Men On The Internet Don’t Believe Sexism Is A Problem In Science

I think these authors inadvertently, disproved their own hypothesis, that STEM is gender based, by writing such an unscientific junk article. If they had SCIENTIFICALLY shown that males are more likely than similarly qualified females to be chosen to advance, in science based companies, they would have been taken seriously. But yet again, it's more "observational fact." aka bs.

The truth is, this is 100% sensationalized junk. Please tell me, why are most of my engineering classes full of men? Oh, that's right, women must be discriminating against themselves? Clearly, the 76% female public school teachers are already guiding other females to the kitchen.
The lab I work at is 55+% female. No reason for it or against. Just is. :cool:

Computer science is somewhat male heavy, but don't forget Ada Lovelace was the first computer programmer.
Ahh, another sexism article for the run up to Hilary's presidential bid.

If you are wondering why you are hearing so much about sexism these days, that is why.
Just because one article is badly researched, or anecdotal evidence contradicts actual science doesn't mean "sexism is dead". As long as woman's tits can be shown in a 50ft bra but breastfeeding is banned, there's sexism. As long as women are consistently paid slightly to considerably less than men in many fields, there's sexism. As for sexism in science, well, its really more of a subset issue under a much larger one.
I agree with Logan321!

Also, people dismissing accusations of sexism as simply a rant from feminists, remind me of the racist hiding behind the excuse of minorities using the race card.

Racism happens! Sexism happens! Prejudice happens! Get over it!
I agree with Logan321!

Also, people dismissing accusations of sexism as simply a rant from feminists, remind me of the racist hiding behind the excuse of minorities using the race card.

Racism happens! Sexism happens! Prejudice happens! Get over it!
Exactly! Get over it!

Sexism happens. Racism happens. Grow the f*** up and stop blaming your problems on other people.

Adulthood 101
One of these days the neckbeards will arise out of their underground command centers and million man march on Washington to stop these silly incursions by females and their male cohorts.

One of these days the neckbeards will arise out of their underground command centers and million man march on Washington to stop these silly incursions by females and their male cohorts.
What incursion? Most neckbeards would hold open the doors, roll out the red carpet, and tip their collective fedoras if they knew an ample army of women were coming to join their profession and work alongside them. This, of course, would instantly creep all the women out, sending them running for the hills. Women are smart enough to expect this, and thus will never actually make such an incursion, despite much talk to the contrary. :p
Low and behold, the person who wrote it Rachel Feltman is an avid feminist and anti-#GamerGate person. Typical

I'm pretty sure that being anti-GG is a positive no matter who you are, those people are complete toolboxes.
What incursion? Most neckbeards would hold open the doors, roll out the red carpet, and tip their collective fedoras if they knew an ample army of women were coming to join their profession and work alongside them. This, of course, would instantly creep all the women out, sending them running for the hills. Women are smart enough to expect this, and thus will never actually make such an incursion, despite much talk to the contrary. :p

So, you're telling me that we'll be stuck with the Anita Sarkeesian types. How depressing :(
So, you're telling me that we'll be stuck with the Anita Sarkeesian types. How depressing :(
Worry not. The miraculous process of natural selection is at work, weeding out the weakest neckbeards until only the most intellectually fit remain to breed memes amongst themselves. In time, the uber-neckbeard race will emerge to do combat with the Internet Feminists. Grab your popcorn, for it will be glorious.

Exactly! Get over it!

Sexism happens. Racism happens. Grow the f*** up and stop blaming your problems on other people.

Adulthood 101

When people cause problems, the it is only right to blame them for the problems they cause.

Or do you think bigots should get a reward for being idiots? A medal? A raise?
Racists should get an award for being racist? Sexist pigs should get a raise for doing less, yet get paid more? Ah, I see. That's what you call blame others.

What you suggest is that idiots should be left alone and allow a screwed up system to remain screwed up!
See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil! To sum it up, all is well, until of course, said idiots feel 'discriminated' against.
When the shoe is on the other foot, then they switch to b!tch mode in a heartbeat!

Same job, same work, same pay!

Welcome to the REAL adulthood 101... the way it's meant to be!
You know, when people is invested in issues there are those that try and foster proper discussion and those that don't.

This time i want to applaud Zarathustra[H] and InternationalHat for the fact that they tried to properly talk about the issue, and i would venture, what you both pointed out may be right at the same time.

Some actual scientific study would be needed but a combined thesis of the issue coming on the early formative years with this culture bombardment, and you know, since the Social Sciences (which incidentally aren't on that npr's main graph) are actually overwhelmingly composed of ladies then they ought to be quite capable at setting up such study.

While they are at it they could set a similar study about the even more notorious lack of men on Social Sciences. If you feel threatened at this second possibility the issue is on you, just fyi, both studies are important as they could potentially shed more light about if certain likes and dislikes could be nudged by genetics or if they are a result of culture.

I'm not from US of A, but here in my country the gender divide in the "hard sciences" vs the "social sciences" still exists, and there is actually a significantly smaller ammount of men in the later than women in the former, a standard engineering class may have 3 girls per 10 boys, while at psychology it was closer to 1 boy per 10 girls, this i find interesting to say the least.
I worked in a lab with 6 females and 2 males (including myself). It also depends on the field in question.
Oh boy, this made the neck beards mad. Even had a Hilary reference.

As a man who is going to marry an academic in the sciences, I am getting a kick out of these replies.
Oh boy, this made the neck beards mad. Even had a Hilary reference.

As a man who is going to marry an academic in the sciences, I am getting a kick out of these replies.

That you are marrying an outlier, does not change the fact that girls, b4 they ever even get to college, have either been steered, or steered themselves away from certain branches of the sciences. If they are not getting the education, they are not going to get the jobs. No amount of complaining to the people that hand out those jobs, or the fact that your fiance is in one of those jobs will change that.

Sexism certainly exists, not going to deny that, but this article is pretty much shit. I would call the author a loon, but that does not make the article any worse. And yes, I believe this sexism everywhere stuff is getting more press right now because the "media" believes it helps Hilary.
As a man who is going to marry an academic in the sciences, I am getting a kick out of these replies.

You are assuming that the people posting are against women in science. None of us are, but you can't come up with people out of thin air. Today it's sexual assault and discrimination. 15 years ago it was because not enough women were in college. 25 years ago it was because not enough women were into science and mathematics. Truth is, no one knows, but it is getting old that the current en vogue thing is to blame it all on patriarchy or men being somehow taught to rape.
You can't see it, don't want to see it, or don't want others to. That's OK, whichever way, I get it.:p

Nope, I'm pretty sure I and others can tell you're obsessed over her which is okay, but I think some of the obsession isn't just innocent fascination. It looks like its driven by the typical "man freaking out about politics" thing that a lot of guys do when they get older.
Sexism is a big problem in the fashion industry. There's just so very few men in it.
This study has some questionable research design. First, it looks like to p values are a little off to me at a glance, using quantitative methods on qualitative data is a bit suspect seeing as 800 is not a very large sample for this type of analysis/data set. But I digress...

I work in an academic STEM field and 4 out of 10 people including my boss (who is awesome) are women and everybody in the dept is treated with a equal amount of respect as we are all older post-grad adults who want to be here but the work environment might be different elsewhere. However, I would never recommend anyone including women to go into a STEM field unless you are passionate about the subject and "know what you are buying".

I had an interest at an early age and leveraged my "hobby" into a career. Alas, if you approach it STEM as an objective field of study, the return isn't usually worth the cost/effort one puts into it. That is most likely the biggest contributing factor for the gap. Let me just say that getting a PhD in the US sucks (compared to other countries like the EU for example): The whole process is pretty awful unless you attend an Ivy which luckily for me I did but even then it still doesn't improve until you are abd. It's crazy expensive yet you need one to be taken seriously and make any real money. You end up living like a student well into your 30's when all your friends are getting married/having kids and transitioning into mid-career. Hmmm, I'm sensing a pattern here.

Students ask me for advice every semester an I always say, "It's a great field of study but do you want to put off having a career until 30 maybe even 40 because that is when your life finally starts as a PhD in a STEM field." Here is a simple question: STEM classes usually contain not necessarily harder but at least more dense content than other graduate work; Why would one choose to drudge through all that work when an MBA or even a JD would be easier, take less time and more cost effective? Add dealing with the a culture of "nerd-bros" which can be annoying if your interests run counter to the groups (until you reach a workplace later that is hopefully filled with actual grown-ups). Not a hard decision to make really when you think about it.
Sexism is a big problem in the fashion industry. There's just so very few men in it.

Even fewer straight men..perhaps we should start a movement that the fashion industry is out of touch with the wants of straight men due to inequality in their hiring practices. I mean they couldn't possibly be only hiring the most qualified candidates regardless of sex/sexual orientation right? :rolleyes:
Sorry but I believe this is an inherent issue in the work economy of "science." Sadly, science is a field dominated by men, and is likely therefore inherently biased. It's in ones own best interest to believe in ones best interest... And that's why a certain degree of bias towards ones outwardly identifiable social strata is inevitable, whether it's race, religion or sex and/or gender.

The best way to rectify this isn't to correct the attitudes of me , but to integrate more female perspective into research, diluting male gender bias and establishing quantitative equality.
Sorry but I believe this is an inherent issue in the work economy of "science." Sadly, science is a field dominated by men, and is likely therefore inherently biased. It's in ones own best interest to believe in ones best interest... And that's why a certain degree of bias towards ones outwardly identifiable social strata is inevitable, whether it's race, religion or sex and/or gender.

The best way to rectify this isn't to correct the attitudes of me , but to integrate more female perspective into research, diluting male gender bias and establishing quantitative equality.

I have a better idea.

How about we just hire the most qualified person for the job and stop obsessing over stupid shit like "are there enough people of X gender/race hired"? I dunno I guess just actually expecting real equality to exist and not forced equality that isn't equality at all is crazy or something.
I have a better idea.

How about we just hire the most qualified person for the job and stop obsessing over stupid shit like "are there enough people of X gender/race hired"? I dunno I guess just actually expecting real equality to exist and not forced equality that isn't equality at all is crazy or something.

Oh I agree. Quota based hiring is a blight on our society.

I never specified how we should get women interested in science, but I do believe it stems through encouragement and entitlement, and largely through proper education.
I have a better idea.

How about we just hire the most qualified person for the job and stop obsessing over stupid shit like "are there enough people of X gender/race hired"? I dunno I guess just actually expecting real equality to exist and not forced equality that isn't equality at all is crazy or something.

Pretty much this. I think the only problem is that not all hiring has to do with qualifications or skills. People hire based on lots of not-skill-related stuff which is more of a fundamental fault of people and I don't think that forcing diversity is gonna fix anything. It just makes people polarized and grumpy-cakes at each other over the differences that are now getting greater attention and won't change the fact that men and women see things differently, think differently, and work differently.
Hey, i woudn't have minded at all seeing more females in my senior year in school. It went from usually 25-35% females down to 2 or 3 females in a class of 30-40 dudes once i was serious major classes. Ain't my fault though and it's a "problem" i don't care to fix.
The best way to rectify this isn't to correct the attitudes of me , but to integrate more female perspective into research, diluting male gender bias and establishing quantitative equality.

"Female" perspective (ie: Emotions before Facts) doesn't belong in Science. Is it any wonder that the Psychology field is considered a joke science? Hell, any major field. The more women, the more problems.

and the men's side for comparison (more women are getting degrees than men, btw)

whoops link was bad

and the men's side for comparison (more women are getting degrees than men, btw)

It's like looking at a mirror or something..I mean it couldn't possibly have anything to do with the base appeal to a particular gender could it? Nah..that's crazy talk. We obviously need to pass more laws to get more men getting degrees in healthcare and public administration.
"Female" perspective (ie: Emotions before Facts) doesn't belong in Science. Is it any wonder that the Psychology field is considered a joke science? Hell, any major field. The more women, the more problems.

I think if you participate in [H] forums, you'll pretty quickly find out that most men seem to put emotions before facts. Furthermore, women don't cause problems just by being a part of a workforce. It's sort of silly to even consider and I think that really demonstrates putting the thing about putting emotions before facts. :p Yup, problems can exist, but you're wrongly assuming that men don't make problems by themselves.
I have a better idea.

How about we just hire the most qualified person for the job and stop obsessing over stupid shit like "are there enough people of X gender/race hired"? I dunno I guess just actually expecting real equality to exist and not forced equality that isn't equality at all is crazy or something.

I like it how they point out there's a gender gap, and yet they don't hire the most qualified. They go over seas and get cheap adequate labor. Yet Sony gets hacked and goes WTF? Everyone else is screaming the North Korean's are coming! When you ask Sony where's their IT staff, they'll tell you some province in India. Cause they don't care about gender or even if the person is qualified. They get cheap adequate labor.

The joke only get funnier when you realize this guy is white.
