New budget can recommendations?


May 2, 2005
My cat has been chewing on my Koss SB40 cords. :rolleyes:

I know for awhile there, some new JVC model was the big budget recommendation. What model was that? What else is out there atm, worth looking at?

A few preferences:
  • Over-ear. I like the isolation, sometimes, while I'm doing homework with my GF nearby. Comfortable.
  • Sub-$60 price tag, please.
  • Clarity and fidelity > Boomy bass. A good soundstage is important for gaming, imo. I also tend to listen to things with the volume fairly low.

At sub-$60 and with your other given specs, the JVC will win out most other headphones. The only ones that would compete are (maybe) the Sony MDR-V6 (7506 is basically the same headphone) or the Equation RP-21, but I think the RP-21 are supra-aural.

Oh and maybe the Koss KSC75 or Portapros, but it doesn't really provide isolation.
the mdr-v6 doesnt have much bass. it does have wonderful mids and highs.
the rp-21 is circum-aural and 100$ you might be thinking of the rp-15 which is supra aural and 50$
JVC HA-RX700, I got mine for $33 shipped on, there's a huge thread here and on Head-fi and various other forums. I'm extremely happy, more than enough bass for my needs, sounds good with music, great with games. Mids and Hi's aren't amazing, but they're pretty damn good, and this set of cans blows me away for the price I paid. Currently just driving from my X-Fi w/o issue.

A lot of guys that had the SB40's went to the HARX700's and were really impressed and content. I definately recommend you give them a go.

I'm pretty sure that's the model you are referring to, and I can vouch that they really kick ass in the value factor. Comfortable, seems to be pretty well built and sturdy, and the sound is damn good overall (at least to my ears! I came from a 5.1 Turtle Beach HPA2 headset to these, the JVC's are miles ahead at well under 1/2 the price...). Cheers.
HARX700 is really the best, cheapest option. It's not terribly portable, if that's a factor.

V6 bass is fine, but it's $90 after the velour pads, and it also needs a bit more power than most sound cards can provide. The bass is relatively uncolored and easily impacted by underamplification, which could easily give the impression that it's lacking.
Get the Sony V6/7506. I have the tried out the HARX-900 out of curiosity and was very unimpressed. Sounded woolly and unbalanced. The RP-21's have better clarity -- though they are somewhat geared a bit more towards the bass side.

I think the Denon D1000/1001 is a great all around choice. I got mine a bit over your budget at $85. That was a couple years or so ago, so maybe they've gone down in price.
Thanks. Looks like I should check out the JVCs.

By chance, any big national retailers carrying them? Wal-mart? Best Buy? etc?
