MSI gaming lappy i7 quad, 6gb, GTX 285M $850 AR

lol MSI rebate. good luck with all that. seems like a decent price even before rebate though.
lol MSI rebate. good luck with all that. seems like a decent price even before rebate though.

Yep. It's a $100 rebate, but even at $950, it's still decent. Hard to find 1.73 ghz i7 quad laptops cheaper.
The resolution on that screen hurts! Its a meh deal compared to some of the HP deals hovering around. Cheers for sharing though.
i was wondering 4 years ago on 1024x768 being too small, but having 720p on 15inch isn't that bad, yes indeed 1080p will be nice for laptop since we are sitting so close, but too small for some too.

just a thought, design is pretty ugly specially the other side of screen. promise you it'll catch lots of dust very often. i wouldn't buy it even with 1080p screen, if it was 1900x1200 might get it for indoor use.
i was wondering 4 years ago on 1024x768 being too small, but having 720p on 15inch isn't that bad, yes indeed 1080p will be nice for laptop since we are sitting so close, but too small for some too.

just a thought, design is pretty ugly specially the other side of screen. promise you it'll catch lots of dust very often. i wouldn't buy it even with 1080p screen, if it was 1900x1200 might get it for indoor use.

You could also just use the hdmi out to plug into a tv for a higher resolution. Would make a nice portable gaming machine. $850 for a laptop with this high-end of a gpu is amazing though...

And yes, the design is god awful and ultra cheapy. Played with one of these in best buy and I wouldn't be caught dead out of the house with this.
You could also just use the hdmi out to plug into a tv for a higher resolution. Would make a nice portable gaming machine.

haha, well that was the problem in the past (i had old dell with 640x480 resolution was big as hell on 12/13inch, now on 15 inch the 1024x768 kind of felt small, but after a while i got use to it and now i've 1900x1200 on 17 inch which is little smaller but i'm use to it.
I must be in the minority but I don't think that res is a problem; it's about the same DPI as an old 17" 1280x1024 monitor and I'm still sitting at a full arm's length away in either case.
I will say my 14" 1440x900 screen on my asus laptop is good. But that's smaller and more dense. I would have to see the screen in person before buying.

It's a good deal I say. Nice CPU and GPU. I'm sure battery life sucks and the screen res might be a problem. I just want similar specs in a much smaller package. 13" is what I want.
i don't like that res for 2D that much but its a gaming laptop. Crank up the AA and that res is perfect for laptop gaming with that screen size. Nothing whatsoever wrong with it. It's not an enthusiasts gaming laptop, it's a mainstream targeted gaming laptop, and it's cool for that.
As usual, can't please everyone, seems the last 2 or 3 gaming laptops mentioned here have immediately gotten poo-pooed on mostly over the video res. Same for rebates it seems, I've never had a single rebate from any company denied, lost or just plain haven't gotten. I've grumbled over the forms and/or having to use their website to pre-qualify/pre-register, but that was minor.
Seems like a great laptop. I would get it but my budget is around 1500 for my next one. I will wait...