Need to choose between Intel 335 180gb or Samsung 840 250gb


Mar 7, 2013
Hi ,

I need to choose between the two.
The Intel cost around 230$ and the samsung 260$

I dont care about the size , so it doesn't matter for me if I have 180gb or 250gb ssd (I only need ssd for OS and some programs).
The only important thing for me is the reliability of the SSD.

so what do you think? buy intel 335 or samsung 840 (not pro)?

thank for your help ,
Intel SSDs are known for being the most reliable, where the Samsung will likely perform faster. The IOPS on the Samsung 840 is almost double that of the Intel 335, but the Intel 335 is still a fast drive.
intels mlc nand versus samsungs tlc ...
gooogle both termins, read reviews and make yr own mind

i wouldnt pick any and go for 240g 335 intel
Are you not in the US? On newegg, Samsung 840 250GB (TLC) is $209, Samsung 840 Pro 250GB (MLC) is $250, Intel 335 180GB (MLC) is $175, and on amazon the Intel 335 240GB (MLC) is $222.
I went with the Samsung, I managed to pick up on sale from newegg for 169.00 and they let me apply a mailed out coupon for 30% of select Samsung drives. So with shipping got the 250gb TLC drive for 139.00. It may not be as fast as the pro, but its way faster then the HDD I currently use and at that price was hard to beat.
no I'm from Israel and I guess the prices here are a little bit expensive :/
I need to decide until tomorrow..maybe I will choose Samsung but I'm still waiting for more comments cause I really don't sure :/
Intel and Samsung use arguably the best firmware, and utilities.
As above the major difference for you is MLC vs TLC NAND. The Intel MLC has more endurance, will do more writes/erases. The Samsung will wear out sooner.
For he average owner both should last 8 to 12 years.
Samsungs extra 60GB capacity will partly compensate for the Intels better NAND.
I would probably go with the Samsung, unused space is good for SSDs.
Intel does have the best reputation for SSDs, and costs less.
I would go with the Samsung 840. That is the fastest ssd out right now and at the electronics store I work at, we are constantly running out of stock on the 840s because they work so well and almost everyone building their own computer opts for that series over the other ssds we have. And, as stated before by wtourist, the extra space on the 840 will extend the life of the drive since you will have more room to make first time writes on the drive. And you never want to fill up an ssd completely. I believe the percentage you can fill it up to before you start to see some fits on performance and speed is 85%-90% of the available space. Could be a little less or more, just what I remember. And you can get the pro version (the best out there) 256 gb for $240 off of newegg right now. If you are just going for the normal 840, the 250 gb version is $170 right now. The 335 series by intel is $175 for the 180gb. Thats $5 more for 70 less gb! Go for the samsung one.