New System - Windows problems...


Aug 27, 2003
Anyone ever had BSOD during a clean install of Windows XP Pro? Hardware is:

P4 2.8C
Abit IC7Max3 motherboard
WD 200gig ATA hard drive
1 gig Mushkin pc3500 level II memory
9800 pro vid card

Hard drive originally had Server 2003 on it, but was fully low level formatted using Western Digital's Data Lifeguard Tools, and I have tried installing as one partition and also creating a 40gig install partition and trying that way. Install will copy all files for installation and then give BSOD. I've flashed to the latest BIOS already. Any ideas/suggestions would be appreciated. Installing from a Windows XP Pro SP1 cd.
Download and run Memtest 86.
That will check your memory for errors.

Plus what is the stop code of your BSOD.
Looking that up could help you trobleshoot.

Always look up your stop code on MS Knowledge Base or Google.
Seemed to be a memory related issue - removed one of the sticks of ram, and Windows is installing now. I'll run Memtest later and see what it says. Thanks for the help!