Mystery Space Object May Be First Confirmed Interstellar Visitor


Aug 20, 2006
I’m not saying it’s aliens, but it’s probably aliens: a small asteroid or comet that has been spotted racing through our solar system may have come from elsewhere in the galaxy. The mystery object, so far known only as A/2017 U1, quickly stood out for scientists because of its extreme orbit, coming from the direction of the constellation Lyra, almost directly above the elliptical plane where the planets and other asteroids orbit the sun.

“It is going extremely fast and on such a trajectory that we can say with confidence that this object is on its way out of the solar system and not coming back,” NASA’s Davide Farnocchia said. Astronomers were urgently tracking A/2017 U1 with telescopes as it makes its journey through our solar system, hoping to use that data to confirm the object’s interstellar origins and learn what they can about its composition.
I'm still waiting for the collision with Nibiru. Or the black knight satellite to release radiation to terraform earth into a planet with atmosphere that will only support ammonia breathing aliens. Or whatever the looney conspiracy theory of the day is.

I get a kick out of the idiots who base their ideas on ancient 'civilizations', you know, the ones who threw their prettiest virgins into volcanoes instead of having sex with them.....yeah, that's really not the type of people that have demonstrated intelligence. Maybe that's why those people died out; killing off all the pretty chicks.
I'm still waiting for the collision with Nibiru. Or the black knight satellite to release radiation to terraform earth into a planet with atmosphere that will only support ammonia breathing aliens. Or whatever the looney conspiracy theory of the day is.

I get a kick out of the idiots who base their ideas on ancient 'civilizations', you know, the ones who threw their prettiest virgins into volcanoes instead of having sex with them.....yeah, that's really not the type of people that have demonstrated intelligence. Maybe that's why those people died out; killing off all the pretty chicks.

The collision would be fun. I don't think we'll live to see it, because the gravity anomalies will happen first and there will be crazy floodings, people floating around or being squished... I imagine the collision itself will kill us with massive Gs.
And the black knight looks like an imploded rocket/booster tbh.
I get a kick out of the idiots who base their ideas on ancient 'civilizations', you know, the ones who threw their prettiest virgins into volcanoes instead of having sex with them.....yeah, that's really not the type of people that have demonstrated intelligence. Maybe that's why those people died out; killing off all the pretty chicks.

That's not how it worked, man. You get the prettiest of virgins, deflower them, then throw them into a volcano to get rid of the evidence, citing some nonsense about satisfying the gods so your deflowering industry blossoms!
The universe and earth still holds much for us to discover.

If there's anything that I've learned over the past years is that what we know is always changing. At one time, it was accepted that the earth is flat with very few that believed otherwise. Another, the earth was the center of the universe, then the solar system, then not the center of anything... What do we think we know now that future people will say "I can't believe they thought that!"

There are plenty of "The Fuck?" moments in life. Some can be explained with science and rational thought - while others 'rational' thought can't explain it.

There's a funny thing about conspiracies. Every once in a while they are proven to be true.
The collision would be fun. I don't think we'll live to see it, because the gravity anomalies will happen first and there will be crazy floodings, people floating around or being squished... I imagine the collision itself will kill us with massive Gs.
And the black knight looks like an imploded rocket/booster tbh.

There is a movie called Melancholia that deals with this. You'll want to watch this for the intriguing science fiction aspect of 2 planets colliding. NOT for the full frontal nudity shots of Kirsten Dunst. Definitely not for seeing her completely naked and supple. Nope. Doesn't add any value to the way.
I loved the movie Melancholia. It was a well-balanced movie that showed the human aspect of a coming cataclysm, without any unneeded CGI nonsense.

And a naked Kirsten Dunst was just a wonderful thing to see. If we were still using VHS tapes, I would be responsible for the damage caused by the "Pause" button.

She sure has come a long way since "Interview With The Vampire."
There is a movie called Melancholia that deals with this. You'll want to watch this for the intriguing science fiction aspect of 2 planets colliding. NOT for the full frontal nudity shots of Kirsten Dunst. Definitely not for seeing her completely naked and supple. Nope. Doesn't add any value to the way.

Hmm. Kirsten Dunst, Charlotte Gainsbourg, Kiefer Sutherland - I like those three chicks. Thanks for the heads up, I'll check if it's available as a Linux ISO.
Although, isn't Lars one of the molester people?

As to the topic at hand, one more thing: while science does not accept the fact celestial bodies can reach our solar system from Interstellar space, it stands to reason that one day such an object may indeed appear here. Why NOT.
I have no doubt that any space-faring peeps will avoid this planet. Unless they need our resources.

I doubt that they would interact with us at all. We are a horrible species who only uses and kills for useless wars, and doesn't take care of their warriors.

We can't get along here. The best thing that could happen would be a huge detected asteroid that every government would work together on.

But a day or two after the planet is saved, the finger-pointing will resume.

The best bet for the planet is a total eradication of what we consider human's.

Those who watch "Reality" TV, And the few who still believe that Trump is a good President.
I loved the movie Melancholia. It was a well-balanced movie that showed the human aspect of a coming cataclysm, without any unneeded CGI nonsense.

And a naked Kirsten Dunst was just a wonderful thing to see. If we were still using VHS tapes, I would be responsible for the damage caused by the "Pause" button.

She sure has come a long way since "Interview With The Vampire."
I was thinking Star Trek TNG.
And the few who still believe that Trump is a good President.

We should name it Rama, just because. :)

We better hope it doesn't hit anything, because it's moving pretty fast; things are pretty well tuned in the solar system.

james p hogan's cradle of saturn is closer to what would happen in a collision; I'm just hoping Elon will found a new colony somewhere offplanet first. :)
I for one welcome our new alien overlords. Just don't let Trump talk to them, he'll probably insult them and then they will wipe out the planet.
I have no doubt that any space-faring peeps will avoid this planet. Unless they need our resources. I doubt that they would interact with us at all. We are a horrible species who only uses and kills for useless wars, and doesn't take care of their warriors.
I seriously doubt that earth has any resources that an advanced species would not be able to find elsewhere.

But a day or two after the planet is saved, the finger-pointing will resume.
It's Obama's fault. Because he didn't read Hillary's email. Yeah, that's it.

The best bet for the planet is a total eradication of what we consider human's
We have potential, but since we've stopped evolving and are now sort of DE-volving (more stupid people reproduce than smart ones). AI MIGHT use us as a template, but just fix the genetic problems. Evolution got us to live to about 80 (barring injury or illness); science has increased that to about 100 before our bodies are pretty much worn out. Further improvement will require strict monitoring of each organism to figure out how to correct the weaknesses in each DNA line. Since we cannot experiment on humans, that will just make it take longer to figure it all out. But it's just a matter of time. However, AI will improve faster than that, and AI will be what explores the universe; much more resistant to temperature/pressure/radiation than we are, with zero loss of information and thinking between one generation to the next. Humans lose great thinkers every generation. That will stop with AI.
I for one welcome our new alien overlords. Just don't let Trump talk to them, he'll probably insult them and then they will wipe out the planet.
Smarter beings (even on this planet) ignore the rants of lunatics such as Trump. But we must surely appear to have not advanced since George 3rd (crazy king) ruled England over 200 years ago. And outside observer looking at our planet, would just be shaking it's head, wondering why we never learn from past mistakes. Wow, we must look stupid. Electing or tolerating Insane rulers, choosing the biggest liars and frauds for leaders, inability to get along with each other, and with more and more cultures that believe in imaginary deities having atomic weapons, it sure looks like it's just a matter of time before we blow ourselves up. Then the insects (or whatever) can take their turn at evolving into some sort of intelligent species. 'Cause WE ain't it.
El Trumtardio should be having a stroke pretty soon. But then we'd be stuck with the, so far, silent evil of Pence. Really, the planet's only hope is that a meteor coming from the direction of Sol somehow wipes out the upper ranks of presidential ascendancy. Some guy or girl who vacuums the floors in the WH would suddenly be in charge. Regardless of party affiliation, he or she would be better suited for the job than the asshole we have now.

Oh, that reminds me, Rama is just a normal thing passing through space. We just don't know about a lot of stuff that's going on in the universe. Science > religion. I wish Rama was in fact proof that there are critters elsewhere. I 100% believe that we are not alone. Do the math.
El Trumtardio should be having a stroke pretty soon. But then we'd be stuck with the, so far, silent evil of Pence.
Pence isn't evil. He's just stupid. Even more so than Trump. Of course, that's because the people voting for them were even LESS intelligent. No surprise about that, though, really
Really, the planet's only hope is that a meteor coming from the direction of Sol somehow wipes out the upper ranks of presidential ascendancy.
The entire republican party's chain of succession is filled with crackpots and rich assholes intent on increasing the income of the rich rather than that of the average American . Pence, Ryan, Hatch, Tillerson, Mnuchin, Maddis, Sessions, Zinke, all the way down the line. There is no chance of things getting better before 2020.And since we've seen just how easy it is for the republicans to get the stupid people to do what they want, I don't see the populations of the red states political views changing at all. It's simple, really: Just chant the abortion/2nd amendment/race hatred stuff, paint the democrats as the cause of all the problems, and you get yourself elected. The stupid people can't understand why their government is failing them, even after they've elected a guy who has been caught on video lying continuously since he's been in office. They really don't care, as long as he keeps telling them what they want to hear.

I 100% believe that we are not alone. Do the math.
People that don't understand math (science), make stuff up to explain what they cannot understand. That's how we wound up with religions.
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nightfly, exactly. But we no longer need to make up deities to explain the machinations of the universe. Unfortunately, many humans still cling to "faith" to make do.

Oh, about the Trumpster: His whole life has been about drama. A huge percentage of American voters are uninformed idiots who love drama. The mouth breathing "reality TV" fans got us into this mess.
We better hope it doesn't hit anything, because it's moving pretty fast; things are pretty well tuned in the solar system.

It's already gone by. At 160 meters I don't think it could move any planets around, even at 50km/sec or however fast it was going during the flyby. It would vaporize a city or generate a huge tidal wave though.
They where coming to get a iphoneX Now they will rage destroy us !!
I loved the movie Melancholia. It was a well-balanced movie that showed the human aspect of a coming cataclysm, without any unneeded CGI nonsense.

And a naked Kirsten Dunst was just a wonderful thing to see. If we were still using VHS tapes, I would be responsible for the damage caused by the "Pause" button.

She sure has come a long way since "Interview With The Vampire."
Pause, rewind, pause, rewind, pause, rewind. lol
I have no doubt that any space-faring peeps will avoid this planet. Unless they need our resources.

I doubt that they would interact with us at all. We are a horrible species who only uses and kills for useless wars, and doesn't take care of their warriors.

We can't get along here. The best thing that could happen would be a huge detected asteroid that every government would work together on.

Humans are part of the terrestrial habitation of the planet, and almost all life on Earth, regardless of species, are highly territorial...most species are territorial to death, at that. Some species will even kill and/or eat their own (including newborn/young) if they are a hindrance to survival of the group or perpetuation of the species. Humans do it not because we forego empathy, sympathy, or logic...but because we are just as primal in the fight to survive and thrive in the core of our beings as most any other species.