My temps skyrocketed, and I don't know why.


Feb 24, 2005
Ok, so I put my old rig into a new case and use it for a websurfing box, specs are as follows:

Celeron D 315 2.26GHz Skt478
Gigabyte 8VM-533RZ mobo
Antec SP 300W PSU
512MB Viking PC2100
Netgear PCI wireless G card

Now, this setup ran around 32*C at idle in my Antec case, in this case it idled around 37*C. Being that it's a Prescott, I found this completely acceptable due to the fact I am using the stock Intel HSF and this case has no other fans in it aside from the PSU.

Now, I went into the other room to use this machine today and it was off... So I restarted, it posted, got to the Windows splash screen and rebooted itself again, and then after POST it just turned off. I thought that was weird so what I did was restart it, go into the BIOS and look at the temps. It's reporting a 75-80*C IDLE TEMP! The fan is spinning, I took the side panel of the case off, and the BIOS reports around 2300 rpm on the Intel fan, which I thought was a little low compared to the normal 2600-2700 it spins at.

What would cause this? I have all of the latest drivers and the latest BIOS for the mobo, and it worked fine in another case, as well as this one until today. I am stumped, but I am going to reseat the CPU and HSF and re-apply AS5 and see what happens. I am wanting to say a bad HSF but any other opinions would be greatly appreciated.
Ok, so I took the whole thing part, reseated everything, re-applied AS5 and fired it up and it was running at about 32*C idle which is completely satisfactory for me. I left it on with Speedfan and the Gigabyte PC Health monitor on to make sure it would be ok. After an hour there was no change, but I left it for good measure. Just went back 10 min ago and it's off again. I booted right into the BIOS and it says 79*C and climbs up to 87 and shuts off.

Someone please help, I'm going to call Gigabyte tomorrow and see what they think but I'd like some other opinions. I'm now banking on a faulty temp sensor on the mobo.

your monitoring programs are probably wrong... but i have no idea as to why it's so hot. 79c? holy moly that's hot. do you stay at the bio temp screen long? does the temps go down at all when you're looking at it in the bios?
My suggestion would be to use a DMM and test the PSU voltages.
Mine went up to like 200F before :eek:
Found out my heatsink kinda fell off... so make sure the mounting is all good and its making good contact with the CPU.
Yeah everything is making good contact inside the case, I thought there might have been air in between the HS and the CPU but there is not. It reads those temps in the BIOS, in Speedfan, and in Gigabyte's Easy Tune CPU health monitor. I checked the voltages from the PSU and they are completely normal, is there anything else I can look for? Atleast it's doing the right thing by shutting off when it knows it's that hot, but that doesn't do me much good when I have all NEW parts sitting in that rig and I can't use it.

Oh, and the temps never go down in the BIOS when I am sitting in the CPU Health Monitor, they just go up till they hit 87 and it shuts off.