New cell phone supports Java -- would like to program


Supreme [H]ardness
Oct 17, 2001
I just got a new Samsung PM-A840 cell phone, and I noticed that it supports Java. I'd like to figure out how to do some programming on it, and I'm hitting a bit of a wall finding info out online.

I've done enough programming in general (C++, Perl, PHP, and the like) to pick up Java again (I haven't done a whole lot with it), so really I just need to know the fundamentals of programming for a wireless device and getting the program onto the phone.

Anyone have some good tips or some online resources on doing this? I'd be much obliged!
carl67lp said:
I just got a new Samsung PM-A840 cell phone, and I noticed that it supports Java. I'd like to figure out how to do some programming on it, and I'm hitting a bit of a wall finding info out online.

I've done enough programming in general (C++, Perl, PHP, and the like) to pick up Java again (I haven't done a whole lot with it), so really I just need to know the fundamentals of programming for a wireless device and getting the program onto the phone.

Anyone have some good tips or some online resources on doing this? I'd be much obliged!

You're going to have better luck if you find a forum for that phone, IMHO. There's still some roadblocks sometimes about getting your own programs onto the phones (because buying their crappy programs for $5/mo is so much more profitable than you making it yourself).

Depending on the VM, theres some different APIs to follow. Once you know the VM, check out the docs for it.

You should know, that just because it supports Java, it doesn't mean you can take any Java program and throw it on your phone. Things like Swing and JDBC are probably not supported. Write once, run everywhere my ass.
Also you have to find out if you can run unsigned Java code on there. Some phones require programs to have embedded certificates before code can be run. This is to make it so you can't make your own.

One of the problems I ran into when I started doing my research and I needed a phone that could run Java code for some networking things. I eventually gave up on that.
BillLeeLee said:
Also you have to find out if you can run unsigned Java code on there. Some phones require programs to have embedded certificates before code can be run. This is to make it so you can't make your own.

One of the problems I ran into when I started doing my research and I needed a phone that could run Java code for some networking things. I eventually gave up on that.
BillLeeLee is right about the security certificates, that can be tricky.

Look into NetBeans and their NetBeans Mobility Pack.

That will give you a better start off, than I had with J2ME :)


Thanks for the info thus far. I'll probably start looking into things over Christmas break.

Incidentally, how do I get the program onto the phone? Is it model-specific, or is there something that works in general?
My two year old Sony T610 supports Java, and you can drop compatible .jar's on it using bluetooth. However, there is a Java API called Jini which is what these phones use (so I read in one of my Java books, anyway) so you might have to get documentation for the specific functions of that API.