New 8800gts/8800GT pictured/specced


Fully [H]
Dec 2, 2004


Yep, they're real, just as we've been saying ;).

High-end info should be forthcoming.
I find it odd they are naming it an 8800GT if the chip is really a G92. I would think a 9800GTX and a 9800GT would be more appropriate.
Any info on availability? Not that I plan on getting one... Waiting for the 9800 GTX myself.
looks cute.

Anyone have any sources to back this up?
Single-slot looks good, but I gotta question how effective that heatsink is. Doesn't look like there's a lot of venting for the heated air to escape...

I find it odd they are naming it an 8800GT if the chip is really a G92. I would think a 9800GTX and a 9800GT would be more appropriate.
According to the codenames, this isn't G92. It's some kind of G80 revision.

And that 147W seems high. It's too close to the limit, it wouldn't get clean power delivery (75W slot + 75W six-pin). Plus these seem like they'd draw less power than the current 8800GTS, which also has a single PCIe connector for power.
/According to the codenames, this isn't G92. It's some kind of G80 revision.

And that 147W seems high. It's too close to the limit, it wouldn't get clean power delivery (75W slot + 75W six-pin). Plus these seem like they'd draw less power than the current 8800GTS, which also has a single PCIe connector for power.

It is G92. And that 147W is for all the 90nm GTS SKU's, not the 65nm 8800 GT. According to Fudo the GT pulls 110W.

It seems that Nvidia is planning another GeForce 8800 GTS SKU with more stream processors. This is to widen the performance gap between the upcoming 8800 GT and 8800 GTS as 8800 GT is coming too close and it might hurt the sales of 8800 GTS. As such, the number of stream processors is increased from 96 to 112 while the rest of the specs like 500/800 core/mem clock, 320-bit memory interface, 640MB GDDR3 memories remain unchanged. There is also an interesting side note that NVIDIA will NOT be doing any formal launch activities, press announcements, website updates, or any other marketing around this new sku. Partners can conduct their own marketing activities around the sku as they see fit.

We heard the overclocking headroom for GeForce 8800 GT is pretty impressive mainly due to the finer 65nm process technology. However, Nvidia has purposely limits the core clock at 600MHz so its performance won't get too close to the GeForce 8800 GTS thereby hurt its sales. However, users can still choose to overclock the core and we should be seeing more than 700MHz easily. However, if Radeon HD 2950PRO performance comes too close for comfort, Nvidia might increase the core clock further.
anybody have any idea how these new cards are gonna perform?

More details have popped up and we learned that GeForce 8800 GT (G92) will be clocked at 600MHz core and 1.8GHz memory. However Nvidia might still further increase the core clock depending on how Radeon 2950PRO performs. The reference score provided by Nvidia to the partners is 10.8K in 3DMark06 or to be exact 10769. The launch date is said to be brought forward to October 29th. Mobile101 has a photo of the 8800 GT card even and it is a single slot solution as we have been telling you.
Great for those waiting for a better mid-high end card, but I'm still waiting for some more info on the high end.
anybody have any idea how these new cards are gonna perform?

By specs alone, we can at least say that (due to the balanced nature of G80's architecture) this new 8800 GTS, will perform very close to the GTX. The 8800 GT should be very close to existing 8800 GTS, in performance.
And these are excellent news. Better than I thought actually. With this "new" version of the GTS, prices for the 8800 GTS 320 will fall even further and we may see a 8800 GTS 320, for no more than $200-220 very soon. This of course, based only on cards still in stock. NVIDIA will surely phase these out and, with the release of G90/G92, will replace them.
also, whats with the lack of a name change, its hard enough to distinguish the difference between the 2 8800GTS without having to add the fact that there is a new 8800GTS G92.

...this new 8800 GTS, will perform very close to the GTX. The 8800 GT should be very close to existing 8800 GTS, in performance...We may see a 8800 GTS 320, for no more than $200-220 very soon...

wow, that is some good news, might as well sell my 8600GTS and buy a new 8800GTS 320 (old one) when the 8800GTS is released (the new one).

YAY legless MoH: Airborne here i come :p

-EDIT- the score in 3Dmark06 is 10769, what resolution was this set at?
Note the PIC is the 8800 GT single slot. 64 SPs.

The chart is the 8800 GTS (96 SP), including the new 112 SP 8800 GTS, these likely remain double slot.
Wonder if a 8800GTS G92 Ultra will be made?

We need more info on the High end card nVidia......

Keep your word for us please....
also, whats with the lack of a name change, its hard enough to distinguish the difference between the 2 8800GTS without having to add the fact that there is a new 8800GTS G92.

wow, that is some good news, might as well sell my 8600GTS and buy a new 8800GTS 320 (old one) when the 8800GTS is released (the new one).

YAY legless MoH: Airborne here i come :p

-EDIT- the score in 3Dmark06 is 10769, what resolution was this set at?

Actually, let me correct what I said before. I said it wrong. The 8800 GTS 320 will settle at $250, but the true $200-220, will be the new 8800 GT. Performance between the two, should be better for the GTS 320, but the overclocking potential of the 8800 GT, will shorten that gap.
Only when NVIDIA is ready to phase out the GTS 320 model, and replace it, with a new chip, powered by G90/G92, will we see a more significant price drop.

Hmm, I was expecting some sources, but those are just sites stating rumors.
Personally, Im going to wait until their next trade show before I belive any new products. VRzone tends to post up total and complete BS and everyone else likes to reference VRzone as a reliable source.
Hmm, I was expecting some sources, but those are just sites stating rumors.
Personally, Im going to wait until their next trade show before I belive any new products. VRzone tends to post up total and complete BS and everyone else likes to reference VRzone as a reliable source.

... what more do you want than official slides and pictures? :p
Actually, let me correct what I said before. I said it wrong. The 8800 GTS 320 will settle at $250, but the true $200-220, will be the new 8800 GT. Performance between the two, should be better for the GTS 320, but the overclocking potential of the 8800 GT, will shorten that gap.
Only when NVIDIA is ready to phase out the GTS 320 model, and replace it, with a new chip, powered by G90/G92, will we see a more significant price drop.

its still good news, in the end nVidia users will end up with a decent midrange card, hopefully it will be able to play directX 10 games with a decent frame rate. as long as its better than the 8600GTS and doesnt cost too much, then its all good.
If the GT is available with 512 MB to address the mem problems of the GTS 320 while still coming close in raw throughput (or exceeding with OC) then I am so in.
Yeah, if true, this is mainly for those who bought an 8600 or who are still waiting to build a new budget PC. Going from that chart, the only difference I see is the random 112 SPs vs the old 96. That's right in the middle between the current GTS and GTX. I wouldn't recommend this "upgrade" if you have a GTS 640MB (320MB, yes). You'd be throwing away money for a 10-15% performance boost, where as a GTX would get you 20-25%.

This reminds me of the penryn, 5-10% perfomance boost and uses less power, except the "new GTS" uses the same amount of power. So all in all it's an extra cherry on top for those who waited. For those who really waited, the 8800GT is a Christmas gift :) and what the 8600 should've been :eek:.
I just ordered my new system today. With no graphics card. Going to use an old Voodoo 3 PCI until these new cards come out.

This is exactly what I was waiting for. The real midrange affordable cards with 256 bit bus.

Though I am not sure if it will be this or the ATI RV670 cards. The ATI solution looks like it might be a bit stronger. Hopefully they both hard launch in November.

Edit: Changed my mind and ordered a 7900GS to go with the system, probably good enough for my needs for a while.
This is great news for me, since I have to wait until closer to Christmas to upgrade my card and finish my system. There finally looks to be some strong competition from ATI as well to help consumers get a better deal. Good times :cool:
I wonder if it will be worth it to step-up from an 8800 GTS 640 to the new top model GTS with more stream processors.
I wonder if it will be worth it to step-up from an 8800 GTS 640 to the new top model GTS with more stream processors.

Depends on if the Set-up program will technically apply, this is more of a revision and probably won't be more expensive, although it could be. If it's more than $50 I don't think it's worth it just to get 10-13% more performance. Compared to paying the extra $130-150 for a GTX will get you 20-25% more performance. Of course we don't know where this will fall price wise, it sounds like it will simply replace the current GTS builds at the same prices. I really don't see the difference in 16 SPs, I like more performance, but this is like adding 32MB of VRAM to 320MB.

It's just not worth it if you've got one already, it's all on the same 90nm process so you'd be just as well off getting an A3 core and OCing the stew out of it. This isn't going to make Crysis for example, any faster at resolutions higher than 1280x1024 (i.e. 1600x1200+) as you'll need a GTX or Ultra for that (per Cevat Yerli). If you're willing to spend some money, just step up to a GTX and OC it.

If nothing else changes about the card, it will take weeks for people to realize all this...this is the "Penryn" of the current 8800GTS except it draws just as much power lol.
An 8800gtx and a quad-core CPU churns through MOH:A like butter, often going above 110fps (this is at 1680x1050 at max settings), so I'd image this 8800gt will as well. :)
The white of the heat sync looks too pure white. Looks like a rendering.

in the 3 pics we see, the headon, rear and lower angle, the angled one, the white design on the heatsink looks photochoped.
in the 3 pics we see, the headon, rear and lower angle, the angled one, the white design on the heatsink looks photochoped.

Well, yeah, by rendered, which i dont think is the right word, i meant syntheticaly created.
in the 3 pics we see, the headon, rear and lower angle, the angled one, the white design on the heatsink looks photochoped.

Looks like the contrast was cranked. It makes white too white, black too black and it makes the edges jagged. It looks like some Identifying marks may have been covered up for obvious reasons.
any word on theactual cost of 1 of these 8800GT's

Mid to low $200, i think. About time too, the midrange has sucked for way too long.

Also, green PCB's FTL... everyone knows a black PCB is good for at least 1000 points in 3DMark06.
nösferatu;1031497210 said:
are you for real? is it really make a difference on the card performance?


I might SLI 2 of the 512mb's if they're worth it just because it's single slotted.