My GPU Upgrade Dilema


Jan 12, 2007
Hey guys...

I usually don't like to make threads like this one unless I am where I am right now... And that is completely torn apart as to what I really want for the best over all performance and satisfaction with my current setup...

I have a 8800GTS 512MB, it was the first upgrade in a while that I had made where it wasn't a jump to the latest "high end" card... Now I am ready to make that jump and I can't make up my mind...

I had my mind set on the 48070X2 but they I heard about the inconsistency with the frame rate in some games where it goes up and down too often and it's too the point where you will notice it... Where the 280 GTX offers a more consistent and smooth gameplay even though it doesn't reach the same Max FPS...

After reading some of the threads on here and other forums it seems that this may not be as big of a problem as I thought it may have been...

I'm also a bit spoiled by the constant beta driver releases that hit the web for my 8800GTS as well but this can't be helped...

Basically I want some more input... Has anyone used these cards in Crysis Warhead or any other demanding game... Has performance been better for the 4870X2 in the most recent driver release? And would I just be better off getting (if I can find it available) the EVGA GeForce 280GTX FTW Edition vs. a 4870X2?

Also I should mention that I am gaming on a 1080P setup so I am looking for advice based on the fact that I will be running all my games at this resolution (1920x1080)...

Over all any advice to help make this decision easier on me would be much appreciated...

Thanks for your help in advance...
not that I don't like my GTX280 well enough but with the 4870X2 available for 450 dollars there is no reason to get a GTX280 right now. both cards have their problems (anyone telling you of better Nvidia drivers are either blessed in having come across them or just fanbois) at 390 its not at that good of a price point. its a hundred dollars more then the 1gb 4870. The best bang for the buck right now is the old GTX260 at around 200 dollars. the newer 216 core and 4870 1gb trade blows depending on how you benchmark them. (if your into AA then the comparison comes closer to the GTX280, but not so much other eye candy)

at the worst the 4870X2 is on par with the GTX280, when its working well it crushes it. and it should only get better. At the current price points I can't see the GTX280.
A thread at Rage3D about Warhead performance, Crysis\warhead performance likely to increase much more?.
Rage3D is worth bookmarking for info on current and beta CAT drivers from users.

Thanks I'll check into that!

not that I don't like my GTX280 well enough but with the 4870X2 available for 450 dollars there is no reason to get a GTX280 right now. both cards have their problems (anyone telling you of better Nvidia drivers are either blessed in having come across them or just fanbois) at 390 its not at that good of a price point. its a hundred dollars more then the 1gb 4870. The best bang for the buck right now is the old GTX260 at around 200 dollars. the newer 216 core and 4870 1gb trade blows depending on how you benchmark them. (if your into AA then the comparison comes closer to the GTX280, but not so much other eye candy)

at the worst the 4870X2 is on par with the GTX280, when its working well it crushes it. and it should only get better. At the current price points I can't see the GTX280.

Thanks as well I was definitely looking for a non bias opinion here... I've owned products from both sides of the hardware battlefield here so I am not in any way a fanboy of either company...

4870X2 is looking more and more tempting specially with the HDMI adapter which would work great for my Home Theatre setup that I just bought...
Just get what ever you want. Don't fret over it. You want to give the ATI a run go for it. Or a NV card, hell buy two. :)

I have a GTX260 and love it. It will be with me for a long time. If the thought of getting a price point you can live with verses performance is a concern. Your screwed right off the bat. Remember this stuff is all over priced. Made in china or some other pacific rim country. To read the finance statements of ATI and NV they would have you believe they are on the verge of going broke.

Just go get a card. They are all good. Drivers hit and miss with both company's. They have there pro's and cons.

Good Luck
And don't make yourself sick over a stupid GPU.
Puter junk is not near as important as the company's and fan boys / marketing dept's would have you think. ;)