New X58 motherboard suggestions


Aug 27, 2003
Hey gang, I need to replace my current motherboard due to a w/c leak. I believe everything is ok other than the motherboard. Here's my current components:

EVGA 141-BL-E757-TR LE motherboard
I7-920 cpu
Powercolor 5870 1gig video card
12 gig Corsair Dominator memory 1600mhz
Intel X25 160gig SSD
Dell 30" Monitor

No SLI setup, just a single video card, running mild overclock. I had the cpu, chipset and video card in one loop, may or may not add the chipset back to the loop, depending on recomendations of new boards and the corresponding chipset block cost. I do game on this machine, but the types of gaming I have been doing lately were just WoW, Dragon Age 1&2, and Mass Effect 2. Any suggestions?
I'd suggest mine - Gigabyte UD5, decent OC (got her to stable 4.2... but currently running at mild 3.6 ghz). Bord layout is good... and if you get the UD7 version, it will have the chipset block already on.