Might have a issue with new processor?


Limp Gawd
Sep 20, 2007
I purchased a 4200+ AM2 it should have been the ADA stepping instead I got the ADO 65 watt stepping, I was wondering if this is going to be a problem with overclocking? The website said that it was the ADA stepping and still does right now, I got it from tigerdirect in case you were wondering.

The plan was to overclock and see what I can get out of it, but I dont know if I want to open it since it is not exactly what I ordered.

Reccomendations? Keep because it is a ok overclocker, or get a rma from tigerdirect for not sending me the correct part.

I was not looking to get a low power processor.:confused:

O and by the way the web site showed that it has 1MB L2, do the 65watts have 1mb per core?
O and by the way I have taken a screen shot so that I have proof that what they have listed and what I got are 2 diff parts. But again this is only if with your help that I decide that the processor is not worth keeping, if it is an ok or even good overclocker then I will keep it.

But it must be on the same level of performance as a regular AM2 full watt part.

I have yet to open the processor box, because of this issue, and it is killing me :(

But like I said I dont want a lower performing part.