New Mobo...Format?


Oct 4, 2005
Hey guys my old mobo just fried and went dead. I got a new a8n32-sli, can I just put the new one in or do I need to format my computer as well?
Some people seem to think that you do. I have tried using sysprep(located on the XP CD) to install a new Mobo. It works and save a lot of headache. After my swap From Asus to DFI I am glad I did the re-install/ format and partitioning. OSes in general seem to be better but that might just be the board.
If it boot's fine with the new board, then leave it alone. If not then boot to your os disc and run a repair install
I think you'd be ok. The chipsets are similar enough that you should be able to just do a replacement without too much effort (maybe a Windows activation). They are different drivers (at least they used to be), so I'd just make sure I have the newer ones on hand for the swap.