Non-standard SATA cables with black color - where to get them in Europe ?


Mar 9, 2008

i hope this belongs to cases & case modding thread (as it deals with improving look of my next case).
Last few days i was searching for black SATA cables with nonstandard length (i mean around 20cm and around 75-100cm). Now this sounds pretty easy, no ? I though so too. But after browsing lots of shops, this is the only list i got so far :
  1. few shops have Revoltec UV-Active Black 50cm cables. But that has only the standard length, and i absolutely don't care about "UV" thing. And they have those fugly connectors.
  2. Silverstone black SATA cable. Would be superb, but again it's only in 50cm version. Nothing else.
  3. many shops have Akasa and AC Ryan cables, but they are available only in yellow, red, green, blue, silver colors. Silver would be ok too, but that's next to impossible to find on stock, and i would rather have black ones.
  4. The only places where i found these cable cables were and There is lot of different types on their sites, the downside are that these shops are in USA, thus i have to pay expensive postal fees. Just for example - 6 cables cost around $30. Now from frozencpu the cheapest postal fees are $41, from it is somewhat lower, around $16 (and $26 with tracking).
Now if there is absolutely no other option than ordering from, then i will order from them, but i just cannot believe that no one sells cables like these in EU.