Mass Effect 1 and 2 $5.99 @ Amazon


Limp Gawd
Nov 22, 2006
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the dual pack has the deluxe version of ME2

ME2 deluxe on it's own is 8.99 so you save $3
yea, I missed out on save the $3 bucks because I found the bundle after I already seperately purchased the two games, but even at $5.99 for ME1 and $8.99 for ME2 still a pretty good deal.
Is the DLC code in the deluxe version worth $3?

I've still yet to start playing ME1 on my xbox, it's been sitting there for 4 years.
I just got a new LCD though and I'm going to try spending more time gaming.
Well if you get the Combo you save the $3, and i think the DLC you get is the Cerberus network (Zieed) and some weapons and armor, also some making of content in the Digital deluxe edition.
Is the DLC code in the deluxe version worth $3?

I've still yet to start playing ME1 on my xbox, it's been sitting there for 4 years.
I just got a new LCD though and I'm going to try spending more time gaming.

Its worth it to buy the dual pack and get the DLC if you haven't played through ME1. You can carryover attributes from the first game into the second and the decisions you make in the first game influence what occurs in the second game. The DLC on its own doesn't offer much beyond an additional character and mission related to him and with so much going on in the game I wouldn't say its essential, but its probably worth a few bucks.
So does this activate on origin?
Pretty sure Mass Effect 2 does. I was able to activate my Steam copies of ME1 and 2 just fine, but some people have trouble activating the first one for some reason. If you can't you should be able to through EA/Origin support and they'll add the game for you. I had them add Crysis and Crysis Warhead (gave me new keys for each) since it wasn't letting me in Origin.
Pretty sure Mass Effect 2 does. I was able to activate my Steam copies of ME1 and 2 just fine, but some people have trouble activating the first one for some reason. If you can't you should be able to through EA/Origin support and they'll add the game for you. I had them add Crysis and Crysis Warhead (gave me new keys for each) since it wasn't letting me in Origin.

Mass Effect 2 may activate on Origin. What's funny is that ME2 via Origin doesn't require Origin to run. Once installed it actually behaves like a retail copy which was cracked. Mass Effect 1 does not work on Origin. At least mine didn't.

Its worth it to buy the dual pack and get the DLC if you haven't played through ME1. You can carryover attributes from the first game into the second and the decisions you make in the first game influence what occurs in the second game. The DLC on its own doesn't offer much beyond an additional character and mission related to him and with so much going on in the game I wouldn't say its essential, but its probably worth a few bucks.

This is true to a point. Some decisions in Mass Effect 1 have little to no consequence in Mass Effect 2, but then those decisions may have a much larger impact going into Mass Effect 3. As for the DLC, I'm not sure which DLC we are talking about. For Mass Effect 2, there are two DLC characters with their own missions. Kasumi's being a bit longer than Zaeed's and more fun. It's one of the most unique missions in Mass Effect and among the most memorable. The Lair of the Shadow Broker also adds Liara T'Soni to Mass Effect 2, albeit only on her mission. But that DLC is 2.5 hours long easily.

Aside from that, importation bonuses from ME1 are pretty much as follows. You get a bonus to paragon / renegade points and there is something you get from importing a level 50 ME1 Shepard into ME2. You also get a bonus for importing a "rich" ME1 character. Aside from some bonuses like that, essentially you start from scratch in ME2. You don't keep your armor, weapons, etc. Skills and level are also reset. Your level in ME2 does carry over to Mass Effect 3 however. Funding doesn't, and weapons / armor do not, but you can get all of the items you had back save for the possibility of the Collector's Assault rifle which appears to be a multiplayer only item now. Alternatively, those who do not wish to suffer through ME1's bad mechanics and horrible inventory system may instead want to download the Genesis DLC for ME2 which adds a 15 minute crash course via narrated comic outlying the events of the first game and then allowing you to make the 6 essential choices which effect the rest of the series.

I played ME2 in 2011. A friend of mine recommended skipping ME1, and for the reasons he gave I went ahead and did it. He said the story was good, the characers were good, but cited the dated graphics and combat mechanics, as well as tedious aspects of inventory management, weapon upgrades, etc. dragging the experience further down. After having played ME2 and then playing ME1, I wanted more of the story and to know some of the characters better, as well as seeing how actual ME1 decisions effected ME2. I went ahead and did that and I had to force myself to get through about the first third of the game. After that it got a lot better, but the Mako driving was pretty much horrible and the biggest detractor from the experience. My point in saying this is anyone who hasn't played these games at all who might start with ME1 shouldn't be discouraged from the series just because ME1 doesn't live up to the hype that you've heard here. It's an old game so be forgiving of the bad combat and tedium in certain parts of it. Hardcore RPG types often defend the bad inventory system of the game, and slam ME2's removal of it, but I think overall ME1 had the edge on story, but ME2 has some great characters, a solid story for the most part, but vastly improved game play.

I'll caution people, ME1 feels fairly dated and the combat mechanics are sloppy. If you stick with it long enough, the game's story and characters will grab you. It's a good game but again it hasn't aged as well as ME2 has. The latter is improved in most respects aside from story, but ME3 actually helps ME2's story as more is revealed about it. The most controversial thing is the final boss, but in full context it makes a bit more sense in ME3.

Overall the series is far from perfect but it is definitely a unique gaming experience with a rich and detailed universe and awesome characters. Most of them are pretty awesome with few exceptions. If you haven't ever played a Mass Effect game, now is the time given the current price the first two installments can be had for.
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Now if only I could pay $5.99 to erase the ending of Mass Effect 3.
I've read a bit on entering the code for ME1 on origin as well, anyone get this to work so you can install the ME1 free dlc BringDownTheSky?

It seem you will need to get ME1 registered on bioware's site and then register the code for BDTS before it will show in game?

For Steam owners of ME1, you can get your CD Key from the library/game page, on the right side of the screen.
i activated ME1 on origin from the last sale a few weeks ago. Just had to email them and they activated it for me. I have yet to dig into the games yet hto since im still playing through deadspace 1+2 and don't want to get too involved into another series yet.. im currently playing portal2 from the sale a few days ago, but from what i recall from portal1, its just a few hours gameplay

btw, there are high resolution texture mods for ME
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i activated ME1 on origin from the last sale a few weeks ago. Just had to email them and they activated it for me. I have yet to dig into the games yet hto since im still playing through deadspace 1+2 and don't want to get too involved into another series yet.. im currently playing portal2 from the sale a few days ago, but from what i recall from portal1, its just a few hours gameplay.

I wouldn't start Mass Effect until you've got a lot of free time. If you like ME1, you'll definitely go through 2. If you like that, you'll definitely be itching to play ME3.
That was gonna be my second question for both ME1&2. Origin sucks bawls. :p

ME2 on Origin only requires activation. Once done you can start ME2 without it running. It behaves like a regular non-Steam / non-Origin game.

Just read the ending of ME3. Even though I had no idea what the story was about, that ending is just hideously bad. Not dissuading people from buying this but I'd think you'd want to play ME3 after 1 and 2. Glad I wasn't as drawn into the game as a lot of people were...
Just read the ending of ME3. Even though I had no idea what the story was about, that ending is just hideously bad. Not dissuading people from buying this but I'd think you'd want to play ME3 after 1 and 2. Glad I wasn't as drawn into the game as a lot of people were...

Regardless of what your opinion of the game is after reading some stuff about it, I'm not cool with the idea of telling people to avoid a game just because you heard something about it. Believe it or not, ME3 was still an amazing game overall, and some people - as bizarre as this may seem - still loved the game despite the shortcomings in the final 5 minutes.
Regardless of what your opinion of the game is after reading some stuff about it, I'm not cool with the idea of telling people to avoid a game just because you heard something about it. Believe it or not, ME3 was still an amazing game overall, and some people - as bizarre as this may seem - still loved the game despite the shortcomings in the final 5 minutes.

Eh. You're entitled to your opinion and I'm entitled to mine. Notice I did say I'm not trying to dissuade people from buying this game. Go read metacritic and see what score the game got from users.

If giving opinions about certain product, in this case a game that is related to the topic is deemed a violation by you, feel free to flag my post and get Steve/Kyle involved :rolleyes:
Regardless of what your opinion of the game is after reading some stuff about it, I'm not cool with the idea of telling people to avoid a game just because you heard something about it. Believe it or not, ME3 was still an amazing game overall, and some people - as bizarre as this may seem - still loved the game despite the shortcomings in the final 5 minutes.

The shortcomings of the game go beyond the final few minutes. The ending blows, but the final act is a huge let down. It lacks the scale, the decision making and overall presentation of ME2 and even ME1's final acts. The crappy ending is just an insult on top of it all.

That being said, ME1 and ME2 are still great games. ME3 is the best of the three in a lot of ways, up until the last hour or so. That being said, BioWare is working on dealing with the ending, so I wouldn't shy away from it. The fans have spoken, and BioWare acknowledged the issue. They will do something about it. Mark my words. Will it be satisfying to all? Probably not. Some people love the current ending for ME3 but most seem to hate it to varying degrees. I'm sure whatever they do next will be met with hatred and some people will love it. Hopefully more fall into tha latter category than not. The sad fact is, after the ending we got, they can't really do much worse. So it will most likely be a step up from the game's current state.

Even as shitty as the ending to ME3 is, the series is definitely worth it. Especially given the current price of ME1 and ME2.
Meh I tried the first one xbox 360 years ago and I got bored after about 2 hours. Just couldnt get into it. Good think I just rented it.
Meh I tried the first one xbox 360 years ago and I got bored after about 2 hours. Just couldnt get into it. Good think I just rented it.

The first one is the slowest one to get started with. It's also got far less refined mechanics all around. I started with ME2 myself on the recommendation of a friend. I went back and played ME1, but frankly it took going through almost a third of the game before it grabbed me. And really I was forcing myself to do it so I could get the complete story of everything and so that I could replay ME2 with an imported ME1 save.

At this price it's worth grabbing ME2 at least and giving that a go.
The first one is the slowest one to get started with. It's also got far less refined mechanics all around. I started with ME2 myself on the recommendation of a friend. I went back and played ME1, but frankly it took going through almost a third of the game before it grabbed me. And really I was forcing myself to do it so I could get the complete story of everything and so that I could replay ME2 with an imported ME1 save.

At this price it's worth grabbing ME2 at least and giving that a go.

Haha wow my spelling and grammer was horrible in that last post.

Anyways I think Ill give them a try next time they are on steam for around $5, but right now I just have to many PC games to play ha.
Now if only Bioware would put the freaking DLC on sale for ME1/ME2.

greedy punks

Only two bits of DLC available for ME1, and one of those is free if you can still get it (last I heard they took down support for "Bring Down The Sky"). But yeah I hate paying for DLC, and I have waited long enough for ME2 to go for less than some of the DLC, took the plunge on ME2 deluxe.