My New rig, does the cooling seem pretty decent to you guys?


Jan 25, 2006
I just finished putting together my first Rig, and I think it came together pretty good. I however stuck with the Stock Heatsink on with my AMD Proc. I'm extremely concerned about keeping my case cool, mainly to keep things running smoothly and keep a long life. My processor is a AMD X2 4200+ and my Videocard is a X1800XT.

I have the P180 Antec Case below...I have 4 total 120MM fans, 3 stock 1 added(Front upper chamber)

So all I'm really concerned about is the CPU, MB, and Videocard. I have my PSU and Sata HDD down in the lower chamber and it has its own little 120MM fan. The upper section however, I added 1 120MM fan in the front to bring air in, and there is 1 120MM in the rear and one on top pulling air out. I don't plan on getting water cooling, so Air cooling is my only real choice here. I also took that little Black Ducting over the PCI area out, my videocard was alittle to large for it to work properly.

I'm thinking with all these fans my Proc should be fine even with a Stock HS... Shouldn't it?
If you aren't OCing, your CPU will be just dandy with stock - temperature-wise, plus that case with its fan setup.
Sifu said:
If you aren't OCing, your CPU will be just dandy with stock - temperature-wise, plus that case with its fan setup.

What about some Minor GPU overclocking? And possibly future CPU overclocking. When I decide to do this, will the case need a rework, or will I just need to get a new Heatsink and fan?
That case has excellent airflow and you should be able to OC everything a little bit.

Get a better heatsink (XP-90, XP-120, Big Typhoon) and you'll be all set. :D.
That case is sweet...If you don't want it, I'll buy it off you. :D
NickS said:
That case has excellent airflow and you should be able to OC everything a little bit.

Get a better heatsink (XP-90, XP-120, Big Typhoon) and you'll be all set. :D.

Good to know :)

acascianelli said:
That case is sweet...If you don't want it, I'll buy it off you. :D

I'll Pass ;)
Actually, there was another link in here that showed the new AMD STOCK heatsink was benching comparably to the XP-90. I can't remember where it was, may have been in cooling. Anyway, if you have the new heatpipe style cooler from AMD, you should be mildly surprised at the results. :cool:
brasherman said:
Actually, there was another link in here that showed the new AMD STOCK heatsink was benching comparably to the XP-90. I can't remember where it was, may have been in cooling. Anyway, if you have the new heatpipe style cooler from AMD, you should be mildly surprised at the results. :cool:

I think it was at Madshrimps. Can't check right now - at work. The results were pretty impressive, though, and seemed to indicate that the stock heatsink was more than adequate.

EDIT: Here is that link. Looks like the stock HSF is good even if you do decide to OC.
My 3700+ A64 is running on the old style stock cooler. I get temps around 31 C at idle, around 35 at load. that is with a single 120 mm fan as an intake on the case, and (at the moment) no exhaust fans around the CPU. I have to say that AMD does include a decent cooler with their chips. It may not be a zalman 7700, but with temps like I'm getting at stock clocks, you could probably push the CPU decently before needing to upgrade. Now my vid card heatsink on the other hand.. I just received my aftermarket cooler. I'd never heard a vid card fan scream like the stock cooler from eVGA was. :eek: We'll see how quiet it runs with the zalman VF700-Cu.
that case has great airflow, you dont need to worry about cooling. If you decide to overclock, just replace the stock cpu cooler thats all.
the stock HSF for the X2's and Optys are pretty good, i already had a scythe ninja, but i don't think i would have bought it if i didnt have it already :p
Change those crappy stock fan and get Cooler Master ones.
I didnt o/c my cpu, but I did o/c my GPU alittle bit.

fully loaded temp on my cpu: 39c
6800gs o/c to 1200/550(not really sure if that's #): 45c.
name said:
I think it was at Madshrimps. Can't check right now - at work. The results were pretty impressive, though, and seemed to indicate that the stock heatsink was more than adequate.
Huh, that IS pretty impressive, I've been out of the loop for a while but when I built my rig a bit over a year ago the retail package heatsinks for processors hadn't gotten anywhere this advanced. Heck the thing looks like an XP-90 (with what seems like a copper base?), 'cept for the clip, still like the XP-90's better even if it requires some elbow grease to get on.

Are they bundling that with any non-Opteron chips?
Glad you liked the review:)

These new heatsinks are bundled with X2 (above 3800+) and Opteron S939 Dual Core chips