Microsoft Xbox 360 HD DVD Player $49

Just picked mine up, but having a hell of a time getting it up and running.

I've tried Nero Showtime and that was a no-go. Which version of the k-lite pack should I use?

Sorry i should have made it clear Nero 8 and up will work, and also other guy is right PowerDVD works too.
I pulled the trigger and bought one from Circuit city. It will be awhile before I'll get it. Plus it will be a long while before I get my free HD-DVDs. I already have the powerdvd 7 deluxe so it is $59.99 to upgrade. Kind of pricey. Maybe the next I'll get it when my HD-DVDs come in.
What the hell- I installed the drive on an XP machine, installed PowerDVD and it states that the included King Kong movie is an unsupported disc. Anyone else have this problem?
What the hell- I installed the drive on an XP machine, installed PowerDVD and it states that the included King Kong movie is an unsupported disc. Anyone else have this problem?

Did you use PowerDVD Ultra? Version 7?

Did you do the appropriate hacks to get it working on XP? It's plug and play with Vista, but not with outdated XP.
Anyone know if this can upconvert DVDs over DVI or VGA to a monitor?

No, it cannot upconvert DVDs. The drive is just a reader, not a player. The software on your computer is the player and thus software on your computer would have to do the upscaling.
Did you use PowerDVD Ultra? Version 7?

Did you do the appropriate hacks to get it working on XP? It's plug and play with Vista, but not with outdated XP.

Power DVD 7 deluxe.

XP was pretty much plug and play, plays normal DVD's with no problem.

I'm tinkering around now, I'll post results later.
Search for UDF 2.5 file system

In other news, today I'm looking at a pontiac TORRENT
Anyone know if the TORRENT is a good car
Power DVD 7 deluxe.

XP was pretty much plug and play, plays normal DVD's with no problem.

I'm tinkering around now, I'll post results later.

Well there's your problem kiddo. You need PowerDVD 7 Ultra, not Deluxe. Like the last two guys said, torrents are your friend.
Ive read a couple of guides that say this drive will automatically find its drivers under XP. This hasnt been my experience. When my PC searches, it comes back saying driver not found. Does anyone know where i can download the hddvd driver (not the udf 2.5 driver)?
I hear pirates like driving their TORRENT's

It's a fucking file system driver, not a $600 Adobe program.

Get. Off. Your. Highhorse. Mr. I. Buy. Everything.

I've got a wall full of HD DVDs and Blu-Rays. Kiss my ass.
Ive read a couple of guides that say this drive will automatically find its drivers under XP. This hasnt been my experience. When my PC searches, it comes back saying driver not found. Does anyone know where i can download the hddvd driver (not the udf 2.5 driver)?

Vista said my drive was an "unknown device" and couldn't find a driver for it at first, but then I changed the USB cable and all was well. Mini USB cables royally suck. Only 1 out of 3 that I've owned has worked, so now I'm using the same cable for all three devices.
Well there's your problem kiddo. You need PowerDVD 7 Ultra, not Deluxe. Like the last two guys said, torrents are your friend.

Actually the deluxe works, problem was with the video driver which is my bad.

I decided to inflict (test) on a laptop first and the graphics are not up to minimum spec.


P.S. The Toshiba driver for viewing files in XP is really easy to find via torrent. XP auto downloaded the driver for playing files but not viewing them. The Toshiba driver lets you look around the disc directorys.
How did you get the purchased PowerDVD Deluxe to play the HD-DVD? I thought you had to upgrade.

As many suggested the Torrent method. Is there some tips / tricks website or guide that you need to look at to get this drive to work? Why have to find the Toshiba driver to use this drive?

Enjoy your 4-6GB rips with subpar sound.

I downloaded Casino Royale once, about a week before I got my BR player and the torrent said 720p and it was the most popular.

Fucker was like 580p


Yeah, that's the rare OOP Pan's Labyrinth and the JDM Gran Turismo 5 Prologue. Can't miss my French imports of T2 and Total Recall (using AVC versus the USA MPEG2 BluRay which looks like SHIT)

Obviously, since you've got a FOLDER full of pirated movies money is a problem for you. I can say...that's not a problem we share.
You really confuse me... honestly... I have no idea what you're trying to do, first you get pissed at me because you THINK I'm "on a highhorse"... then... you get pissed when I'm not... what?

I don't get it... you're saying I'm poor? Thanks?

And... actually they're 4-16GB rips... 5.1 Dolby surround... 1.5mbps... but then again beggars can't be choosers :p

Some of that stuff isn't even out on Blu-ray or HD-DVD... HDTV... not great, but for not being available anywhere else... it's pretty good.
You claim I'm a pirate because I mention he could get the UDF driver off bittorrent.

I refute, saying I'm not a pirate.

You could've left it alone, instead you post a shot of a folder full of pirated material, with the releasing group tag still left on folder/file names.

I refute, showing you my 70+ HD DVDs and calling you poor because you pirated everything.

The ONLY show I pirate is not produced in the USA, it's Top Gear. I actually support Hollywood, whenever realistically possible.

You're the reason film producers make the same movies over and over, they can't take a risk on anything financially by thinking outside the box because they won't profit on it because of piracy.

Seriously, enjoy your shitty rips. No matter what you say to me, they're shitty rips.
They are shitty rips... but they're free shitty rips... The reason the "group tag" is still there is because I'm still seeding them...

I've already seen the movies in theatres, and or own them on DVD... how many times do I have to pay to watch the same movie... ?

Oh and I did buy the 360 HD-DVD player, already ordered Planet Earth - BBC set... there's a difference between "poor" and "not wasting money"...
Paying $9 to watch the movie in the theater grants you a one-time viewing in a theater setting.

Paying $20 to buy the DVD grants you an unlimited viewing at 480p, upconverted to whatever resolution you wish -- over HDMI.

It doesn't grant you the right to download the damn thing.

Seriously, I wish just because I own 400+ SD DVD that gave me the right to hunt down higher quality versions and download them for free.

Unfortunately, it does not work like that.
How did you get the purchased PowerDVD Deluxe to play the HD-DVD? I thought you had to upgrade.

Not sure, I'll know after doing some testing. The deluxe version clearly states HD-DVD and Blue Ray support.

As many suggested the Torrent method. Is there some tips / tricks website or guide that you need to look at to get this drive to work? Why have to find the Toshiba driver to use this drive?

The Toshiba driver is not required to play movies, just required to explore the disc.
Anyone else trying to run King Kong?

The PowerDVD HD advisor states that my monitor is not DHCP so I get kicked back to the desktop.
download the anydvd trial and see if you can play the movie then.
I already have ANYdvd and it won't play certain movies.

Beowulf and Eastern Promises so far.

So I can watch King Kong and Batman.
Update: Just discovered that Eastern Promises and Beowulf will NOT play if you have AnyDVD running. I turned those two off and it runs FINE now.
I have AnyDVD trial ripping King Kong to the hard drive I'll let you know how I make out.

Update- The version of Power DVD I have is Ultra, I'm surprised it would not play the disk even when downsampling was checked off in the options.

Anyone else have the same problem?
Well this is underwhelming- I can run King Kong ripped to the hard drive but not in full screen. If I go to full screen it shows a weird tearing at the bottom.

And to get any picture I have to disable hardware accell in Power DVD Ultra, if I don't I get no screen display.



Windows XP-SP2
PowerDVD Ultra 7.3
Nvidia drivers current
AMD 64 X2 5000+
That's pretty wierd, to say the least.

I used the default settings for PowerDVD, didn't change a thing.

I also have the K-Lite Codec pack installed, but don't know if that makes a difference.
Update- I downloaded the latest patch from the PowerDVD folks. It promptly breaks the option to play files off the harddrive. If you can play files off your hard drive now, I'd not upgrade your version of PowerDVD!

So I hooked the Xbox drive back up to the main PC to see if it will play off the drive. Now when it kicks it gives a warning message to route the monitor through D-sub rather than DVI. I break out the DVI -> D-sub adapter and fire things back up.

Now I'm back sorta to where I was- I can now play the King Kong disc right off the HD-DVD but only in a window. As soon as I go full screen the distortion shown in the second screen shot returns. Tried different monitor resolutions to no effect. Normal DVD's are fine.

P.S. I have the K-Lite pack too.
Well this is underwhelming- I can run King Kong ripped to the hard drive but not in full screen. If I go to full screen it shows a weird tearing at the bottom.

And to get any picture I have to disable hardware accell in Power DVD Ultra, if I don't I get no screen display.

Well no damn wonder you're having problems. That old CRT of yours doesn't have HDCP, which is required to watch HD movies at full resolution.
Well no damn wonder you're having problems. That old CRT of yours doesn't have HDCP, which is required to watch HD movies at full resolution.

Noted above- Ripped to the hard drive with AnyDVD so HDCP protection wasn't present. I have considered it but AnyDVD clearly states that it should not be a problem.

Power DVD states I should be able to go full screen with lesser analog output, just won't have as nice a picture. The HD-DVD advisor even gives the machine a green light with analog output.
Noted above- Ripped to the hard drive with AnyDVD so HDCP protection wasn't present. I have considered it but AnyDVD clearly states that it should not be a problem.

Well... any time you're bypassing advanced copy protection you'll find that all bets are off in respect to what's stated. I hate damn HDCP; it's the sole reason I recently bought a new monitor.
Anybody know how to zoom in PowerDVD when playing back HD DVD in order to eliminate the black letterbox effect??
Well no damn wonder you're having problems. That old CRT of yours doesn't have HDCP, which is required to watch HD movies at full resolution.

Went over to a buddies and he loaned me out his 19" HD TV with HDMI input. Hooked my 8800GT up with a DVI-D to HDMI cable.

Passes PowerDVD HD-DVD check and does the same thing, when you go to full screen the bottom half of the picture is smeared away.

I'm going to try a trial version of something else, Power DVD isn't cutting it for me.
