Next big PC Game

Star Wars Empires @ War - 2/15
LotR - Battle for Middle Earth II - 2/28
Rise of Nations Rise of Legends - 5/9

All 3 RTS. Not much else coming in terms of MP games until this summer.
WorldRunner said:
Star Wars Empires @ War - 2/15
Due in stores 2/16. You got me excited, jerk

Just kidding around, except about the 2/16 part. I've eagerly awaited this game ever since I first heard about it being made by ex-Westwood.
DudeItsMe said:
Due in stores 2/16. You got me excited, jerk

Just kidding around, except about the 2/16 part. I've eagerly awaited this game ever since I first heard about it being made by ex-Westwood.

Yeah I just go by ship dates when they're close since if EB has that as their shipdate it's pretty solid. I just forgot to state that ;)
There is not a lot of big titles coming out until later this year which is kind of suprising to me. I think the next big FPS will probably be UT 2007.

I am trying to find a new MMO to play. I like RF Online but its got some translation issues. :(
Whatever game it was that will use the new cryteck engine. Not Farcry 2, some other title.
i personally can't wait for ut2007, but quake wars looks promising too.

diablo 3 and starcraft 2 would also be big...if they ever came out.
pistola said:
You said not MMO, but FU!

i just dont like the idea of paying for a game, then paying to play the damn thing.. im sure a lot of you feel the same
Isaacav2 said:
Whatever game it was that will use the new cryteck engine. Not Farcry 2, some other title.

I think its called Crysis.....i seen the demo of that on that looks sweeeeeeeeeet
heard about it for a few months. Dont kow if it MP though, should be
darknite said:
I think its called Crysis.....i seen the demo of that on that looks sweeeeeeeeeet
heard about it for a few months. Dont kow if it MP though, should be

o man i cant wait for that bad boy to come out, def not coming out this year, if it does it will in be late this year, since it is DX10 and has to wait for Vista
next big pc game?

a non-magic non-ww2 non-scifi -themed,
probably a fps with some detailed elements that make it slighlty rpgs-ish, with a great story that u want to replay due to the open-ended gameplay, whcih consists of more than killing things to succeed, so expect an overlapping of genres, fantastic massive online-play, and dont forget a great modders' support
M4rk said:
Next big PC game? Halo 2, or Huxley. :rolleyes:
I sincerely hope Halo 2 doesnt come out like Halo did for the PC. It was outdated, ran like absolute crap, and basically offered nothing new because it had been out for consoles for so long anyways.

I'm pumped for the new Splinter Cell, and NWN 2.
I'm hoping Red Orchestra: Ostfron 41-45.

Though for a huge mass appeal, probally ET: Quake Wars or such.
quake wars
nintendo revolution(not a game, but it has soul caliber 4 supposedly, soooooo)
Star Wars: EaW
Stalker (yeah right, like this will happen :rolleyes: )

and my number 1 pick for next big PC game......

Elder Scrolls: Oblivion FTW!!!!!! :cool:
I'm taking it half the people didn't even read the main post...?

"next big multiplayer pc game will be?"
Stiler said:
I'm taking it half the people didn't even read the main post...?

"next big multiplayer pc game will be?"

Most of the games posted are multiplayer games...