Missing in consoles


Oct 11, 2006
So I was thinking this morning on how well consoles have advanced over the years and how they went from a simple gaming machine to gaming, media, storage, etc. It got me wondering with all of this what are the little, or big, things missing that I (you) want.
I would like to see a multiple drive bay setup where I can have two (or more) discs in the system so I can easily swap between games without having to get up or change out discs.

My question/discussion for you all is what would you add to a console if you were give the choice to make an addition?
*Note: Hoping to keep this to general consoles and not talk specifics here. So add your suggestions.
Sounds like you are describing a PC.

That is not the point......
A console in todays market is a wonderful tool and gaming machine, I am just wondering what things people would like to add to make them better, easier to use, more fun, etc.

Who cares if what I am thinking might be a PC, maybe that is what I want.
I'd agree with that. I'd love to see a disk changer incorporated. Either that or some means of installing games and playing them without disks. Yes, I'm aware of the piracy concerns...but with the whole Live! account concept, they could likely handle something like that.

Full Plug-&-Play functionality with keyboards/mice/etc. would be nice, but then creators have to plan for a lot of control schemes. Maybe a specific line of controls that offer a little more variety.

I'd like to see controller recharging hubs integrated, too. I know you can plug in your controllers, but wouldn't it be nice if you could attach them to the side of the console or something similar?

I also think an integrated cam might not be that bad. You can obviously disable it if you want, but it might be fun.
disc changer just screams expensive to me (and lazy.. but i'll not get into that)... i don't want to pay more just to have a disc changer.. just seems lame to me.. not that hard to get up and change a game really..

if it were an optional add on.. sure.. but not right out of the box..

as for features i'd like to see.. i'd have to think for alittel while..
I would like a console to

1: make good games before releaseing the system.
2: make good games after releaseing the system.
3: make good games . .

I don't need more than a PS2 right now because the best games are on PS2 I just finished Soul Nomad and I give it a 9/10 great game had a blast from start to finish and it has enough replay to keep me going for probably 100 hours or so. I just Started Persona 3 as well and it's looking to be another 9/10 game as well. There isn't much out for either wii, PS3, or xbox360 that I would buy the system for.
I actually liked it better when consoles were just devices in which you loaded cartridges or CDs and played games. Not this multimedia machine trying to take over your living room while nickle and diming you to death for additional content.

So... long live the SNES! ;p
My question/discussion for you all is what would you add to a console if you were give the choice to make an addition?
A dedicated DSP for audio processing, probably. Something akin to the X-Fi chip, but much more programmable and "open", and at least somewhat more powerful.

Interesting question, by the way.
Thanks. :)
I to feel consoles should go to there original form, but then I think about how combining devices makes life "simpler" in a sense.
well there are a few things that I would like to see.

1. Standards. I would like there to be some standards that games would have to meet. Like quality ( I know this is subjective ). & Play Length. Let's face it. Back in the day we could spend weeks playing one game now they are not worth the price of purchase if we can finish then in a few days time.

2. Cross platform play. There are many games out there that are multi platform but are roped into proprietary networks so I cannot play against people with the same game on a different console.

3. More single player attention. It seems that a lot of games are now based around on line play and they don't seem want to give you more than a 6 hour single player campaign.

4. powered USB ports in the PS3. I want to turn off the PS3 and still have the controllers charge when it is not in use.

that is all for now but I bet I can think of many more if I invested some more time.
well there are a few things that I would like to see.

1. Standards. I would like there to be some standards that games would have to meet. Like quality ( I know this is subjective ). & Play Length. Let's face it. Back in the day we could spend weeks playing one game now they are not worth the price of purchase if we can finish then in a few days time.

There were tons of older games that were great, and lasted a long time; and there were tons of games that were garbage and had 2 hours play time. Exactly like today's games. Back in the day, there was no internet and no place to go to quickly find out how to solve that puzzle. You needed to have a magazine subscription to Nintendo Power or something similar and it seemed magical when you figured out something complex. Nowadays, most people can't figure something out, so they get frustrated and look up the solution online in 2 minutes.

2. Cross platform play. There are many games out there that are multi platform but are roped into proprietary networks so I cannot play against people with the same game on a different console.

The reason for having multiple gaming platforms is competition. That means value to us as consumers. If there was one platform, we'd all be playing on the same network, but we'd be paying $2000 for the console and $200 a game.

3. More single player attention. It seems that a lot of games are now based around on line play and they don't seem want to give you more than a 6 hour single player campaign.

Yeah I agree with you, but there are a bunch of games that have really long single player gameplay. I have never even played any of the Oblivion expansion packs and my gamesave was 130 hours!

4. powered USB ports in the PS3. I want to turn off the PS3 and still have the controllers charge when it is not in use.

I have a 360 with the charge kit that lets you place 2 batteries in it and charge them at a time. I gotta say; it's a great product. The 360 will also charge a usb device if it's plugged into it while "powered off". My buddy that has a PS3 bought a Belkin USB charging kit that comes with a car cigarette usb charger, some usb mini/ipod cables and a wall charger that will charge 2 usb devices simultaneously. He uses this for his PS3 controllers.
Agreed that there's no way to have standard lengths and that old games were short, too.
Remember games like Mega Man, Ninja Gaiden, Bionic Commando, etc.? They might've been harder because you were younger.
I played them all recently and pretty much cruised right through them. Even when I was young, Mega Man 2-4 were games I'd rent and win over the weekend. NG's the hardest of the bunch and it still wasn't very long. Recently I literally won the first Ninja Gaiden in a matter of about an hour and a half. When I was 11, that game took me a month to win.

If anything games are much harder and longer now. Some of it might be artificial because of added complexity, but they typically are. Even a good Halo or Gears player will take 3-6 hours to win the game. There aren't many old games that'll keep you busy that long except Zelda or RPG's.
There were tons of older games that were great, and lasted a long time; and there were tons of games that were garbage and had 2 hours play time. Exactly like today's games. Back in the day, there was no internet and no place to go to quickly find out how to solve that puzzle. You needed to have a magazine subscription to Nintendo Power or something similar and it seemed magical when you figured out something complex. Nowadays, most people can't figure something out, so they get frustrated and look up the solution online in 2 minutes.

The reason for having multiple gaming platforms is competition. That means value to us as consumers. If there was one platform, we'd all be playing on the same network, but we'd be paying $2000 for the console and $200 a game.

Yeah I agree with you, but there are a bunch of games that have really long single player gameplay. I have never even played any of the Oblivion expansion packs and my gamesave was 130 hours!

I have a 360 with the charge kit that lets you place 2 batteries in it and charge them at a time. I gotta say; it's a great product. The 360 will also charge a usb device if it's plugged into it while "powered off". My buddy that has a PS3 bought a Belkin USB charging kit that comes with a car cigarette usb charger, some usb mini/ipod cables and a wall charger that will charge 2 usb devices simultaneously. He uses this for his PS3 controllers.

I am very sorry that you missed the point of this thread. You are supposed to make a wish list of things YOU WOULD LIKE TO SEE IN CONSOLES. Not rip on other peoples wish list. If you do not agree with what I want to see that is your opinion but I would rather see what you would like to see instead. I thought that this thread was a great idea of something positive to say about consoles in general. I like the idea of people collaborating on what they would consider a dream system.

As for the comments about the powered USB ports. I want to have it included in the system and not a separate purchase. That is why it is on my wish list I can go out and buy a charging station for my PS3 controllers but I would rather be able to leave the controllers plugged into the console and have them charged while the system is in a power save mode or a stand bye type of thing.
I think all of the consoles have their strong points and weak points. So, if I were designing my dream machine, it'd have some elements of all of them.

The 360 has a fabulous online service, achievements, a very capable GPU. a powerful and easy-to-program CPU, great homebrew support via XNA, a nice media marketplace, good MCE and UPnP support, and fantastic controller design.

The PS3 has standards-based peripherals (using Bluetooth and SATA), PSN Home, gigabit ethernet, Linux support, and a capable optical drive. It also had some nice additions like a card reader, lots of USB ports, and built-in WiFi.

The Wii has the best BC, an innovative motion controller, a good web browser, the best memory card scheme (SD cards) and lots of community and family-friendly features.

So, my uber-machine would be based off a 360, but:
1. Use Bluetooth instead of proprietary RF for wireless peripherals.
2. Have six USB ports.
3. Integrate an HD-DVD/Blu-Ray combo optical drive.
4. Have built-in 802.11abgn WiFi and gigabit ethernet for network communication.
5. Use two eSATA ports and two SDHC card readers for storage.
6. Combine PSN Home, Miis, and XBL into an integrated service.
7. Add Wiimote and Dual Shock 3 support. Or add motion control and the ability to swap the d-pad/analog stick to the 360 controller, and leave off DS3 support.
8. Linux support!
9. Built-in Firefox browser, with Flash 9 support.
I'm pretty happy w/ the state of console gaming right now, I love being able to download demo's, watch movies, play online, arcade games, etc. The quality of the games released in the last 2-3 months has been astonishing as well. It seems like a must have, or at least a must rent, title gets released every other week now. The one thing I would really like to see though is more media center functions, more codecs being accepted by the consoles, etc and the ability to install larger hard drives that aren't propietary (similar to how you can upgrade a ps3)
Use Bluetooth instead of proprietary RF for wireless peripherals

I dunno if it's normal, but Tekken uses Bluetooth for voice communication and its DRAINS bandwidth. It's so bad that almost nobody plays with it on. I like the 360's RF communication just because it doesn't really impact the game at all. When I'm playing Tekken with friends, we actually start an Xbox chat while playing on the PS3 because it uses so little bandwidth :p
Again, I'm not sure if all games a like that, but Tekken is a mess. On the plus side, the Bluetooth voice quality is amazing. It's essentially just like a phone call.
What I want from my consoles...

no loading in every game

some games don't have load, or they are masked, but i want no load times on every system and for every game like the old cartridge days
I want to see more varied games on the 360 instead of the usual action fodder. Where's all the great strat games? And i don't mean RTS games. Microsoft should look into getting some of the old Koeii strat games to release on the Arcade Live! marketplace. I would rather buy those than Pacman and Galaga. Proper mouse and keyboard support in games would be a nice addition. Lots of PC gamers won't play consoles for that reason alone. May as well throw in a web browser on the 360 too so i can browse youtube while being a couch potato.
I'd like to see some features that would be so entirely simple to implement, yet some refuse to do: keyboard/mouse support for all games, for one. Another thing is web browsing, and this is in the case of 360...this machine is more than capable of having a web browser, yet MS refuses to implement one for the 360. WHY?

Also, and this isn't something strictly console related....but why do all the great (new) sidescrolling platforming games have to be for handheld systems? Sonic Rush or New Super Mario Bros, for example. They are great games and all, but why can't they make a beautiful, high definition, widescreen Sonic game for the 360 or PS3 that's composed of a high definiteion sprite-based engine? I mean imagine the graphics engines of Sonic games of the past, only high definiteion at the source and totally smooth.

I think that would be so supremely sweet.:eek:
I would like a console to

1: make good games before releaseing the system.
2: make good games after releaseing the system.
3: make good games . .

I don't need more than a PS2 right now because the best games are on PS2 I just finished Soul Nomad and I give it a 9/10 great game had a blast from start to finish and it has enough replay to keep me going for probably 100 hours or so. I just Started Persona 3 as well and it's looking to be another 9/10 game as well. There isn't much out for either wii, PS3, or xbox360 that I would buy the system for.
you are poor or something.