NBC Employee Fired Over Leaked Video


Cat Can't Scratch It
May 9, 2000
It looks like NBC’s sense of humor is reserved for its comedy shows with none left over for real life. The video was put up on YouTube and went viral almost immediately, causing NBC to react by canning the employee. Seventeen years ago asking “What is the Internet, anyway?” was a legitimate question and some are still asking that same question today. :D
Not sure why everyone think this is so funny. I mean, back then I would say half or more of the population still was not sure what the internet was.
Not sure why everyone think this is so funny. I mean, back then I would say half or more of the population still was not sure what the internet was.

Nobody is laughing at them for not knowing what the internet was. They're laughing at the thought of a time when people didn't know what the internet was, because it's so crazy to think of people not knowing what it is nowadays.
Not sure why everyone think this is so funny. I mean, back then I would say half or more of the population still was not sure what the internet was.

It's interesting because now everyone knows about the Internet. It is so ingrained in our culture that it is amazing that only 15 some odd years ago people were totally clueless to it.
Nobody is laughing at them for not knowing what the internet was. They're laughing at the thought of a time when people didn't know what the internet was, because it's so crazy to think of people not knowing what it is nowadays.

That's what I got, too. It wasn't that long ago that most non-geeks had no clue what the Internet, email, chat, etc. was!
Why would they fire him?, that was definitely a legitimate question in those days
He should not have been terminated. And, besides, on one older episode of King of the Hill Hank once said: "This time seems as good as ever to figure out ... 'The Internet...'"
It's like The Flintstones describing the wheel...

If I tried, I couldn't make myself sound more ignorant. And believe me... :p
I can understand why he was fired....I mean, you can't have employees uploading random footage without authorization.

Still funny though. "what's the internet?" @ = around?? :D
Katie Couric looks like someone super glued her eye lids open these days.
Why would they fire him?, that was definitely a legitimate question in those days

The problem is its embarrassing that the same people still don't know. NBC was affraid that some people viewing the video might not know it was done in 94.:D
I was using the interwebs back in 1994 using mosaic and trumpet winsock on windows 3.1. I don't blame them for one thing though. IF they are advertising an email address, and expecting their staff to tell that to people.. They might give them a quick one-two on what they are actually supposed to advertise.
I was using the interwebs back in 1994 using mosaic and trumpet winsock on windows 3.1. I don't blame them for one thing though. IF they are advertising an email address, and expecting their staff to tell that to people.. They might give them a quick one-two on what they are actually supposed to advertise.

I remember having so much trouble back in the day trying to figure out why Gopher and other internet things would work but web browsing just told me all the time that it couldn't find web sites. Turned out the software that authenticated the dialup to my ISP of the time was 16-bit, and the web browser I had was 32-bit. I had to find a 16-bit version of Netscape to actually browse the web.
You would think they would care more about how out of touch they are with current events.

All this money they spend, not to mention the internet and they are still just as clueless today.
I did find it humorous to see them get all tripped up over the "@" sign. That one's been around since at least the 15th century.
I new what is was then, as i was connected to it whit a 300 baud modem over the work connection my mother had whit the university, but there was not mouths to there other then for me then boring science stuff.


BBS that! was ware the fun was, and those looked a lot like teletext looks on TVs


But i still had to explain to people even in this millennium what the internet is, funny tho to see to that time and we adapted so quick :D
I remember having so much trouble back in the day trying to figure out why Gopher and other internet things would work but web browsing just told me all the time that it couldn't find web sites. Turned out the software that authenticated the dialup to my ISP of the time was 16-bit, and the web browser I had was 32-bit. I had to find a 16-bit version of Netscape to actually browse the web.

funny because we had an acer in 1994 I remember using good ol' netscape on it...loading...loading...loading :] It was nice to be one of the three kids in my school who actually owned a PC hooked up to the internet.