Microsoft Freed Millions Of PC From Criminal Botnet

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
The swashbuckling crime fighters at Microsoft have taken down the botnet run by the notorious criminal mastermind known as Aquabox. Millions of PCs were freed in the effort but the head of the crime organization is still on the loose. Heh, this stuff writes itself. :D

Microsoft Corp said that an assault it led earlier this month on one of the world's biggest cyber crime rings has freed at least 2 million PCs infected with a virus believed to have been used to steal more than $500 million from bank accounts worldwide. "We definitely have liberated at least 2 million PCs globally. That is a conservative estimate," Richard Domingues Boscovich, assistant general counsel with Microsoft's Digital Crimes Unit, said in an interview on Tuesday.
They'll just get infected with something else - useless effort. They should have spent that time making windows 8 and the xbone less crappy :D
They'll just get infected with something else - useless effort. They should have spent that time making windows 8 and the xbone less crappy :D

Might be useless to you but companies & individual users will be very grateful for there efforts. At least this will be another positive tick in the Microsoft box of the things they helped out with or accomplished.

Also Microsoft wouldn't hire every single person to do one role for a new product or future plan. What they accomplished has nothing to do with Xbox One or WIndows 8 being 'crappy'.
That's fair - I'm just on the Microsoft hate train lately and was being snarky :)

However, my point is this - I never understood this stuff. Sure ms has a responsibility to patch security holes, and maaaaybe because of those exploits, they have some responsibility to take down this stuff. BUT, the average user who gets this probably has 50 other "things" of a malicious nature on their pc - and this effectively does nothing for them. Any businesses getting hit with this stuff should re-evaluate their security. So, what does this really accomplish in the big scheme of things, why does ms even bother (its not their job to fix the shady part of the Internet), and lastly, wouldn't those efforts be better justified working toward other Microsoft endeavors? Cue my snarky comment about 8 and Xbox 180 :)

Thanks ms... I guess? I dunno maybe I'm missing the importance of this action...