MySpace To Cut 300 International Positions

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
Following last week’s domestic job cutting spree, MySpace has whipped out the hatchet once again. This time it was 300 international workers that got the axe, bringing the two week tally to 800.

Social-networking site MySpace said Tuesday that it will cut 300 international positions and close at least four offices outside the U.S. as it looks to cut costs and narrow its territory coverage. The move comes a week after the company said it would cut nearly 30 percent of its U.S. work force in a bid to become more efficient.
In other news, Facebook and twitter are hiring.
i dont blame them, so many little kids even staring at 6 years old already have a myspace, which is pretty ridiculous, especially since there are so many sex predators:(
i wouldn't want to work for them either knowing that they too will eventually go belly up.


Every company eventually goes under. I don't foresee Facebook going under for quite some time.
MySpace had that many employees? You would think that it would have been a frack ton better with all those brains around.
-300 employees receives letter on his desk and reads it then they all form together to destroy king xerxes-

Where did they actually need in the first place that many employees..