multiple APs with same SSID. will roaming cause IP renewal?


Jan 11, 2009
I have 2 APs with the same ssid (different channels). Will switching between them when roaming cause the ip address to be renewed? They are all on the same network and same dns and dhcp server. How seamless would the transition between the APs be? Thanks.
Should be fine, just set the AP's on different channels, and as long as they are on the same DHCP server it will be fine since the lease will still be active.
They will be as seamless as your device's wireless card lets it. No matter what you do, when roaming between access points, you will drop the connection and your ip address will be renewed. Your ip most likely will not change. A lot of wireless cards have roaming aggressiveness settings. If you are unhappy with when your card decides to make the switch, check those roaming settings out.

To make the roaming seamless, you could always go drop $3500 on a Cisco wireless controller, a few Cisco ap's and Cisco wireless cards.
Meru is my favorite. 0ms hand offs and private BSSIDs. Plus per client over the air QoS. AP load balancing too! Oh, and every AP uses the same channel. Virtual Cell ftw!