MSI H610M Bundle, $75/FS - incl. PSU + 2 SSDs

Wow... Nice deal

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And free shipping.


DDR4 is the only meh.

Supports 12th and 13th gen. Maybe 14th when it's out?

Planning on a 14th gen upgrade, so, in for one to use as a cheap path to kick the 12th and 13th gen cpu's down.

Folding box?
No one should be buying an H series MB thinking they are going to drive K series cpus and win Cinebench contests. But, for normal use they are fine price/performance, especially when paired with low to mid tier non K cpus.

The deal here is getting the 500w PSU and two small drives with the MB for $75 shipped.
What's in the box(es)?

Old, name brand stuff. I'll use the MB, M.2 SSD and PSU to kick the 12th gen down as the 13th will take its spot when I get the 14th later this year. Have to make some room. Will likely spin up a DC build. I'll put the ssd into a laptop I'm passing to a family member soon. So, $75 bucks is decent for me.

Kingston 120G ssd
Adata 256G sata ssd
Thermaltake 500w psu - Haswell ready!



Yup, seems s good deal if it fits the situation. I was close to pulling the trigger, but it was OOS when I went back to buy it. Inshallah, right? :atongue:
