Neo2 Plat wont post


Aug 6, 2005
Any ideas? I put this board away in working condition. Pulled it out today to put a new chip in. Wont post.
Tried the chip in my rig, works in it
Tried my rigs ram in it
Tried my rigs PSU
Tried outside of case to check for shorts
Cleared CMOS
Left battery out a while
Nothing. Fan spins up and nothing.
im guessing it either needs a bios update or its dead.

bios update, because it might not support x2 or whatever you are putting into it.
Try booting it with one stick of ram in the slot closest to the CPU.
This has worked for me in past on my Neo2 Platinum.
Putting a winchester sempron in it :( it had my X2 in it for ages. Sofar ive tried 3 dif pieces of ram in it with different slots tried too. I have a spare bios chip for it, guess I can try that.
How long has this board been away for? Your battery might be dead..
This board has a very effective safe mode it goes into if you fail to boot, shut it down, and restart while holding the insert key down.