New mobo needs new XP installation?


Limp Gawd
Aug 9, 2005
Hi guys, I'm planning on getting a P35 board (probably Gigabyte but any other preferences?) when the Q6600 drops after 22nd. I'm upgrading from an AW8-MAX, running XP on a SATA hard drive. Will I have to reinstall XP before installing the new mobos chipset drivers or can I somehow uninstall the current chipset drivers and install the new mobo's ones when I put it together? Never upgraded a mobo before so not sure what the procedure is.
Probably. In any case you should always re-install your OS when you switch motherboards.
Format is the best stable suggestion but there are tons of ways to avoid this if you must but I don't recommend it as they always lead down towards BSOD or just strange behavior.
yea you will get BSODs or weird behavior I had a instal go through 4 vid cards 3 motherboards and driver chages for the vid cards because I was going back and forth from ATI and nvidia.
You could try Sysprep (it's in the FAQ in the OS forum).. it may work... but as advised above, a clean install is always best..
Ah balls, I just did a clean install and didn't want to go through it again :( Cheers for the replies guys, guess I could use this as an excuse to upgrade to Vista :)
As someone elce said you could do sysprep and do a full seal but personaly I would reinstall.
I just move my hardrive to Intel® Desktop Board DQ965GF and I did not need to reinstall Windows xp, however I had to reactivate Windows because of some hardware changes. Eventualy I will reformat the hard drive and reinstall Windows.