Must See Video of the Day


In before Pixar buys the people out and turns it into a full fledged animated movie.
Kinda depressing, he wiped out an entire civilization without even knowing about it.

Other than that, pretty cool short
I'll deal with those three before I ever deal with DHL again. Those guys are nimrods.
Best delivery in space my ass that's Planet Express all the way "Our crew is expendable, your package is not."
Funny from start to finish.
Is it just me or does anyone else think this looks like something Monty Python's Flying Circus would have done if they had an animation studio?
My local USPS needs one of those claws to get them out of their truck. They prefer to leave small packages on top of my mailbox and larger ones underneath it in the mud. It still amazes me that nothing has been stolen yet.
Must see for sure! I watched it twice in fact, that doesn't happen often!
Hilarious. This is why Congress has been putting the screws to the US PS. So they can get Johnny Express off the ground!!!!
What I want to know is, what did the guy order that resulted in his entire planet being killed? :)