Missing -bigadv WU credit

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[H]ard|DCer of the Month - March 2009
Sep 17, 2000
I uploaded a -bigadv WU yesterday that I didn't seem to have gained credit for. This would have been sometime in the mid to late morning if I have the time of completion right. How do I confirm if this WU was received and accredited for?
I uploaded a -bigadv WU yesterday that I didn't seem to have gained credit for. This would have been sometime in the mid to late morning if I have the time of completion right. How do I confirm if this WU was received and accredited for?

u have the work log?

i know this is a dumb question. but you have the pass key and your user name and team info correct?

Yes, I have been folding these WUs since fall '09.

i figured that. but i have forgot to type in a letter in my user name before and half left 1 letter off the end of my pass key before.

in the WU log does it show found passkey or i forget exaclty how its worded when it downloaded it.

trying to remeber where i seen a thread where one guy did liek 3-4 big adv and wouldn't get credit for them. was something to do it wasnt detecting the passkey at the time of download.
i figured that. but i have forgot to type in a letter in my user name before and half left 1 letter off the end of my pass key before.
Yeah, I understand mistakes can happen.

in the WU log does it show found passkey or i forget exaclty how its worded when it downloaded it.
Yep, everything appears as it should with all the confirmations, just like my other successfully uploaded WUs yesterday. I went over all the -bigadv logs from Thursday right before your reply, and there should have been three clients completing work, yet I see only two have been accredited. My daily production stats corroborate this with a lower than expected total.

trying to remeber where i seen a thread where one guy did liek 3-4 big adv and wouldn't get credit for them. was something to do it wasnt detecting the passkey at the time of download.
I remember one or two threads where people weren't being accredited. In my case everything appears fine as follows from the client in question:

[14:05:41] Finished Work Unit:
[14:05:41] - Reading up to 52713120 from "work/wudata_09.trr": Read 52713120
[14:05:41] trr file hash check passed.
[14:05:41] - Reading up to 46989980 from "work/wudata_09.xtc": Read 46989980
[14:05:41] xtc file hash check passed.
[14:05:41] edr file hash check passed.
[14:05:41] logfile size: 237515
[14:05:41] Leaving Run
[14:05:44] - Writing 100108555 bytes of core data to disk...
[14:05:48] ... Done.
[14:06:10] - Shutting down core
[14:06:10] Folding@home Core Shutdown: FINISHED_UNIT
[14:06:13] CoreStatus = 64 (100)
[14:06:13] Sending work to server
[14:06:13] Project: 6900 (Run 18, Clone 21, Gen 19)
[14:06:14] + Attempting to send results [January 20 14:06:14 UTC]
[14:19:26] + Results successfully sent
[14:19:26] Thank you for your contribution to Folding@Home.
[14:19:26] + Number of Units Completed: 365
The completion time stamps for the other two -bigadv WUs were [January 20 16:43:30 UTC] and [January 20 23:34:56 UTC]. It's clear from the logs 3 WUs uploaded on Thursday.
Apollo, I know you don't like going over to FF but if you give me the three WUs which you suspect, I can have the mods check them for you on your behalf.
I uploaded a -bigadv WU yesterday that I didn't seem to have gained credit for. This would have been sometime in the mid to late morning if I have the time of completion right. How do I confirm if this WU was received and accredited for?

it happens, probably something wrong with the server again(happened about a month ago).. they will correct it by giving you 45k points for the WU.
Did you by chance just get base credit for it with no bonus? There is at least one other reported case of that right now - http://foldingforum.org/viewtopic.php?f=55&t=17306
I wouldn't know if I received base credits. It's hard to determine because my total for the day was over 200K and I have many GPU clients running. If I would hazard a guess I would say it doesn't appear that I received anything at all by looking closely at that particular time of day for my stats, but I cannot say I'm absolutely certain about that.

Apollo, I know you don't like going over to FF but if you give me the three WUs which you suspect, I can have the mods check them for you on your behalf.
What do I need to do? I haven't posted at the FF in years and would need to create a new account there, which is something I am hesitant to do for a single incident. This is yet one more issue pounding away at me and my effort. :(

it happens, probably something wrong with the server again(happened about a month ago).. they will correct it by giving you 45k points for the WU.
That would certainly be better than nothing. It's probably closer to 70K but I'll take that. I was also one of those who were affected by the P670x server issue a few months back where some people weren't accredited because of lost WUs. I think I had uploaded at least two or three WUs during that period for which I never received anything. :mad:
yeah it usually takes them 2-3 days for them to credit the WU's. sometimes more if they don't notice it right away or no one posts about it in the FF.
What do I need to do?
Just give me the three WUs that were uploaded on Thursday (with R/C/G) and I will just PM a mod on your behalf. Just like we did before with some problems you were having.
Just give me the three WUs that were uploaded on Thursday (with R/C/G) and I will just PM a mod on your behalf. Just like we did before with some problems you were having.
Do you need the entire log for each WU because only one wasn't accredited. I can send you the RCG and respective times for the WUs if that would be sufficient.
I'm getting closer to helping Apollo figure this out. Looks like one of the units was actually completed twice but he only received partial credit on the first one and zero points on the second attempt. I smell a bad WU but Apollo is sending me the log file detail for this particular unit.
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