msi neo2 help plz


Limp Gawd
Oct 24, 2003
Just got this board and put in my case and would not boot up. Took it out of the case put it on my desk and it's boot but i'm stuck on the screen where it's tell you to press delete to enter BIO. What am i missing? Here what i got.

Neo2 platnuim 939
amd 64 winchester 3000
enermax 431w
1gig of centon ddr3200
Egva 6800 ultra
what do you mean by contact? My back plate is touching the case could that be it?
Overgloc said:
what do you mean by contact? My back plate is touching the case could that be it?

Yes, that is very likely the problem. The brass standoffs on the case into which you screw the motherboard onto should prevent that. Make sure you have standoffs that correspond to the holes on the board, and no extra ones that could also make contact with the PCB (board) itself.
Overgloc said:
what do you mean by contact? My back plate is touching the case could that be it?

Are you talking about the I/O plate that installs in the back of the case or are your talking about the backplate on the back of the motherboard thats used for the heatsink?
Ive seen this issue before, with one of my setup's on this motherboards, It was having problems detecting the ide stuff at boot. Try uplugging all the ide and everything but your main sata hard-drive, and just let it sit there at for like 30 minutes if it still gives you the error and when you get into bios try dissabling ide auto detection.
My board was having the exact same problem.

The odd part was that I had all my jumpers set correctly on the cable line.

What solved it for me was putting all my devices on "Cable Select". Also, switching components around on the IDE line seemed to work as well. Weird as hell - but it worked. Also, if you have 2 memory sticks, just try one of them in slot 1. This can also cause problems. I got my board running 100% stable now, all that is messed up now are my temp readings.

Give it a try

I've got the same problem with my socket 939 setup (not listed in sig). It seems to be doing it more frequently, it just hangs at the screen where you can go into the bios. Only ide drive there is, is the Plextor DVD drive. Hard drive is a 74gb SATA raptor. I can't remember exactly how it is setup (Its not here at home) with the device priorities and stuff. I'll have to check it out and see.
whenever i get that problem it has to do with the ide cables, happened when one went bad on me
Hi there!

Having the exact same problem too.

Bruning: If the heatsink plate under the board is touching the case, will it be grounded?? Maybe that's my problem too.

Anyway, have to wait my board. RMA it thinking is was defect. Hope it was... in a way.

Had to reset CMOS settings to make it boot. Then, suddenly shutted down, and once shutted down, couldn't make it power up again. Had to reset CMOS again to make it boot.
The most likely problem is, you need a bios update. go to the motherboard manufacture web site, then see if there is any updates for your motherboard.

I guess I'll try that once I get my board back. Sent it to RMA because I really tought it was damaged. Guess I'll see what will happen once I get it back.

thks all
EXACTLY what afropuff said (word for word) - I've made that exact same post on countless forums lately.

Also, until you can work out what version of the bios you have (and have got the latest using the Live updater) just use one stick of ram.

Also (again) use the diagnostic LEDs on the usb expansion panel (but ignore it when it says "floppy error" because that means "floppy might be broke but probably isn't...check IDE".
ive seen this a few times and usually its either the floppy like said above, or ide jumpers set wrong. setting the hard drives to cable select and trying different cable configs. usually solves the prob.
ColinR said:
EXACTLY what afropuff said (word for word) - I've made that exact same post on countless forums lately.

Also, until you can work out what version of the bios you have (and have got the latest using the Live updater) just use one stick of ram.

Also (again) use the diagnostic LEDs on the usb expansion panel (but ignore it when it says "floppy error" because that means "floppy might be broke but probably isn't...check IDE".

I just read this after reviewing previous threads..

it's obvious we are both geniouses then!

Really odd... I had the same problem you guys had with the IDE cables or the floppy, another reason mine locked up was my video card was not pushed completely in the AGP slot. But for some reason I cannot get my hard drive and cdrw on the same IDE cable when I do it locks up. Its not the jumpers and the slave master config because my cdrw is on slave, so I dont know whats going on. Any Suggestions? :(
I've got that issue at the moment (20Gig Maxtor and a Ricoh CDRW/DVDROM drive). The only reason I haven't fixed it is because I'm too busy. Need to do a few things to my PC.

Confident that the only issue there is that you need to select Cable Select. Slap in an 80 connector ribbon. Cable Select on both drives. Away you go.
Thanks Colin that worked... But now the problem is It detects the cd burner but once windows xp has to load it locks up, I get to the loading windows screen but its not even fully faded in. It just stops right there.
Invicid said:
Thanks Colin that worked... But now the problem is It detects the cd burner but once windows xp has to load it locks up, I get to the loading windows screen but its not even fully faded in. It just stops right there.

PFFTT if you read my post a few weeks ago you woulda figured that much out already.

afropuff said:
My board was having the exact same problem.

What solved it for me was putting all my devices on "Cable Select".

Also - could it be the windows problem is due to your HD already having a version of windows on it?! If so - you need to run windows repair off your boot disk.

Can you get into safe mode?

Ive had windows installed for a while now and it works fine without my burner connected
I have 3 IDE hard drives and 1 Cdrw

2 Hard drives on one IDE cable and the CDRW and main harddrive (with the OS) on the other

+ 1 sata hard drive