"Microsoft's done their best to kill gaming on PC"

Microsoft's inaction is always somehow seen as their attempt to kill it.

"Inaction?" They shutdown or converted all their PC gaming studios to Xbox only gaming studios. They pay companies to not release PC games; that's what an exclusive is. Gears of War, Halo, and many other games were Xbox exclusive because Microsoft paid companies to keep them off the PC. That is not inaction. That is a deliberate attempt to kill PC gaming in favor of the Xbox.

The reason so many companies switched to the inferior DirectX is because Microsoft threatened to stop supporting OpenGL. No one outside of Microsoft did it because they thought DirectX was better. They only did it because Microsoft bullied them into it.
And we've been talking about the future of desktop Linux for nearly two decades now with little progress in market share. It becomes of question of what's going to be different in the future that hasn't been the case for the last 20 years.

Desktop? 5 years ago you would have said computers not just desktops. Since that time Android Linux has practically destroyed Windows on computer phones and computer tablets. All it took was a big backer like Google, and Windows was easily overthrown. Soon even iOS is going to be a more popular OS than Windows.

The difference is gaming Linux now has a big supporter, Valve/Steam. While not as big as Google, otherwise it would be a sure thing, but big enough that Linux may win, or at least gain significant market share, which it has done everywhere where there's a level playing field.

Linux is the OS of choice for supercomputers, mainframes, embedded devices, servers, smartphones, and tablets. In the future maybe gaming computers also.
Desktop? 5 years ago you would have said computers not just desktops. Since that time Android Linux has practically destroyed Windows on computer phones and computer tablets. All it took was a big backer like Google, and Windows was easily overthrown. Soon even iOS is going to be a more popular OS than Windows.

Microsoft, its employees, shills and investors dismissing SteamOS as a non-threat "cuz nobody uses Linux on the desktopz" and "well where are all the Linux games then?" is music to my ears. And by all means, I hope Microsoft does continue to underestimate another potential paradigm shift until its too late, and wake up one day wondering where it all went wrong again just like they did with mobile, just like they did with search.

To Microsoft's credit though Nadella seems much more alert than fat ass was as far as reacting quickly to a potential threat. We certainly wouldn't have heard the DirectX12 PR vapor if they still believed they could stay complacent.
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TWI did their best to kill themselves. Looks like they were unsuccessful though. :p

I don't see Linux picking up much more momentum. It needs to have equal support to Windows to become a proper replacement. If I can't go from using Photoshop/Vegas/whatever to gaming to anything else then I will not be using it. Aside from secondary/third computers for nothing more than internet use, if I ever have a need for one.

The irony. Assuming you are talking about RO2 and TWI recently.

Whats so ironic about it?
A true PC game not polluted by console and commercial garbage?
TWI? Isnt that the official RO2 competitive league? What you mad brah cause you have no skills to compete in it?
Valve is not a major player in the game development world. They never have been. They have a great online distribution system that is completely dependent on other companies to be as popular as it is. No platform will be successful without software. Valve at best releases 1 game a year. That will not get people to ditch their Windows systems. If the goal is for Linux to be mainstream, get EA, Activision, and Ubisoft all releasing their games for Linux. Follow that up with getting Apple to release iTunes for Linux. iOS devices are incredibly popular and people will not ditch the ability to use iTunes just to use Linux for a few niche games.

It's going to take a massive about of developer and publisher muscle to get Linux to be anything but an after thought or techie product.

Apple is one the largest tech companies out there, they have massive success with mobile. With all of that, they can only hover around 7-8% of the desktop market. Linux is many things, but a viable desktop wide market desktop OS, it is not.
Whats so ironic about it?
A true PC game not polluted by console and commercial garbage?
TWI? Isnt that the official RO2 competitive league? What you mad brah cause you have no skills to compete in it?

Its ironic because RO2 is a commercialized, watered down game. They jumped ships and tried to grab the BF crowd and dumbed down the game throwing away many of the reasons to play it over a BF title. Festung Europa (Darkest Hour team) is probably your best bet at a true RO sequel.

TWI is Tripwire Interactive, the studio that developed RO OST (from the mod), KF (from the mod), RO2, RS and now KF2. John Gibson works for TWI. The article in the OP is about him and TWI.
Its ironic because RO2 is a commercialized, watered down game. They jumped ships and tried to grab the BF crowd and dumbed down the game throwing away many of the reasons to play it over a BF title. Festung Europa (Darkest Hour team) is probably your best bet at a true RO sequel.

TWI is Tripwire Interactive, the studio that developed RO OST (from the mod), KF (from the mod), RO2, RS and now KF2. John Gibson works for TWI. The article in the OP is about him and TWI.

No shit sherlok.
But how does that make them commercial when it is an indie game? Gimme a break.
Now your just trolling to defend MS and DX.
Desktop? 5 years ago you would have said computers not just desktops. Since that time Android Linux has practically destroyed Windows on computer phones and computer tablets.

Linux has long be popular on servers. And of course Android is very big In the mobile space, but the desktop and mobile gaming space are quite a bit different. Android isn't a desktop OS.

The difference is gaming Linux now has a big supporter, Valve/Steam. While not as big as Google, otherwise it would be a sure thing, but big enough that Linux may win, or at least gain significant market share, which it has done everywhere where there's a level playing field.

But that's just it, Linux isn't on a level playing field on the desktop. If you could wipe out the last 20+ years of Windows dominance on the desktop and start over then sure, maybe Linux would win.
No shit sherlok.
But how does that make them commercial when it is an indie game? Gimme a break.
Now your just trolling to defend MS and DX.

No shit, yet you did not know what TWI was. Being independent does not have any bearing on if a product is mainstream or not. But keep playing you CoDized RO though and get ready for yet another round of hat collecting in KF2.
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As already posted, if Windows is trying to kill PC gaming, they've done a fantastically bad job of it. A poorer job than on any other project or product they've ever gotten themselves into, save for perhaps the Kin.

so much development is cross platform and windows isn't the sole target for lots of projects now, in total contrast to 10 years ago.
People do overlook this, and I think it's probably not unsafe to say that there has never been a greater interest in cross-platform development than there is today. Similarly, there's never been more interesting work going on in Linux than there is today. It's still riddled with problems (problems Linux users tend to sweep under the rug), but there are strong interests in tackling them, with Valve being only a very small slice of the contributive weight.

Maybe that's not enough, but maybe it is. It's a five- or ten-year longshot — at best — but not nonexistent.

I don't see Linux picking up much more momentum. It needs to have equal support to Windows to become a proper replacement.
The question is whether it needs to be a replacement. OS X has done quite well with a fairly measily 7-10% market share, depending on which way the wind blows. The applications it does have are generally of extremely high quality, and it's not exactly lacking in any particular area in terms of numbers. Assuming it ever happens, it would take years for Linux to hit those market share numbers, but it could be in a very reasonable place, ecosystem-wise, if it were to only reach half that.

SteamOS itself will be successful. It's simply a foregone conclusion.
Broke devs are always on your side...until they get paid millions by a big Pub.

Have to agree with that. This sounds like a pretty angry dev with a long term grudge.

Even if PC gaming moved to Linux it will take years and years for it to happen. The change would be extremely slow and even then there would be hold outs for quite some time.

SteamOS has a long ..long ..long way to go before its ready to carry that kind of weight.
Have to agree with that. This sounds like a pretty angry dev with a long term grudge.

Even if PC gaming moved to Linux it will take years and years for it to happen. The change would be extremely slow and even then there would be hold outs for quite some time.

SteamOS has a long ..long ..long way to go before its ready to carry that kind of weight.

It might not take that long. A lot of people have access to tablets, smartphones and/or cheap Windows laptops that can be used for the things typically associated with an OS like Windows. Having a gaming PC with an OS like Linux on it is probably more viable now than it has ever been.
It might not take that long. A lot of people have access to tablets, smartphones and/or cheap Windows laptops that can be used for the things typically associated with an OS like Windows. Having a gaming PC with an OS like Linux on it is probably more viable now than it has ever been.

Yea but the cross over is still a big thing. And even with SteamOS its going to need a lot of time in the wild to be punished and reset and capable of holding that torch.

I don't think it'll be that easy , people have said this before (many times in fact and about Linux) and yet it has always happened the way we generally expect it to , with lacked interest from companies and users.
Yes I do know what TWI is, its on the front screen of RO2.
CODized RO?

Just stfu you know nothing, time to add you to ignore. The fact that your bringing up something in another thread here shows your a butthurt troll. And judging by your name your a kid, 23 years old, I was a moron when I was 23 too. Have a nice day child

And keep it up its obvious your stalking my posts, and trolling them at the same time, your just mad cause im so right and your so wrong. But just stop it, Cyberstalking is a crime, your president Clinton made it a law.

Yet again have a nice day and get off my case child

Btw I don't play killing floors, and could care less about hat collecting. Yet again you predictable childish and moronic to criticize the game over that. Even TF2 does that with almost every steam game. And I think their fans are happier with that then your beloved n00bfield bs.

Now go away your annoying, your neckbeard needs shave and your basement needs fabreeze, and mommys calling you for dinner, ohh and check out local brothels since obviously you aint getting any


I am sorry. Let me rephrase that so you can understand what I wrote:

Where's that list of Linux games that aren't on Windows? I can't seem to find it.

Yeah, pretty much. I like the idea of Linux, but I always have to laugh when I hear someone say something about how Linux is going to be the "new Windows" in really any sort of context...talking about gaming it's especially funny. :p
Yeah, pretty much. I like the idea of Linux, but I always have to laugh when I hear someone say something about how Linux is going to be the "new Windows" in really any sort of context...talking about gaming it's especially funny. :p

Well, you are correct to an extent, but Steam OS is still a baby, like I said give it time.

As for non gaming machines I see no reason why a simple distro like Mint or Zorin shouldn't be used. Anyone can use it and they are windows like just without the bs.
Well, you are correct to an extent, but Steam OS is still a baby, like I said give it time.

As for non gaming machines I see no reason why a simple distro like Mint or Zorin shouldn't be used. Anyone can use it and they are windows like just without the bs.

Yeah, I mean SteamOS is promising for sure. But the issue is that Windows is so heavily ingrained in the current game pool that it would take a decade or more for gaming to really shift over to another OS, even if developers started making games for Linux only today.
Forbes a capitalist industry info machine of course they are going to demonize something that is FREE

Lock into ecosystem? Ohh and MS doesn't do that? Id rather be locked into a FREE ecosystem then have to dish out money for crap. Who gives a shit about windows store, who the hell uses it? I disable that crap. And comparing Valve to google is ridicoulous.

"Zakarro Limp Gawd, 4 Days"

All we need to know right there with another flame bait posting of ZOMG Windows gaming is dying!

I am sorry but what "FREE" ecosystem are you referring to? If you are talking about the SteamOS, its available through Steam boxes which are way overpriced currently. I would much rather buy a cheaper, better Windows box to do my gaming on which, btw, I can play far more games on.

Microsoft, its employees, shills and investors dismissing SteamOS as a non-threat "cuz nobody uses Linux on the desktopz" and "well where are all the Linux games then?" is music to my ears. And by all means, I hope Microsoft does continue to underestimate another potential paradigm shift until its too late, and wake up one day wondering where it all went wrong again just like they did with mobile, just like they did with search.

To Microsoft's credit though Nadella seems much more alert than fat ass was as far as reacting quickly to a potential threat. We certainly wouldn't have heard the DirectX12 PR vapor if they still believed they could stay complacent.

Right, they have been underestimating that "paradigm shift" for 20+ years... It's not like a number of other platforms have come along to try and take the crown from gaming on Microsoft systems in all that time...

I swear I hear the same BS over and over again every few years. As someone that has been using Linux for 20 years and favors it over MS, I really am sick of all the MS haters and people crying wolf over nothing. Here is the simple truth, companies have been developing games for Linux for over 20 years. But still the most effective uses of people's time has been to develop emulators for Linux to try and play the Windows games on Linux. Windows has far more stability, versatility and support for gaming than any of the other platforms. Until another platform can obtain a similar ecosystem, Windows will remain the king in that area. And so far, for over 20 years, no one else has.

And I will just end with this little gem:

Steam OS is still a beta, but once it goes big I think you will be regretting the words you just uttered

How about we just see who is regretting what, the people who have been using Linux and watching/waiting on the gaming industry for over 20 years or the guy who has an account for 4 days and wants to cry wolf...
I swear I hear the same BS over and over again every few years. As someone that has been using Linux for 20 years and favors it over MS, I really am sick of all the MS haters and people crying wolf over nothing.

This forum has a massive problem with perspective. Anyone who visits, or especially posts on here is in not way your typical average user. We are power users, we are the extreme. We are the 1% of computer users. What may not seem like a big deal to us is a massive sweeping change to most. My dad is 62 years old. He enjoys the occasional game here or there.

Good luck trying to tell him why he needs to abandon everything he knows and switch to Linux. It won't happen. The truth is quite the opposite. In a hypothetical situation where all Windows games vanished overnight, he would just buy a PS4 to game on instead of having to relearn how to use his computer. He just wants things to work. My dad, is a typical user, not us.
Yeah, pretty much. I like the idea of Linux, but I always have to laugh when I hear someone say something about how Linux is going to be the "new Windows" in really any sort of context...talking about gaming it's especially funny. :p

Yet its also comical when people try to cloud SteamOS discussions with "but Linux hasn't made a dent in Windows in 20 years". Red herring.

This isn't about elevating and proliferating linux on the desktop. Valve isn't trying to "be the new Windows" with SteamOS. They are laser focusing a large budget on expanding into the living room, and are slowly building up to a critical mass for a launch, together with a network of developers and partners.

Example, every time another engine company announces their nextgen engine is SteamOS ready (CryEngine, Unreal Engine 4, etc) do you think that's happening even though "Linux hasn't made a dent in Windows in 20 years"? No. Valve's working with these partners behind the scenes. Will there be indirect benefits to Linux desktops when SteamOS becomes a thing? Sure, but that's not the primary push.
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Yeah, I mean SteamOS is promising for sure. But the issue is that Windows is so heavily ingrained in the current game pool that it would take a decade or more for gaming to really shift over to another OS, even if developers started making games for Linux only today.

"Zakarro Limp Gawd, 4 Days"

All we need to know right there with another flame bait posting of ZOMG Windows gaming is dying!

I am sorry but what "FREE" ecosystem are you referring to? If you are talking about the SteamOS, its available through Steam boxes which are way overpriced currently. I would much rather buy a cheaper, better Windows box to do my gaming on which, btw, I can play far more games on.

Right, they have been underestimating that "paradigm shift" for 20+ years... It's not like a number of other platforms have come along to try and take the crown from gaming on Microsoft systems in all that time...

I swear I hear the same BS over and over again every few years. As someone that has been using Linux for 20 years and favors it over MS, I really am sick of all the MS haters and people crying wolf over nothing. Here is the simple truth, companies have been developing games for Linux for over 20 years. But still the most effective uses of people's time has been to develop emulators for Linux to try and play the Windows games on Linux. Windows has far more stability, versatility and support for gaming than any of the other platforms. Until another platform can obtain a similar ecosystem, Windows will remain the king in that area. And so far, for over 20 years, no one else has.

And I will just end with this little gem:

How about we just see who is regretting what, the people who have been using Linux and watching/waiting on the gaming industry for over 20 years or the guy who has an account for 4 days and wants to cry wolf...

Yes im a 4 day n00b here, but you know nothing about me, have a nice day.
And im done with this forum. Mods already got a hard on for me and Im not gonna put of with this shit.
This forum has a massive problem with perspective. Anyone who visits, or especially posts on here is in not way your typical average user. We are power users, we are the extreme. We are the 1% of computer users. What may not seem like a big deal to us is a massive sweeping change to most. My dad is 62 years old. He enjoys the occasional game here or there.

Good luck trying to tell him why he needs to abandon everything he knows and switch to Linux. It won't happen. The truth is quite the opposite. In a hypothetical situation where all Windows games vanished overnight, he would just buy a PS4 to game on instead of having to relearn how to use his computer. He just wants things to work. My dad, is a typical user, not us.

So my question is, what does that have to do with my post?
Yes im a 4 day n00b here, but you know nothing about me, have a nice day.
And im done with this forum. Mods already got a hard on for me and Im not gonna put of with this shit.

Probably because you came in here and right off the bat started trying to flame bait people. The real question is why should we put up with that? I think you have a funny idea about who is putting up with who...
Probably because you came in here and right off the bat started trying to flame bait people. The real question is why should we put up with that? I think you have a funny idea about who is putting up with who...

Me a flamebaiter? Or was it them that flamebaited me?

F this place and Kyle go F yourself too for that bs "off topic" infraction. Im done with this place period. Your all a bunch of self righteous pigs with a power trip.

I friggen helped you with the Chinese chicks ad you were getting spammed on front page, you say thanks and that's its up to me to HELP YOU. Like you demend it, but I did it out of kindness and 5 min later your giving me infractions and threatning me with dealing with me again? You ungreatfull fuck, you have no idea who I am, come to my neighborhood with that attitude. You have no respect whatsoever.
Me a flamebaiter? Or was it them that flamebaited me?

F this place and Kyle go F yourself too for that bs "off topic" infraction. Im done with this place period. Your all a bunch of self righteous pigs with a power trip.

I friggen helped you with the Chinese chicks ad you were getting spammed on front page, you say thanks and that's its up to me to HELP YOU. Like you demend it, but I did it out of kindness and 5 min later your giving me infractions and threatning me with dealing with me again? You ungreatfull fuck, you have no idea who I am, come to my neighborhood with that attitude. You have no respect whatsoever.

Sorry dude. You've been cussing people out and have been hostile with everyone who disagrees with you. Might want to get your meds changed or consider therapy for the anger issues. I'm actually surprised you're still around after 4 days.
Right now SteamOS represents an inconvenience to me. I would need to dual boot my main rig at home in order to play games, the vast majority of which don't work in Linux.

In my opinion, Valve needs to give gamers a reason to deal with this inconvenience (not to mention what will be an immature platform). Is it better performance? Stability? Exclusive games (I'm fairly sure Valve already said they won't release Valve titles as exclusives), or functionality?

I'm all for what SteamOS represents, but I am concerned that it currently only seems to cause a net negative impact to my daily life.
If anything I was just reaffirming your post about invalid MS hate. People that hate on MS generally lack perspective.

That is what I thought, it was just a little vague, I was wondering if you were disagreeing about the way you were agreeing with me lol. Yeah people are generally just going to game on what is the easiest and most available. Also versatility helps and MS owns all three of those areas. I just laugh a bit when people use OpenGL as a reason people will dump Microsoft, the problem is OpenGL works on Windows as well... So it doesn't matter, plus gaming was on MS long before DirectX became a defacto standard.

I'm all for what SteamOS represents, but I am concerned that it currently only seems to cause a net negative impact to my daily life.

I agree, it doesn't really seem to offer much more than what anyone can already get with less inconvenience. I like competing platforms and technologies, but it isn't going to stop me from using what works best for me. You need to make it worth my while in some sense. Cheaper, better, more versatile, evolutionary, something.
That is what I thought, it was just a little vague, I was wondering if you were disagreeing about the way you were agreeing with me lol. Yeah people are generally just going to game on what is the easiest and most available. Also versatility helps and MS owns all three of those areas. I just laugh a bit when people use OpenGL as a reason people will dump Microsoft, the problem is OpenGL works on Windows as well... So it doesn't matter, plus gaming was on MS long before DirectX became a defacto standard.

Sounds like you aren't aware of the history then, how things played out with these API's in the early 2000's. If OpenGL hadn't been a threat, Microsoft wouldn't have felt the need to threaten and strongarm partners into abandoning it. And that "OpenGL works on Windows as well" is irrelevant and fails to see the bigger picture. It's not something Microsoft wants, they don't want their closed, proprietary API to lose its stranglehold.

OpenGL will continue to be a thing regardless of SteamOS, for the simple fact its defacto on mobile devices. And all of Microsoft's stopgap PR vapor about DX12 coming "at the end of 2015" (which will probably mean 2016) isn't going to stop the proliferation of OpenGL as the eventual standard across ALL devices including x86.
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Sounds like you aren't aware of the history then, how things played out with these API's in the early 2000's. If OpenGL hadn't been a threat, Microsoft wouldn't have felt the need to threaten and strongarm partners into abandoning it. And that "OpenGL works on Windows as well" is irrelevant and fails to see the bigger picture. It's not something Microsoft wants, they don't want their closed, proprietary API to lose its stranglehold.

OpenGL will continue to be a thing regardless of SteamOS, for the simple fact its defacto on mobile devices. And all of Microsoft's stopgap PR vapor about DX12 coming "at the end of 2015" (which will probably mean 2016) isn't going to stop the proliferation of OpenGL as the eventual standard across ALL devices including x86.

You are right, I apparently don't know the history even though I have been gaming on both Linux and Windows for 20 years... Seriously man there is a lot of FUD regarding the whole OpenGL / DirectX debate. This same thing gets brought up ALL the time and yet all this time, Windows has still been the dominant platform for PC gaming. The fact that more effort is put into creating and fixing Windows emulators to play games on Linux then is spent trying to get native gaming on Linux pushed forward says a lot about the situation. So you an cry wolf like people have been doing for decades and it will still be the same outcome. To think of all things SteamOS will be the undoing? That is just laughable to me.
Me a flamebaiter? Or was it them that flamebaited me?

F this place and Kyle go F yourself too for that bs "off topic" infraction. Im done with this place period. Your all a bunch of self righteous pigs with a power trip.

I friggen helped you with the Chinese chicks ad you were getting spammed on front page, you say thanks and that's its up to me to HELP YOU. Like you demend it, but I did it out of kindness and 5 min later your giving me infractions and threatning me with dealing with me again? You ungreatfull fuck, you have no idea who I am, come to my neighborhood with that attitude. You have no respect whatsoever.
bye :D
I dont understand the drive people have to get rid of MS or windows. Nor do I understand the linux evangelists. I am a software engineer, I am a power user, and linux does ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to benefit me. In fact, I'm a software engineer of embedded systems, and still dont swear by Linux. Is it a usable OS? sure. However to only real advantage it has is in embedded systems because its distros can be light weight enough to not throttle performance of lower end chips.

That being said, it is NOT a programmers/power users haven. My entire industry does not use linux, because it cannot be used in a safety critical environment, it is completely uncertifiable.

For every day use it is too fragmented and will never see the support what windows does. Simple little things like drivers for a usb WIFI adapter are a royal pain in the ass, and even when you can find them they arent complete, god forbid graphics drivers.