and not following through, and leading up to the E3 disaster are on him. Being in charge of Xbox growth in 2 heavily western markets was not something he and only he accomplished.

I have a feeling Microsofts E3 is going to be incredible and I am much more interested in that than I am Sonys (VR not withstanding).
Yes, the guy who said at last year's E3 with a straight face that nobody supports indie gaming more than Microsoft...
It's true that during the 360 era indies were given a bad deal and his comment was mostly PR. However if Microsoft can get the ID@Xbox program up and running along with self publishing that would put them above Sony by a wide margin IMO.

I think Phil will have to do the right thing here to get a check mark next to the One to better compare itself to the PlayStation 4.
It's true that during the 360 era indies were given a bad deal and his comment was mostly PR. However if Microsoft can get the ID@Xbox program up and running along with self publishing that would put them above Sony by a wide margin IMO.

I think Phil will have to do the right thing here to get a check mark next to the One to better compare itself to the PlayStation 4.

Until ID@Xbox drops the parity clause, many people won't take it seriously.

Spencer has an uphill battle undoing damage caused by Don Mattrick.
There is a strong chance of apps coming out from the pay wall and gold being required only for multiplayer to create parity with other platforms based on recent tweets from Phil.
I wouldn't think the parity clause can stick for this whole generation. I think it's there because once they allow self publishing and all consoles being dev kits it could potentially cause issues.

They should change the verbiage so that it only applies to indies who used the retail consoles for development. (Whenever that happens).

As it stands the parity clause does not make much sense especially when larger indies can get away from it by saying we won't release on the Xbox One unless you give us an exception.
I have a feeling Microsofts E3 is going to be incredible and I am much more interested in that than I am Sonys (VR not withstanding).

Unless its either a new more powerful console, or the announcement of a Kinect-less SKU then I'm not sure how "going to be incredible" is anything more than wishful thinking.
Microsoft really needs to announce some solid exclusives. Right now they are looking extremely thin in that area compared to Sony.
Unless its either a new more powerful console, or the announcement of a Kinect-less SKU then I'm not sure how "going to be incredible" is anything more than wishful thinking.

There wont be a SKU without it.

Sony went that route and their sub par camera is sold out and now being sold for higher price so its obvious people want these things.

A system doesn't need to be more powerful to have better games.
It's weird to read people talking about how they knew it was me who created the thread. I dont even own a Xbox One, and haven't fired up my 360 in over a year. I'm mostly a PC/WiiU/3DS guy these days when I even have time to game.

The original video I posted, despite what many here claim was actually a rather good one. MN asked some pretty good questions, no shilling. Clearly the target audience of the video and interview were those that thing MS needs some improvement in the Xbox division and its vision for gaming in general. I think they covered that well. Truth be told, if I were to buy a new console now it'd probably be a PS4.

Don't tell the trolls that though, they got it all figured out.
Xbox One with Titanfall + a year of Xbox Live was $450 at Target this weekend. More deals like that will help the One claw it's way back.
Xbox One with Titanfall + a year of Xbox Live was $450 at Target this weekend. More deals like that will help the One claw it's way back.

I agree, 50 bucks more than PS4 but with a game + kinect & a year of Live is a good deal. I'm upset the wife couldn't wait on our One purchase but it is what it is. I wish Sony would have had supply with I:SS or Killzone as a pack in at 399.99.

IIRC they won't get their supply straight till June.
I knew who posted this before I even looked...

LOL same, actually I'm quite surprised..

Not really

Looking forward on what new IP's Microsoft brings to the table. At this point that's the only thing that is going to save them. The release dates for games for 2014 is either TBD or available on the PC
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Maybe he wouldn't have put out such an underpowered machine. Here's hoping to a return to the 5 year cycle.