New Laptop...should i advise vista (extremely important)


Mar 30, 2005
Hey guys,

my uncle has asked me to get him 2 laptops for his business, so he can use one nad give one to one of his directors...

we were talking and he said he would like vista but i only see one problem with this...backwards compatibility...

he will need to send databases and word and excel doscuments to other XP users, will they still be able to read the files and alter them like normal?...i believe they will be able to, but i just need confirmation


and it would be safe to assume that most people would have done this already?...providing they have genuine windows

i just spoke to my uncle on the phone and he said a lot of his buiness contacts are in china and he said that theyre more than like going to be using 'hacked' versions of windows...bearing that in mind, will they be able to update or will it detect the hacked version and not update?

he said if it wont work on hacked version he will decide to get windows xp
Well, if they're running hacked (pirated) copies of XP, then I'm sure they known how to get whatever updates they need through illegitimate means. However, like I said, Windows XP or Windows Vista would have no bearing on whether or not they could read documents. That has to do with what version of Office they have compared to yours.

Office 2003 runs just fine on Vista. So if your uncle already has a transferrable copy of Office 2003 then he can install it on the new laptop whether it has Windows XP or Vista.
thanks...that makes sense now:) i thought vista was restricted (for want of a better word:p) to 2007...
and office 07 can save files as 2003 format ;)

and there is that too. It's just a bit more work than clicking the task button and clicking save. Unless you can set it up to always a specific format. I haven't dove that deep into my Office 2007 options yet.
thnx...if he saves it in the older format then will they be able to see it, evem if they havent updated?