Newegg free shipping DON'T DO IT!!!

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I just got my WD Black from newegg and it ran fine. Was wrapped in bubble wrap and packed in a box full of foam. The bubble wrap was probably surrounded in 2 inches of foam. Free UPS shipping got it to me in 2 days.
Obviously I read that in your first post but what I don't get is your assumption that newegg is losing hard drive sales because of shipping methods. Do you have some inside information or are you just assuming that because of a bad experience you had?
I've frequented hardware forums for many years, it is considered general knowledge that newegg does a poor packing job with their hard drives. If there's a person who knows the pulse of storage hardware it's Ockie. The reviewers at newegg complain about it all the time, and hot deal forum members are constantly warning each other about newegg's hard drive packing methods.

How much does it affect Newegg's overall bottom line? Probably just a drop in the bucket but one thing is for certain, a layer of bubble wrap and styrofoam peanuts is not the correct way to ship a hard drive. Newegg's hard drives generally ship out of two warehouses, and one warehouse is known to pack them a little better than the other (warehouse lottery perhaps?) ;)
I was actually talking to a few people about this a few months ago, wondering if there was a correlation between the increased number of reports of DOA drives and bad packaging/shipping or is it CQ has decreased since some major manufacturers(Maxtor, Seagate, WD) have supposedly moved operations from Malaysia/Singapore to mainland China. Possibly both. Jetski is correct, its well known that people report poor packaging coming from Newegg.
We store every old hard drive in a locked cabinet for the rest of eternity.

Why not destroy it physically if you want it gone for good? Seems like it would be easier to get into a cabinet than it would be piece a drive back together...
And why don't you trust wiping - have you ever seen a successful file recovery from a disc wiped with the most thorough algorithms? Just curious. I wiped my former system drive today using WD's program and sold it off on Craigslist.

How much does it affect Newegg's overall bottom line? Probably just a drop in the bucket but one thing is for certain, a layer of bubble wrap and styrofoam peanuts is not the correct way to ship a hard drive. Newegg's hard drives generally ship out of two warehouses, and one warehouse is known to pack them a little better than the other (warehouse lottery perhaps?) ;)

It's a layer of bubble wrap 3 inches thick surrounding the entire drive, then at least another 3 inches on all sides of soft peanuts.
I don't get it. How would you have them pack it - titanium briefcase? Or using a 27 cf box for a 3.5" drive?
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It's a layer of bubble wrap 3 inches thick surrounding the entire drive, then at least another 3 inches on all sides of soft peanuts.
I don't get it. How would you have them pack it - titanium briefcase? Or using a 27 cf box for a 3.5" drive?

Thank you.
Why not destroy it physically if you want it gone for good? Seems like it would be easier to get into a cabinet than it would be piece a drive back together...
And why don't you trust wiping - have you ever seen a successful file recovery from a disc wiped with the most thorough algorithms? Just curious. I wiped my former system drive today using WD's program and sold it off on Craigslist.

The data on there could potentially destroy people's lives so it's not worth the risk letting them out into the wild. There would also be a significant time investment to wipe them, test them, wipe them again, and so on. If one slipped through and a client document landed in the wrong hands, that could be the end of a 130+ year old institution. I realize it's far fetched but trying to get a few dollars for them isn't worth it. It's my job to keep data safe and I take it seriously, some would say obsessively, although apparently here some would say I'm nuts for getting all my drives from newegg. I just ordered 24 more.

I'm open to suggestions of a way to physically destroy them that isn't time or cost prohibitive. Angle grinding each platter is the only thing that's come to mind so far.

If someone were to break into our building, into the storage area that is thousands of square feet of 90% books and boxes, find the one storage cabinet out of dozens, all unlabeled, and steal a few hard drives... why wouldn't they just steal someones office computer?
It's a layer of bubble wrap 3 inches thick surrounding the entire drive, then at least another 3 inches on all sides of soft peanuts.
I don't get it. How would you have them pack it - titanium briefcase? Or using a 27 cf box for a 3.5" drive?

This is proof that the packaging is done differently depending who packs it, there is no consistency.

These are some of the newegg packing I have recieved:

single layer of bubble wrap, lots of popcorn
tripple bubble wrap, lots of popcorn
single layer bubble wrap, brown paper
single layer bubble wrap, nearly no popcorn
stacked drives, then wrapped, lots of popcorn
stacked drives, then wrapped with single layer, little popcorn
stacked drives, then wrapped with single layer, brown paper

or you get the occasional drive or devices tossed on the bottom in a HUGE box, then popcorn is dumped on top, adding no padding for the devices on the bottom. I have found that if you order a single drive with a bunch of other stuff you tend to get better packaging.

Now compare to ZZF, without fail, you get your drive cask (or drive case when buying bulk)

I prefer the consistency.

What does free shipping have to do with bad packing?

When a package is mediocre and ground shipping (free shipping) is taken, there is a good chance that your drive will be beat to death. If you have been to a UPS distribution facility, the guys there are short of playing soccer with the ground packages, lol.
I ordered a drive on Tuesday, and it died like a week later. My friend ordered one on Wednesday and it's still running fine like 6 years later.


Hooray for logic class 099.
I ordered a drive on Tuesday, and it died like a week later. My friend ordered one on Wednesday and it's still running fine like 6 years later.


Hooray for logic class 099.

It's quite common sense that ground shipments are more beat than air shipments. This isn't exactly rocket science nor is it some logic class. You should visit a distribution facility and find out more about package routing.
I order dozens of hdds from newegg and I'm sick and tired of finding my hdds on the bottom of the box. Not only that... most of the time the hard-drives weren't even bubble wrap well enough where one side of the hard-drive would have no or little padding... and that side would usually be facing the bottom of the box!

Up till a few months ago I started ordering hard-drives only from Amazon and ZZF. Just like others have said... they seriously know how to box hdds. Amazon boxed my 1TB drives in a padded box and then double box it!

I don't understand why people bother buying hard-drives from newegg. Amazon and ZZF always have either the same price or slightly few bucks cheaper than newegg. With amazon you always get free shipping on orders over $25. And if someone goes wrong, shipping back to Amazon is FREE!
Haven't read the whole thread but I thought I'd chime in after skimming it... I recently made a big order from Newegg and figured I'd order my WD 640GB drive from them as well to save on shipping, knowing they tend to be ass about packaging HDs. It came wrapped in bubble wrap all the way around but it was placed at the bottom of the box which contained a PSU, a mobo, a processor, a video card, and a sound card I think (might be forgetting something else)...

To whomever asked what the problem with bubble wrap or paper is... It can be flattened with enough jostling and tussle... My drive's bubble wrap was actually blown on one of it's sides, so it had obviously taken a few hits. So far so good though, but it still worries me. I've ordered drives from other places in the past (CDW & PC Connection) and they've always been better packaged, usually completely suspended in foam like in one of the pics on this thread. That's probably the best way to ship 'em imo, encased in foam in their own separate box even if it's part of a larger order.

Newegg should, at the very 'least, encase the bubble wrapped drive in it's own separate box when shipping it within a larger order... Just like they do for processors, they put the processor in the lil' plastic box w/a slab of foam, then inside a larger PCI-card sized box w/peanuts, and they put that bux in w/the rest of your order.
I thought it was pretty common knowledge by now that people really shouldn't order multiple hard drives from newegg in a single order...that's what Amazon is for.
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