No post always = dead mobo ... right?


Limp Gawd
Nov 18, 2008
I purchased a refurbished ASUS P6T DELUXE V2 from newegg. It seems that with only the integrated speakers, processor, some fans, and graphics card attached, the motherboard does not post. It gets power. The fans run, the cpu gets hot, the gpu fan is running, etc.

Can I safely say this is a dead motherboard?
When I got my P6T Deluxe, i thought it was dead. but then i realized, my 3 sticks of ram had to be in the slots farthest from the cpu. I'd check that, clear the cmos, re-seat everything, also, see if the board will post with nothing but the PSU, CPU and RAM connected (AND HSF!). it *should* post without a video card.

Some people have had luck "baking" thier PCB's, I wouldn't recommend this unless you've tried EVERYTHING else and the board is out of warranty. But, i can only imagine this working for older gear.
It depends. Try unhooking every power connection, taking out the processor, the ram, and any devices plugged into the motherboard. Take out the CMOS battery for 5 full minutes. Then, try a "barebones" config: plug in the CPU and heatsink, ONE stick of RAM, and necessary power connections. Don't even plug in hard drives or optical drives. See if it posts.

Often times when that happens to me I didn't plug in the main motherboard power connector well enough, or I didn't fit a RAM stick correctly. Check and recheck everything twice as a rule...
blaze, thanks. I did that. I tried with no video card as well as my other video card. I also have now tried with the one ram module farthest away from the cpu. Still no post.

ordovician, I always start off in the barebones config for a build. I checked the mobo power connector. It seemed fine power wise. All the LEDS were lit (and brightly), all the peripherals (fans, gpu fan) got power to them, etc.
The only other thing you can do is leave all the power cables plugged in, including from the PSU to the wall (to keep everything grounded), remove the CMOS battery overnight, and wait. There might just be a capacitor that needs to discharge, or some sort of twitchy little thing about the BIOS.
That sux can it be returned for the same board within 30 days ? Becasue that sh*t would be back at the egg already.