Mystery Video Card - Possible 3dLabs card?


May 10, 2002
My pop brought me a video card when he came to visit me last and I was wondering if any of you folks could Identify it -


===One of the chips on the card===


===Front of the entire card===

I can provide larger pics if anyone wants them. I haven't pluged this card into anything yet, because I'm hesitant to hurt it through ignorance...
Thanks Guys.

edit - are the pics working for you guys? If not you should be able to copy and paste the link into your browser until someone tells me the correct syntax for displaying pics off of a ftp server... it's something like http://ftp:[email protected]/VideoCard001_small.jpg ... anybody know how that goes?
it's a really old glint based 3dlabs card, 500tx maybe? you might be able to get it running in win2k if you use the winNT 4.0 drivers, but i wouldn't bother... old, slow, probably not worth the hassle
Originally posted by fugu
it's a really old glint based 3dlabs card, 500tx maybe? you might be able to get it running in win2k if you use the winNT 4.0 drivers, but i wouldn't bother... old, slow, probably not worth the hassle

Thanksk Fugu.