Meet WD7500AAKS


[H]F Junkie
Jan 21, 2004
The race for the terabyte has come and gone. Laurels go to Hitachi for announcing (an easy feat) and eventually shipping (a more difficult accomplishment) the first, and so far only, 1000 GB unit. While the rumor mill is strife with word of terabyte product from other manufacturers, a pair of American firms have in the mean time set sight on a more attainable (both technologically and financially) 4-platter, 750 GB design.

SR is really coming back from the dead. It's nice to see.
Only $207!

Edits: First, of course, they've got the specs wrong at ZZF. By a lot. But it's cheaper than Newegg, and better-packed if history is a predictor.

Second, does it concern anyone else that TLER isn't mentioned? These look like interesting drives... if you ignore that.
Second, does it concern anyone else that TLER isn't mentioned? These look like interesting drives... if you ignore that.
Don't all -KS drives have TLER off by default?
<bitter>I would be interested in the drive, if WD had a global warranty, however theirs is regionally limited.</bitter>
In case anyone missed it, Seagate just announced the 7200.11 1TB drive that should ship third quarter. MSRP is $399.99 just like the hitachi. I'd expect the competition may drive the price down a bit on both these and the 750gb drive which would be quite nice.
Yes, but the fact that they haven't got a "Enterprise" edition out could mean that they've figured out how to make their firmware behave in both desktop and raid environments. It'd be nice if they had done that, anyways.
From the looks of it, this drive seems to be major win. Low power consumption, low noise, very speedy, perpendicular recording technology.
I have 5 of these drives in a Thecus N5200 unit and couldn't be happier. Fast. 3 TB.

I'll agree with the statement regarding Storage Review. Great, great site. Nobody does drive reviews like these guys.
I have 5 of these drives in a Thecus N5200 unit and couldn't be happier. Fast. 3 TB.

I'll agree with the statement regarding Storage Review. Great, great site. Nobody does drive reviews like these guys.

Nice! I have 4 of the WD5000AAKS in a Thecus N5200. What kind of transfer speeds do you typically get for read/writes?

Also, what kind of programs exist that benchmark drive transfer rates across network drives?
isn't the AAKS series only for 3 platter drives? I am just having a hard time understanding how this is considered AAKS when it has 4 platters, or am I missing something else as to why this is AAKS?