Microcenter: Intel C2D E7400 99$ *In-Store only*

Great find- beats the Fry's deals where you pay about $150-180 for a lower-grade C2D with a low grade ECS mobo- glad to see the C2Ds are finally dropping in prices as a result of quads and i7s.
MC has been good on the cpu front lately. They just want your company to make the purchase.
Great find- beats the Fry's deals where you pay about $150-180 for a lower-grade C2D with a low grade ECS mobo- glad to see the C2Ds are finally dropping in prices as a result of quads and i7s.


Fry's doesn't have "deals" on lower grade C2D/ECS mobo combos at the price range you stated. When Fry's does have good deals on them, they are the same price as Microcenter PLUS you get the ECS motherboard.

When I bought my E7200, it was going for $99 at Microcenter. I got it at that price with the motherboard. And the quads and i7s have nothing to do with this price drop. They are because Intel is releasing the E7500 soon.
I bit. Was a good deal, upgrading from an old E6300 (1.86ghz). Nice speed increase and i was able to sell the E6300 for $30 on ebay to make the deal sweeter.

By the way, they have the 7300 for 89.99 as well.

Fry's doesn't have "deals" on lower grade C2D/ECS mobo combos at the price range you stated. When Fry's does have good deals on them, they are the same price as Microcenter PLUS you get the ECS motherboard.

When I bought my E7200, it was going for $99 at Microcenter. I got it at that price with the motherboard. And the quads and i7s have nothing to do with this price drop. They are because Intel is releasing the E7500 soon.

Today's Ad:

While the processor isn't a lower model (which I know for sure I have seen in the past at about the same price), you can't seriously tell me that the ECS motherboard is worth the $60 price difference can you? :p
Just because its in the Fry's ad doesn't mean it is a good price.

Notice I wrote "When Fry's does have good deals on them, ..." and deals in quotations marks. If you follow Fry's ads regularly, you will know what I mean.
hope these r0's overclock well. I bit on a fry's deal the other week for an e7300 and ecs mobo on the cheap and cheap. thing won't even do 3.6ghz stably at intel's defined max safe vcore
Pull off the IHS, use a razor blade with a handle, be gentle when you get under the IHS. I got stuck around 3.7 on my e7200. Pulled the lid off and I'm now at 4.0, and 8-10C cooler. Its not even too hot, so I can go higher, but would rather to do it on water, currently using a Zerotherm Nirvana. I with I could play with one of these e7400, look like fun, new stepping too.
SO what did you do, apply thermal paste and your heat sink straight to the die?
Just because its in the Fry's ad doesn't mean it is a good price.

Notice I wrote "When Fry's does have good deals on them, ..." and deals in quotations marks. If you follow Fry's ads regularly, you will know what I mean.


Was going to respond to this but this is spot on
Microcenter has become very reasonable in their deals lately. If I need something on the fly I make that trip there. A lot of stores are closing around me and Microcenter is one of the last I can depend on for for than basic computer needs.

Glad to see they have this processor cheap.
SO what did you do, apply thermal paste and your heat sink straight to the die?

You can't use the stock cooler, a bolt through cooler is necessary. Also the 'lid' on the MB that holds the cpu down has to be removed, otherwise it will be in the way of the cpu cooler and will not even touch the cpu die. Its easy the tab in the middle of the hinge has to get bent a little and the retainer comes off. Also it might be a good idea to use a thermal paste that doesn't conduct or have capacitive properties (AS5 is capacitive), I used "IC Diamond 7 Carat Thermal Compound"

The cpu cooler is the only thing holding the cpu down :D

And the bonus is that you only need a teeny tiny drop of thermal paste on the cpu die!
You are a brave man!!!
(or woman, women are sometimes not crooks either)
oooooo I was eyeballing an E5200 for an HTPC. Tempting when this is so little more.
well microcenter is starting to carry E5200s now for $69.99, some also has the E7300 for $89.99
What's IPSG mean?

Hmm, half hour drive to Boston's microcenter . . . or $20 more from Newegg.
Agh, too true. I live in Michigan, so I feel your pain right now.
That's why I love my Corolla, and my wife's beat-up Subaru Outback!
Hmmm, I'm debating on this or going for a decent quadcore deal.

Reason being, though I game, I also Fold. I'd like to have the extra cores to dump more processing power into Folding.
Picked up an e5200 and Gigabyte GA-EP45-UD3P yesterday from my local MicroCenter.

Got them up and running in my Hackintosh.

The e5200 is quite the nice little cpu. Pretty fast stock out of the box. Haven't spent any time OC'ing it, but according to most the review on the 'Egg, looks like its good for the mid 3.5 GHz or better range.

Also, if anyone is interested, the GA-EP45-UD3P is a flat out BADASS board for a Mac clone. With a completely vanilla install from a 10.5.4 disc (courtesy of a Boot-132 boot disc), it took no time to get it up and running. The Nic even works completely out of the box with no extra modified kexts needing to be installed. A few quick kext installs and all hardware is working nearly perfectly. Even updates from Software Update just fine.

Also, if anyone is interested, the GA-EP45-UD3P is a flat out BADASS board for a Mac clone. With a completely vanilla install from a 10.5.4 disc (courtesy of a Boot-132 boot disc), it took no time to get it up and running. The Nic even works completely out of the box with no extra modified kexts needing to be installed. A few quick kext installs and all hardware is working nearly perfectly. Even updates from Software Update just fine.


So this would imply that the boards used in Macs are Gigabyte? I was under the impression that they used Asus or Foxconn.
So this would imply that the boards used in Macs are Gigabyte? I was under the impression that they used Asus or Foxconn.

Nah, they don't use Gigabyte. They use EFI based boards from probably Asus or Foxconn.

Just happens that this board is close enough hardware wise to be suitably used for installing OS X. There are many boards that can work with some minor effort involved.

This particular mobo is just a well supported board by the OSX86 community.