MP3 player w/ best support for winamp?


Jun 5, 2008
My brothers ipod he had been using crapped out the other day (he dropped it in a paint bucket lol), and he is looking for a mp3 player that would work well with winamp.

He is looking for a mp3 player that has these options available when used with winamp:

1. Able to copy playlists from winamp onto mp3 player
2. Able to copy album artwork images onto player/display with music.

He is looking at Creative Zens, but read a couple reviews on the winamp forums that they were not a great choice?

Any/all help would be appreciated!
What is the budget? How much space does he want/need on the player? Also what size (ex: shuffle sized, ipod classic sized, etc)?
What is the budget? How much space does he want/need on the player? Also what size (ex: shuffle sized, ipod classic sized, etc)?

I believe he would like to spend as little as plausible, but will spend what is necessary to ensure he purchases a quality product. I know that is vague, so maybe start out ~$60?

He would like a ~4-18gb, and flash mem based/ non-moving part HDD. Size of the player is not that important.
It's more a case of which Winamp can talk to easily.

Playlist-based narrows it down.

Album art pretty much implies "not small" FWIW, although some can still be surprisingly small.

Capacity...there are surprisingly few options with a lot of storage. If you want a lot, that also narrows it down a lot (and probably drives the price up).
It's more a case of which Winamp can talk to easily.

Playlist-based narrows it down.

Album art pretty much implies "not small" FWIW, although some can still be surprisingly small.

Capacity...there are surprisingly few options with a lot of storage. If you want a lot, that also narrows it down a lot (and probably drives the price up).

Playlists is one of the most important items
The album art would be really nice, and is more important than size.
Flash based mem/ non-moving parts is also very important...

Any suggestions?
I never really had problem with it ever !
i have the 4gb version and filled that up pretty quick
i have a 16gb sd card that i store all my music on and mostly use it in my car stereo
thru usb and never had a problem
the audio quality is good better than ipods
plays divx and the screen is very good at playing movies
I never really had problem with it ever !
i have the 4gb version and filled that up pretty quick
i have a 16gb sd card that i store all my music on and mostly use it in my car stereo
thru usb and never had a problem
the audio quality is good better than ipods
plays divx and the screen is very good at playing movies

Cool, thanks for the advice.
That is the probably the one he will end up going with, unless their are objections from anyone else.