New 1KW PCP&C Turbo-cool for G80's on the way.


Sep 21, 2004
Just got some news back from PCP&C regarding the G80 power requirements, Iam not giving out specifics however it was agreed the 1KW QUAD does not have enough amperage on the 12V3 rail to run SLI'ed G80's. The new 1KW model will have a single 12V rail with 72A, it will appear in 4 weeks, just before G80.
PC P&C is now accepting pre-orders on their new 1000 Watt (1KW) Turbo-Cool PSU,
with a single +12V rail, +12V@72A (864W).

Price $529, shipping to begin 10-19-06.

Where is the release information from nVidia on power consumption?
dBTelos said:
Where is the release information from nVidia on power consumption?

dailytech is "reporting" it......but it is recommended whole system power supply of 450w for one card 800w for 2 not GPU consumption
Spectre said:
dailytech is "reporting" it......but it is recommended whole system power supply of 450w for one card 800w for 2 not GPU consumption

Rumor I guess. 450W for one card is very understandable. But tacking 350W on, just for another card? Crazy talk.
Man, the power requirements of these cards get more and more rediculous every generation. At some point someone is going to have to put their collective feet down and force them to work on efficiency more and raw horsepower less.

Blue Falcon said:
Man, the power requirements of these cards get more and more rediculous every generation. At some point someone is going to have to put their collective feet down and force them to work on efficiency more and raw horsepower less.


agreed. i dont really want to upgrade my psu for every gpu upgrade. at some point heat is going to be a setback along with noise and hopefully then they'll change their philosophy. but for now i dont they mind milking our pockets.
centvalny said:
The first is not an ATX & won't fit in your case.

The second: single&pcpw_rfnbr=6&pp_code=PSL-6850P

is probably the ONLY PSU available today that could run 2 of these GPU's in a highend system (+12V@60A).
davidhammock200 said:
PC P&C is now accepting pre-orders on their new 1000 Watt (1KW) Turbo-Cool PSU,
with a single +12V rail, +12V@72A (864W).

Price $529, shipping to begin 10-19-06.


I cant see it on the website?
Blue Falcon said:
Man, the power requirements of these cards get more and more rediculous every generation. At some point someone is going to have to put their collective feet down and force them to work on efficiency more and raw horsepower less.


I saw an article earlier in the summer somewhere that was talking about computer power requirements and nvidia and ATI said the first gen DX10 cards were going to be serious power hogs but after that they are both commited to the second gen DX10 cards starting to come down in power requirements.

Hopefully this will be the top of the mountain for a while
second generation will help but remember a process shink will cause higher static power dissipation, at 90nm its already bad enough wait until you get lower.
kleox64 said:
second generation will help but remember a process shink will cause higher static power dissipation, at 90nm its already bad enough wait until you get lower.

What does this cause ?

Do Cards just up and die more frequently ?
Heres Zippy 850W compared to Antec 430W....It actually fit in my pink case :D

From what I've heard ATI and NVIDIA, in their rush to release G80/R600 before the other, threw power consumption out the window for a while but are already working on lowering the power requirements.

I dont really like the idea of spending maybe $1300+ on 2 8800GTX's and another $400+ on a PSU that can run it all.
gchanjam said:
From what I've heard ATI and NVIDIA, in their rush to release G80/R600 before the other, threw power consumption out the window for a while but are already working on lowering the power requirements.

I dont really like the idea of spending maybe $1300+ on 2 8800GTX's and another $400+ on a PSU that can run it all.
Don't forget another $100 per month for AC! :(
kleox64 said:
The new 1KW model will have a single 12V rail with 72A, it will appear in 4 weeks, just before G80.

Will this PSU only have one 12V rail then?
no G80 for the wizard. ill buy a $500 part, i dont buy a $400 part so i can scrap a $150 part and buy another $300 part.

R600 4 Me.
I think if I bought a 1kw psu last year that could not handle this years cards in sli, that I would just quit the hobby. So much for future proofing. This proves that it is a silly notion.
This just shows that all the people a couple months ago that were saying 'get the PC P&C 1KW and not have to worry about running out of power" were very, very wrong.
dBTelos said:
This just shows that all the people a couple months ago that were saying 'get the PC P&C 1KW and not have to worry about running out of power" were very, very wrong.

they should of not rushed to get a new PSU, once I saw the 12V rail distrubution I knew there were gona be problems. The 8800GTS will work fine however if your considering SLI then your stuck, I realy dont see a problem if people can spend $700 a go on graphics cards yet they choke on the idea of a $300-$500 PSU.
kleox64 said:
they should of not rushed to get a new PSU, once I saw the 12V rail distrubution I knew there were gona be problems. The 8800GTS will work fine however if your considering SLI then your stuck, I realy dont see a problem if people can spend $700 a go on graphics cards yet they choke on the idea of a $300-$500 PSU.

Most PSUs arn't $500 though. I think part of this idea for an expensive PSU scares people away because they see 500Wers going for $20 @ bestbuy.
The PSU is the heart of the PC and the number one cause of PC problems, if people wona buy crap then thats thier decision. Would you risk $2000, $3000 etc... of hardware to a $20 PSU?
kleox64 said:
The PSU is the heart of the PC and the number one cause of PC problems, if people wona buy crap then thats thier decision. Would you risk $2000, $3000 etc... of hardware to a $20 PSU?

More and more people are starting to understand this now. Actually, to get someone to actually buy a PSU in one of the "recommend me a PSU" threads, I usually need to provide a bunch of reviews and other thread links. Even then the OP will usually end up buying something that is 200W more then what they actually need (or what I recommend), just to be safe.
kleox64 said:
the number one cause of PC problems,

A little OT but I still find RAM to be the number one culprit....not saying PSU's aren't important..... :D
Spectre said:
A little OT but I still find RAM to be the number one culprit....not saying PSU's aren't important..... :D

my mistake, number one component to fail.
davidhammock200 said:
PC P&C is now accepting pre-orders on their new 1000 Watt (1KW) Turbo-Cool PSU,
with a single +12V rail, +12V@72A (864W).

Price $529, shipping to begin 10-19-06.


I called up James at PC P& C and he had no idea what you are talking about. Talked to a couple of other people there too and they said the same things James said. I am wondering what your source is since I apparently can't get a hold of anyone there that knows anything about this. If your source is accurate, I would like to get a hold of them to purchase this. Thx.

I have 2 sources one of which was a reply from a PCP&C employee, he understood exactly what I was talking about the only difference was that it would ship in 4 weeks and not on the 19th of this month.
I heard new 1kw G80 psu comes with first alert smoke detector to mount above wall power socket ;)
kleox64 said:
they should of not rushed to get a new PSU, once I saw the 12V rail distrubution I knew there were gona be problems. The 8800GTS will work fine however if your considering SLI then your stuck, I realy dont see a problem if people can spend $700 a go on graphics cards yet they choke on the idea of a $300-$500 PSU.

i see a problem with it. this generations top cards require maybe a good 500W - 600W psu with total power consumption around 400W for a system with X6800 and SLI/Crossfire. you get a 620W Corsair for $169 which is very reasonable. spending more than double of that and needing 400W more seems like an engineering failure to me. yeah i know its DX10 and its going to be next gen with all the bells and whistles but we've already seen an example of how aero needed better gfx cards to run its gui. a gui that looks nearly like osx10. i mean i dont know if its MSFT or the graphics companies to blame for why power consumption is going through the roof. it better be a monumental improvement over this gens graphics because the requirements are ridiculous.

so my next build needs an HDCP ready monitor and $500 psu just to get everything i paid for out of $1300 worth in videocards.
dude the sky high power requirements are for the topend 8800GTX cards in SLI, if people are spending that kind of cash then I dont see the problem. These are very fast bleeding edge next gen cards with a completly different design, these attributes dont come for free.