NAS for seedbox?

Can I take my current drive out of my computer and continue downloading stuff, or will I have to transfer everything to another drive?
It might work if it's the same file system and the nas recognizes it as a compatible drive... however I would test it before trying... I would just pick up a 2TB drive and use that w/the NAS.... less of a hassle...

Ive used a QNAP and an Infrant/Netgear Readynas for the same thing... it was nice and it worked but after a while I wanted faster speeds and more processing power so I ended up building a small server for it...
although nowadays, I would look at a 4-6 drive nas w/2TB drives... it would last longer and you know those files aren't going to shrink :-D
I have a small server now, but the reason I'm looking at a small NAS is to conserve some power since I run it 24/7. Were you not able to max your connection?