MSI K8N Neo Platinum question


Oct 30, 2000
got my board yesterday from the egg. It came with the 1.4 bios an newer 4114 chipset.

K8N Neo
2x512 PDP 3200
A64 3500+ 90 nm
Hatachi/IBM 80 GIG SATA - 3
Lian Li 65B Case
Cooler Master Hyper 6

I've just had the board up and running since this 12 pm today and all is a default right now. The CPU idles at about 37c. The only question I have is mt two devices (HD and DVD) are hooked up to SATA ports 3 and 4 (closest to CPU) and my right task bar on my desktop shows one of those remove device safely icons, much like what would be displayed if you plugged in a memory stick. When I click on this icon it displays both my harddrive and my cdrom an gives me the option to remove them. Is this just the way the SATA ports work or may I have a setting incorrect in the BIOS. If anyone has experienced this please lmk. Thanks. Todd.
It is probably because SATA can be made hot-pluggable. After you said this, I just noticed that my system does the same thing with my two SATA drives. I'd just ignore it.

P.S. If you do properties on your SATA in Device Manager and choose the "Policies" tab, you can select either "Optimize for Quick Removal" or "Optimize for Performance" If you optimize for quick removal, the "Safely Remove Hardware" bit should go away. In performance, this apparently appears because they don't want the write cache to be corrupted should you undock a hard disk; you must remove hardware. I'd guess the Quick Removal option turns off write caching for the drive.
thanks for reply......its just a little annoying because I have always been concerned with something comsuming memory that shouldn't be. Taking a quick cpu and memory usage look shows that my system idels with extremley low overhead. I'm at work right now so I will be finsishing the complete setup tomorrow. Since I have my OS on the locked SATA port, I will probably be hooking my 200 gig IDE storage drive up to IDE1. If I happen to run FSB up around 250 would/could this possibly corrupt my mp3/mpegs I have on this IDE channel? Is high FSB and harddrive corruption normally associated with just OS/Windows files?
i run my fsb on this mb at 260 and im running two 80gig IDE drives in striping raid, no problems at all, ive messing with it endlessly much higher with no posts and random crashes, BSOD's and such with no data loss of corruption of my hard drives.
this is good to hear............thanks a lot. When I first booted mine up it picked up both my sata hd and my sata cdrw drive. I didn't even load the drivers from the floppy as I see some state must be done. The BIOS is a lot different from what I was used on my Lan Party B Ultra, but I'll get used to it. Think I'm gonna really enjoy it. Thanks for the reply.
I love mine and it does the same thing.
I am also concerned about little proggies taking up resrouces...but the task tray is not always a good indicator of whats running.
not to be pickey, but the neo is the NF3 754 board, the neo2 is the NF3 939 board, and the neo4 is the NF4 939 board. All of them are K8N Neo(X) Platnium's. Damn MSI is stupid for keeping the same name for totally different things. That title made me think you have a 754 cpu.
to set the record straight there is a k8n neo and a k8n neo2....gotta love msi.....neo is s754 neo2 is 939(what u have) just more confusion brought to u by msi.
had the same problem w/ my samsung 160GB sata hdd. i dont know how i made the icon go away.
i have the same thing, but since i always have other removeable devices, i just hide it in the sys tray and ignore it ;)

btw- 1,337th post!