my bf2 shat itself any suggestions


Mar 30, 2005
well after installing bf2 last christmas and installing xeveral patches, i decided it was time for a reinstall. so i unistalled and then reinstalled. that worked fine, then came to patching. i couldnt get the patch to donwload from 5 different sites. i finally chalked that up to my bad wireless. i got a copy of the new patch the cumulative one, not the upgrade, and when i went to install nothing happened. the hour glass came up for a couple second and there where 2 prosseses in the task manager but then they just went away. went to go play and now bf2 wont start, i tried uninstalling but that wouldnt start. so i deleted everything in the ea games bf2 folder and the stuff in my documents, but i still cnat reinstall the game.
Find Battlefield 2 in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall and delete the key. You should then be able to reinstall no problem.
Reformat and reinstall windows then install BF2 then install full patch - always works :)
LordBritish said:
Reformat and reinstall windows then install BF2 then install full patch - always works :)

Ah-ah-ah, not if you have SF or the booster packs...
PNut12345 said:
Ah-ah-ah, not if you have SF or the booster packs...
You have to run the full 1.3 patch again after installing any booster or SF. It'll only update those files. Ex:

1. Install BF2.
2. Run Full Patch
3. Install SF
4. Run Full Patch
5. Install EF
6. Run Full Patch
7. Install AF
8. Run Full Patch
9. Join a game!
10. Get TK'd for stuff and Crash to desktop after a few hours!

...thank you. This has been, "BF2 Expierence, from the box to the end."
Try this:

1. Delete the BF2 folder and all its files.
2. Wait a few months
3. Buy and install Enemy Territory: Quake Wars
4. Rejoice in your new gaming experience.
silentsammy said:
Try this:

1. Delete the BF2 folder and all its files.
2. Wait a few months
3. Buy and install Enemy Territory: Quake Wars
4. Rejoice in your new gaming experience.

Unless, of course, ET:QW is even buggier.
Clean it's drawers, hose it down with a firehouse, and don't let it eat past 8pm.

Go light on items like eggs, cheese, and snacks with Olestra. That last thing will have you hershey squirting when you thought you were just going to let a little gas go. Very unpleasant.
WhyYouLoveMe said:
Unless, of course, ET:QW is even buggier.

I doubt it. The Doom 3 engine is a really strong and stable base, I'm betting it'll turn out awesome, fluid, smooth, and relatively bug free compared to the steaming pile of shit that is BF2.
Colonel Sanders said:
I doubt it. The Doom 3 engine is a really strong and stable base, I'm betting it'll turn out awesome, fluid, smooth, and relatively bug free compared to the steaming pile of shit that is BF2.

Hey man - If ET:QW is good I'll be all over it. I can't wait for the game to come out. I'm reserving my orgasm for actual gameplay instead of screen shots and rumor.

That "steaming pile of *hit" is the very focus of your fellow [H]ers every weekend.
I almost forgot. If you're BF2 is having diarrehea issues, avoid KFC as well. :D

BF2 isn't half as buggy as people make it out to be though. I had fun playing 1.0. I guess the real issue is, most of that stuff is still there. Only the color thing has me absolutely puzzled since it seems like so lame a bug.
WhyYouLoveMe said:

That "steaming pile of *hit" is the very focus of your fellow [H]ers every weekend.

Putting feathers up your butt does not make you a chicken

Well, irrelevance aside, maybe someone could help me in my hijacking of this thread - a friend of mine had a working installation of BF2 up to 1.22, then had to reformat. He reformatted, reinstalled BF2 and the full 1.3 which was out by this time, and now the game crashes between 50 and 100% of a map loading. Patch has been reapplied, whole game reinstalled several times, he even reformatted again, with no luck. Several different patches from different sources have been tried - the game runs perfectly unpatched, also.

Any ideas? I hate playing alone amongst the fuckwits that populate online games.
Patch up to 1.22 again. Then try the full 1.30 patch or an incremental or two, provided it's not too much hassle to find the incrementers that would go from 1.22 to 1.3..
Pete, I appreciate that more than I can say. Job done and working wonderfully, thank you so very much :D
Coldtronius said:
Hence why I threw my BF2 in the closet with no desire to ever reinstall it again. Fuck you EA.
Yeah, that'll show em. :rolleyes:

They already got your money, you know. They can care less if you play it or "throw it in the closet". :p
The18thLetter said:
Yeah, that'll show em. :rolleyes:

They already got your money, you know. They can care less if you play it or "throw it in the closet". :p

I burned mine in effigy in front of the EA offices in Redwood City. Then I spit on it and shat on it after eating Taco Bell. The third of these was the most insulting obviously.