Nigerian Pupils Browse Porn

Rich Tate

Supreme [H]ardness
Jun 9, 2005
It appears that the folks who conceived the One Laptop per Child program never thought about adding any sort of filtering to their machines before handing them out. Consequently, students have been browsing adult entertainment sites.

Nigerian schoolchildren who received laptops from a U.S. aid organisation have used them to explore pornographic sites on the Internet, the official News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reported on Thursday.
LOL. We expected the Nigerians to use their computers for different reasons than the rest of the world? If anything this is just another case of showing we aren't all that different. It's not like we plop a computer down in front of an American kid and expect them to go only to self improvement sites.

Of course it could be that the kids take the computers home and dad demands his computer time. :D
Yeah... Kind of like the internet was going to be a superhighway through which people could share knowledge and ideas to embetter them selves and others.

lol. Intenets.
Amusingly, however, they do NOT send spam emails to the rest of the world.

Which begs the question what happens when they start receiving "dear sir, I am a Nigerian businessman..." ones.
hell it proves even in countries where they eat dirt and drink mud that pron is still king of teh innahnets
Wow.. pr0n on the internet... Who would have thunk it?

Hell, I'm still getting my groove on via .jpg's on a BBS with my 14.4 turbo.... w00tage!
"Class, today we learn about reproduction. Who knows how it works?" ...everyone raises their hands :D
The Nigerian child I sponsor just jacked some mugu American over for $2 grand. Good computer skills for a six year old, though now I'm wondering why I still send him 83 cents a day.
Can you blame the kids? Have you seen the women they have to look at on the Discovery Channel?
Pron in school? Interesting. Oh well if the companies didn't or forgot to put in the filtering software.
In areas with extreme violence surrounding everyday life, I think it would be a good thing for the population to be able to "release" tension like we do.
Wow.. pr0n on the internet... Who would have thunk it?

Hell, I'm still getting my groove on via .jpg's on a BBS with my 14.4 turbo.... w00tage!

ahaha i know right thats what i was doing when i was a "kid", on my amiga it took several MINUTES just to display a gif or jpeg.. it drew the image line by line top to bottom, man that was annoying :p
I wonder what kind of porn Nigerians watch.

I was going to reply with a nice long list but I figured it would be inappropriate, LOL! :D

Anyways, this is hilarious, I wonder what else those guys thought these kids would do? Certainly Nigerian scams are probably one of them too. When you give kids something free and give them a whole lot of free time, what else do people think is going to happen?

Sadly, the people who really uses this device are now going to lose out on a great opportunity.
[ T ] A C O;1031297757 said:
Barnyard crap. Defiantly barnyard crap.
^^ Freakin LOL^^^

But good for them! Nothing wrong with a little pr0n. Plus, once they screw up their computers from surfing questionable sites, they will get computer repair experience!
^^ Freakin LOL^^^

But good for them! Nothing wrong with a little pr0n. Plus, once they screw up their computers from surfing questionable sites, they will get computer repair experience!

They might become our next tech support for outsourcing! :eek:

i fell off my chair laughing at this

lol this reminds me of the first time we got the internet when i was 7 years old

my dad was like "you can find anything on the internet. tell me what you want to know more about"

i was like "hmm ok how about the whitehouse"

then my dad goes in and types in ........

yeah lol p0rn
Wait, aren't these nations main problem due to overpopulation with limited resources? So this will really get interesting especially when the kids are now learning a little more than basic maths.

I can just see a huge population boom in this type of setting.
Wait, aren't these nations main problem due to overpopulation with limited resources? So this will really get interesting especially when the kids are now learning a little more than basic maths.

I can just see a huge population boom in this type of setting.

Well... It could work the other way around, too. Wouldn't you consider fapping to be a form of population control? :p
Can you blame the kids? Have you seen the women they have to look at on the Discovery Channel?

The women of African descent on the discovery channel are not from Nigeria. Typically, they're from west-central Africa like the Congo and such. And by the way Nigerian women are very attractive. Some of the most attractive women in the world, which is evident in not only in Nigeria, but also in the Americas(African Americans, afro-Brazilians,etc...). I'm sorry, these women don't fit your white European form of beauty, but don't go disrespecting people because of it. Additionally, uncultured ahistorical individuals like yourself bathe in culture influenced by individuals from western Africa. Do you like Gumbo? American music(just about all of it...hip-hop, r&b, jazz, rock n roll, swing,etc), and etc...was born from the communities of people of west African descent(some of which represent Nigerian cultural traditions).
Not to sound bad, but pr0n access in Africa could really help with the Aids problem. I mean really think about it for a second.
The women of African descent on the discovery channel are not from Nigeria. Typically, they're from west-central Africa like the Congo and such. And by the way Nigerian women are very attractive. Some of the most attractive women in the world, which is evident in not only in Nigeria, but also in the Americas(African Americans, afro-Brazilians,etc...). I'm sorry, these women don't fit your white European form of beauty, but don't go disrespecting people because of it. Additionally, uncultured ahistorical individuals like yourself bathe in culture influenced by individuals from western Africa. Do you like Gumbo? American music(just about all of it...hip-hop, r&b, jazz, rock n roll, swing,etc), and etc...was born from the communities of people of west African descent(some of which represent Nigerian cultural traditions).

Thank you Mr. Wizard.