nomad8u....I see you...


[H]ard|DCer of the Month - May 2008
Aug 14, 2006
6,903 just showed up on my list of people I love to hate;)

You've ramped up pretty quick there dude.... I have only a little over a year to fortify my farm and run away from you.......:p

Anyhooo.... nice folding man, keep it up.....and I'll be watching you.....

Nice folding indeed, I see you back there too.

*Caution* Objects in mirror are closer than they appear...;)

Seriously.. I didn't know you could see that far behind you when someone was creeping up. Looks like you have at least a year to ramp up.
Now if I could just reconfigure the wife's E6600 without her knowing....I don't think she checks her points that often.. Shhhhhh...

/Stealth mode[on]

*Caution* Objects in mirror are closer than they appear...;)

Seriously.. I didn't know you could see that far behind you when someone was creeping up. Looks like you have at least a year to ramp up.
Now if I could just reconfigure the wife's E6600 without her knowing....I don't think she checks her points that often.. Shhhhhh...

/Stealth mode[on]


Go nomad8u! But be careful. It is dangerous to mess with the wife's computer and risk her wrath....especially if she is folding too and notices her production cut out....

Seriously.. I didn't know you could see that far behind you when someone was creeping up. Looks like you have at least a year to ramp up.

Come on man, give us a little credit here. We've been getting mowed over for years. We know how to do this. :D

Hmmm . . . . Looks like I dont have long either before I get mowed over. Just got my production to 2K PPD for the first time today but thats not going to be enough!:eek:

Come on man, give us a little credit here. We've been getting mowed over for years. We know how to do this. :D


Yeah...see here's the thing......

Once you've been mowed over as many times as alan and I have, you develop a "sixth sense" of sorts....not only can we see you on our threats list.....we can "feel" you creeping up, getting ready to pounce and leave nothing but tire tracks on our backs......'s all good though. Getting run over is a good thing in a way.... it just shows what a great bunch of folders we have around here:)

Go nomad8u! But be careful. It is dangerous to mess with the wife's computer and risk her wrath....especially if she is folding too and notices her production cut out....


Indeed... I've learned the hard way not to mess with the other sitting member of the IT Finance Committee... :p

digital_exhaust said:'s all good though. Getting run over is a good thing in a way.... it just shows what a great bunch of folders we have around here:)

Agreed.. It is a great bunch of folders here... The knowledge, information and support everyone so selflessly shares is the reason a new folder like myself is able to increase production 5 fold in a months time.
Well that and justifying the the quad addition with the IT Finance Committee...:D

Yeah...see here's the thing......

Once you've been mowed over as many times as alan and I have, you develop a "sixth sense" of sorts....not only can we see you on our threats list.....we can "feel" you creeping up, getting ready to pounce and leave nothing but tire tracks on our backs......'s all good though. Getting run over is a good thing in a way.... it just shows what a great bunch of folders we have around here:)

Exactly. We know all about your boxes even before you buy them. :D

And I agree, in the end it is a good thing. Our lead in production over OCAU is dwindling by the day, and we ALL need to stay on the ball to keep the ducky.

Once you've been mowed over as many times as alan and I have, you develop a "sixth sense" of sorts....not only can we see you on our threats list.....we can "feel" you creeping up, getting ready to pounce and leave nothing but tire tracks on our backs......'s all good though. Getting run over is a good thing in a way.... it just shows what a great bunch of folders we have around here:)

Trust me, I bet I've been mowed over at least as many times as you have. However, I took the "long view" of things. I got mowed over and mowed over throughout the years but I took my time and then pounced. Because of that, I have managed to mow over just about every person that mowed me over. There are a number of people still on my "List of those who must pay and be mowed over like they mowed over me" (damn, that's a long title for a list) and most of them are in my sights. A few are still beyond my reach as of yet, but it's only a matter of time...

I just recently noticed you on my threat list too. It seems mine shuffles often. If my SMP has a hiccup or something and my PPD goes down by a couple hundred different people are on the list as opposed to the days when I am doing fine.

You are only on there when I am doing fine. Keep it up.

Trust me, I bet I've been mowed over at least as many times as you have. However, I took the "long view" of things. I got mowed over and mowed over throughout the years but I took my time and then pounced. Because of that, I have managed to mow over just about every person that mowed me over. There are a number of people still on my "List of those who must pay and be mowed over like they mowed over me" (damn, that's a long title for a list) and most of them are in my sights. A few are still beyond my reach as of yet, but it's only a matter of time...

I'm not sure I got all that, or I just told myself I did so I wouldn't have to read it again...

Bout time we had some good battles down in the sub 1mil rage!

Last major one I know of was a 3 way battle with Digi, Larry and myself. Now that was good stuff :p

I'm not sure I got all that, or I just told myself I did so I wouldn't have to read it again...


Rambling thoughts and sentences are my specialty. It's especially bad when I post whore like I have been the last 24 hours or so.

/me hums Ramblin' Man by Waylon Jennings.

Rambling thoughts and sentences are my specialty. It's especially bad when I post whore like I have been the last 24 hours or so.

/me hums Ramblin' Man by Waylon Jennings.

Its not post whoring until you're posting QFT or I agree. I've walked that line before myself.:D
Im too young and pretty for that, besides I just joined the Ordering Five TRUEs at One Time club :cool:

Holy Heatsinks Batman... that's some SERIOUS cooling power there. It's not so much the five True's I'm worried about.. :eek:

I got an idea. If you build slow, we might both be able to get membership in the Club in the same month... maybe even in the same week heh..heh.

That is if I don't get [M]owed by Jagar5570 first. He's been on and off my tail for the past several weeks, and since I left town Monday morning I see my uploads dropping off to the tune of a probable stalled/hung SMP for the past two days. He's got me in four days! Way to go Jagar 5570!!

Keep us updated on what's under those True's... I'll be happy to wave bye bye to ya as you fold off into the sunset and I dust myself off.. :D
