Need ultra stable motherboard with ECC support


Mar 29, 2003
After having a slightly bad ram module silently corrupt data on my whs over a sevreal month period, I'm buying some good ECC ram and replacing my MSI 880g-e45 with a motherboard that supports ECC.

I can't seem to sort by ECC support on Newegg so I'm sort of lost as to which models I should be looking for. Are there any boards known for stability from a major manufacturer that supports ECC?
It is a hassle because manufacturers put no effort into helping people with this. only a server company like supermicro, or intel if you say you have a xeon, will give you the time of day on this issue. which is a shame, because I too believe in ecc for mainstream use.

you'll want the kingston unregistered 4gb modules. in theory they should work with any modern amd chip in any modern amd motherboard. I'm not sure though, for the reason mentioned. good luck!
After having a slightly bad ram module silently corrupt data on my whs over a sevreal month period, I'm buying some good ECC ram and replacing my MSI 880g-e45 with a motherboard that supports ECC.

I can't seem to sort by ECC support on Newegg so I'm sort of lost as to which models I should be looking for. Are there any boards known for stability from a major manufacturer that supports ECC?

Asus Desktop boards (oftentimes) support ECC. I think all C32 boards support ECC without requiring registered dimms. G34 does as well. I'm pretty sure the 'server' chipset boards are a good place to start.
A lot of the Asus boards support ECC memory, I think nearly all of the somewhat recent ones do.

I've got a M5A99X Evo right now running great with ECC on.
Thanks, I picked up an Asus M4A88TD-V EVO/USB3 at Microcenter and have it working great with 4GB ECC ram. Along with my incoming 9260-8i raid card and a nice 10tb raid 6 array I should have a decent WHS :)
Thanks, I picked up an Asus M4A88TD-V EVO/USB3 at Microcenter and have it working great with 4GB ECC ram. Along with my incoming 9260-8i raid card and a nice 10tb raid 6 array I should have a decent WHS :)

Come on man, use ZFS RAID. That'll be more reliable than the RAID card; you fixed the tiny chance of RAM corrupting data (which probably wasn't the reason) but silent data corruption on the HDDs themselves is still at large - and very real.
Come on man, use ZFS RAID. That'll be more reliable than the RAID card; you fixed the tiny chance of RAM corrupting data (which probably wasn't the reason) but silent data corruption on the HDDs themselves is still at large - and very real.

I thought about it but the WHS backups are just too nice to have. Plus I have no opensolaris or any sort of unix experience at all. I plan on learning, but for now I'll stick to WHS. I figure eventually what I'll do is have a separate barebones whs machine strictly for the backups and then a ZFS fileserver, but to be honest I'm scared of learning ZFS right now.
I thought about it but the WHS backups are just too nice to have. Plus I have no opensolaris or any sort of unix experience at all. I plan on learning, but for now I'll stick to WHS. I figure eventually what I'll do is have a separate barebones whs machine strictly for the backups and then a ZFS fileserver, but to be honest I'm scared of learning ZFS right now.

FreeNAS. Feed WHS storage via iSCSI. I tested it and it works very well.