Need a CSS sanity check


Feb 21, 2002

so I'm starting to piece together my wedding site so that anyone traveling can find hotels, restaurants, etc.

the page renders as I'd like it in IE, but for some reason, something odd is happening to the bottom div.


I plan to have a menu system for entities on the vertical red section. Corresponding data is displayed in the white part. The idea is to have the red coloration extend the same distance as the white sections.
I attempted this by putting the white sections in the same div as the menu pieces. I added a white border to everything to see where the percieved "master container" div is being rendered.
I removed the float:left out of the <p> tag for the red menu section, but then that screws up the whole layout. I need some suggestions please.

Colors are not finalized, but am bound to red and blue theme...all other colors will be changed later. Right now focusing on layout.
it doesn't work for firefox...I should have taken a snapshot of the firefox rendering.